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Forum > Mafia Game > Game Archive > Hunger Games Mafia - Game Thread
Sorry for lying sugar, I thought that ben and jay were leaning to you being scum, and I wanted to have the night kill person come after me, as I had mines to defend myself. I wasn't sure how it would play out if none of us had night actions, so I thought you'd be the easy lynch. Guess it worked out in the end for me though.
Sugar Kapaa
Originally posted by spindoctor02
Schrauben did it early on, and Sugar did it again yesterday.

If they had lynched you, it probably would have gone down similarly. If Jay had still picked Schrauben to kill, it would have been Sugar vs. Jay for the win, and Jay was covered in bait.

And I thought I had a chance.
Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa
the idea of graveyard/sponsors was good

Everything about this game was good.

Originally posted by schrauben
The main reason I didn't vote for Jay was because I expected him to die because I doused him with the TJ bait.

And I would have won too if jay would have killed IBG and not me.

Anyways you're welcome IBG

Actually you may not have, as I had land mines to defend myself, so jay would have died.

How would that have played out spin, if it would have come down to me and ben?
Originally posted by Jayadamo
Everything about this game was good.


Absolutely, one of the best games I've played here.
Awesome job spin
Originally posted by spindoctor02
Schrauben did it early on, and Sugar did it again yesterday.

If they had lynched you, it probably would have gone down similarly. If Jay had still picked Schrauben to kill, it would have been Sugar vs. Jay for the win, and Jay was covered in bait.

was there any way to get rid of it?
Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa
the idea of graveyard/sponsors was good

Didn't quite work like I intended, but they did get to pick some people to give gifts too. I made sure not to reveal any game mechanics in the graveyard, to try to stem the bias.

Basic sponsor-related game things:
Each night, the top poster from that day was to receive a package from the sponsors. This happened once, as the top poster was the guy who either was daykilled or lynched each other day.

Starting on D2 or 3, the dead players (i.e. sponsors) could select someone to give a small item to (i.e. food ration, med kit, etc.). Most times they did so, other times they didn't get a decision made in time.

Had the ending worked out slightly differently, it was going to come down to a vote of the sponsors to decide who won.
Originally posted by Jayadamo
was there any way to get rid of it?

Nope. You were screwed.
Originally posted by ibleedgreen007
Actually you may not have, as I had land mines to defend myself, so jay would have died.

How would that have played out spin, if it would have come down to me and ben?

Sponsor lottery, most likely.
Other setup info.

Each Career District had their own PF where they could discuss things (District 1 and District 2). They also had a joint Careers PF, to work as a group. That Joint forum worked so well, Seth and Ben0 each picked to visit the same Cornucopia Zone on the same night (along with 2 other people). Seth ended up dying that night as he (randomly - since he never submitted a choice) picked the wrong option, and was killed, then Timmah "won" the prize at that zone (1 food ration).

There weren't may powers to start the game. Primate had a Daykill Bow and Arrow, along with 1 set of body armor. Sugar could evade 2 direct attacks. Once Gmaj made it to day 3, he could camouflage himself, making himself invisible to all attacks (never got a chance to use it). Havo got 1 extra food every time he found food. Schrauben was a tracker, RG was a watcher (both pretty much useless roles), Timmah had mines to set out at night (PGO-style), IBG was a VT, and Redster was an item thief that didn't even make it to N1.

The four careers each had their own kill style/weapon, and had to pick one person each night to attempt the kill.

Primate was attacked early, using his armor, only to find another set of armor at the Cornucopia. Timmah (then IBG) never got to use their mines, as they were never targeted.
Early on I didn't know how much info I wanted to give the other Careers, especially from the other district. Obviously a dumb move to have both gone to the same zone, but I had my reasons
All items were able to be taken after a person died, with the exception of the Careers weapons. I didn't want more kill actions to come into the game. That's why when you picked up the backpack of a dead Career, all you found was evidence of the weapon they used.

I also did the no-reveal part, as it didn't really matter, and also so in the night write-ups, I could have players interact without knowing who they were interacting with (i.e. using Tribute from 6 instead of Timmah). Added another element to the game that didn't really distract from the overall feel.
Also, to you paranoid people wondering if Careers could recruit.. There really was a 'choose peace' option when you ran into somebody at the cornucopia. Not recruitment at all.

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