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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by jbleich
Originally posted by jdbolick

Players don't last indefinitely, right? Decline sets in, careers end, and teams start over.

When decline sets in and players retire you RECRUIT to replace them! You dont have to start over.

Yea, teams should be recruiting like 10-15 guys every season instead of waiting till everyone on the team is way into decline and then realizing they can't do all 55 roster spots in one offseason, can't find someone to merge with and have no farm teams so just start over. Just prepare for decline a bit. Alpine has been recruiting 10-25 players an offseason every season for like 3-4 seasons now to slowly get younger and better and keep a mix of ages on the team so no single season will kill the franchise. It's possible but you can't have your cake and eat it to so to speak
Originally posted by bhall43
its pretty easy...don't start over starting over means....well...starting over. >_> dont be mad because you cant gain an advantage on the noobs that guy new teams.

What I want is for the entire financial system to be scrapped. That would put everyone on even footing, including the noobs, but wouldn't force people to go through this ridiculously annoying stadium system.

Lead Mod
Originally posted by jdbolick

Are you insane? Have you looked at recruiting lately? Moreover, do you not understand that you're saying that it's good for people to be forced into bringing in a roster of complete strangers instead of being able to start over with the people they know?

Have I looked at recruiting lately? Are YOU insane?

I am the SOLE recruiter for my Pro team and find 20-25 dots every season! It really has not been that hard for me to do either, and what the hell would you not want to broaden your horizons and meet new agents....sheesh.
Originally posted by bowler844
This will mark the end of my playing. We have a group of 10 guys at work and bowling buds that build players and stay together for the 10 seasons, then we retire and start over. Now we are going to lose cash and stadium just because we want to play together and not recruit to stay at a high level? We like the fun of building and growing and now that will be taken away.

Bullshit. You can still "build and grow"--you just won't be able to do it with a significant in-game financial advantage over the other teams in your league.
Originally posted by rellascout
I think that this announcement goes against what GLB and Bort has said in the past. When they said that the team with big bank accounts earned it and will keep it. When bort makes statements about his intentions he is speaking for GLB. The reality is the same goes for the other big wigs. It has always been stated that teams earned their money and their stadiums. Doing a 180 simply does not cut it. GLB as hole needs to be more consistent.

I think there is a middle ground.

I agree that a team with $40+ million in the cap 14 is too much as well as having a full stadium. It is a huge advantage long term and it harms growth in the game at the lowest levels.

I think that teams will full stadiums who are demoted by owner request should have their stadium's sections over the default deactivated. For example a level 14 team cannot sell tickets beyond level 100 sidelines and 1 corner section which is what a new owner will build before their first season if they are smart. As you move up in level your sections get re-opened. You get a benefit for long term ownership which is good for the game and for Bort. This will help to compensate for your loss of cash which IMHO still has to happen but not at the level catch22 is proposing.

Team cash will be reduced by 5% of their cash for every level they drop lower than AA. Dropping from the pros to the level 4 is 11 league drops. That will cost you 55% of your cash. The % number can be debated or a max number can be created for the level 4 and level 14 teams.

To me this would make a much more even playing field but at the same time encourage and penalize long term ownership.

Originally posted by jbleich
Because a TOTAL reset has been suggested/discussed ad naseum, it's NOT going to happen.

perhaps it will happen as more and more people realize it is the best solution to the problem. to just dismiss it is disingenuous and to attempt to thwart a position in this argument does not allow a full understanding as to what is best for the game.

you tow the party line, and that is fine, but allow customers to voice their opinions without obstruction.
Originally posted by jdbolick
Originally posted by bhall43

its pretty easy...don't start over starting over means....well...starting over. >_> dont be mad because you cant gain an advantage on the noobs that guy new teams.

What I want is for the entire financial system to be scrapped. That would put everyone on even footing, including the noobs, but wouldn't force people to go through this ridiculously annoying stadium system.

The stadium system is annoying? LOL

Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader

Bullshit. You can still "build and grow"--you just won't be able to do it with a significant in-game financial advantage over the other teams in your league.

Commitment to ownership should be rewarded.
Originally posted by onepeat
Originally posted by jbleich

Because a TOTAL reset has been suggested/discussed ad naseum, it's NOT going to happen.

perhaps it will happen as more and more people realize it is the best solution to the problem. to just dismiss it is disingenuous and to attempt to thwart a position in this argument does not allow a full understanding as to what is best for the game.

you tow the party line, and that is fine, but allow customers to voice their opinions without obstruction.

lay off the moderator crap...jbleich is easily one of the most customer friendly mods we have.

Just because he is a MOD does not mean he has to agree with you.

This is why teams should start on a level playing field when starting over. When we demoted, we had about 250k in the bank (total) and a full stadium. Selling out was not a problem even with pathetic fan support. Hotdogs and beer paid our salary and gear for the previous couple seasons. Everything else was profit. Now we are sitting on about 80 million, every player has at least one set of EQ, some have more. We have redone others. By the time we make Pro (ok, if we make Pro) dunno how much will be there, but cash will never be a problem. Even bringing in new players needing gear will not be a problem, and thats one of the cash killers is equipping players that didnt come up with our team. Currently, in our league pretty much everyone is the same, but not all leagues are like that. And its a big advantage where we are now starting on lvl 40 gear. Before that, not really.
Originally posted by jdbolick

What I want is for the entire financial system to be scrapped. That would put everyone on even footing, including the noobs, but wouldn't force people to go through this ridiculously annoying stadium system.

a good reason to deter everyone and their mother from buying a team...or starting over...they remember how annoying it will be. sounds like a good thing tbh....
Originally posted by rellascout
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader

Bullshit. You can still "build and grow"--you just won't be able to do it with a significant in-game financial advantage over the other teams in your league.

Commitment to ownership should be rewarded.

Then be a committed owner and field a competitive team....or hit the reset button and start over like the noobs
Originally posted by chronoaug
Yea, teams should be recruiting like 10-15 guys every season instead of waiting till everyone on the team is way into decline and then realizing they can't do all 55 roster spots in one offseason, can't find someone to merge with and have no farm teams so just start over. Just prepare for decline a bit. Alpine has been recruiting 10-25 players an offseason every season for like 3-4 seasons now to slowly get younger and better and keep a mix of ages on the team so no single season will kill the franchise. It's possible but you can't have your cake and eat it to so to speak

You can't win with that approach. You need a roster that peaks together or you have no legitimate chance of winning anything meaningful. And by the way, Alpine has well over half its roster between levels 69 and 71, so it's not accurate to suggest that you're bringing in people from a lot of different generations. You have a handful of S5 dots on offense, but that's it.
Originally posted by onepeat
you tow the party line, and that is fine, but allow customers to voice their opinions without obstruction.

Didn't you just voice your opinion?
Originally posted by rellascout
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader

Bullshit. You can still "build and grow"--you just won't be able to do it with a significant in-game financial advantage over the other teams in your league.

Commitment to ownership should be rewarded.

Agreed. We went through the struggles of building the stadium once. Why do we have to go through it again? I have had this team for 12 seasons now and when my current players are retired in another 7 seasons why should I have to start over?

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