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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Week 13 According to BuddyHorn
Originally posted by PyscoJester13
Originally posted by HydrOshocK

Originally posted by pt206

Originally posted by HydrOshocK

How bout you munch on my sack little girl? Fuck you and arrogant team. Same goes to everyone on here who thinks their shit don't stink. You can have your precious little one loss in your precious little league. You haven't won shit because you can't get over the hump just like the Sphere and everyone knows it. The only reason you still dominate anything is because you've been here FOREVER.

Now go back to playing with the little kids junior....your lack of IQ is amuzing.

I always find it "amuzing" when someone bashes another persons IQ and calls them "junior" while ranting like an insane person off their medication.

Again, show me the post where I have bragged about my team to anyone that wasn't in jest. I'm sure even the aggys will agree with me here.

I "haven't won shit" but unlike you don't require wins in this game to make me feel like I've accomplished something. It's become apparent you have some issues that a trained professional with a prescription pad could do wonders for.

I'm sorry I don't speak pussy...can someone interpret please?

You sound bitter. Yes we brag about our team, well I do quite a bit... but I am an arrogant prick... but if you were on it you would be bragging too. We finished last season undefeated and are on the path to do it again. Ppl come in here and talk smack to throw you off your game. You said something about a hollow game b/c we werent plannning anything for it.... are you sure you were told the truth? I mean, I am not going to tell you one way or the other, but I am curious.

Its sad that you have resorted to name calling etc... it just shows that someone got under your skin. Just chill out bro and let it go. This is just a game and when there are games, therre will always be shit talking about who is better.... thats just the way it has always been.You guys have a good team that will give everyone fits for some time to come, but there will always be a better team... we found this out last year, and hope to be the bettter team this year... you will have your chance to pump up your team in the forums though, and it isnt that far away either.

Dont need to start shit talking back and forth and having a fucking coronary over an internet game..... Win some, lose some, move on. Indianola has nothing but respect for H-Town and what yall have done. But you havent beaten us yet and neither has anyone else in this league, aside from Dallas last season, since before last season started. I think we have earned the right to talk and be cocky, at least until someone knocks us off the mountain.

I agree bro, I'm not really that pissed but I thought I'd ratchet up the tension a notch since I don't appreciate pt's obvious arrogance.

It's all good though, everyone knows who the favorite team in the West is to push for the title but I don't believe for a second that you guys put it on cruise control. If that's the case then I don't want to find out otherwise. You guys move the ball up and down the field at will and we did little to stand in your way. I expected a better game from my squad. We managed to eliminate the turnovers but in the process we might've played it too safe. We'll go back to the drawing board and see if we can get that ironed out before the playoffs.

Good game and good luck the rest of the way.
cruise control is the wrong word. I put in our base offense. all it is is the offense we add to and adjust depending on the opponent. by cruise control I meant we arent scouting anymore this season.
Originally posted by BuddyHorn
cruise control is the wrong word. I put in our base offense. all it is is the offense we add to and adjust depending on the opponent. by cruise control I meant we arent scouting anymore this season.

I kinda figured that much. Like I said, I wasn't that pissed about it but it was the arrogance with which it was flaunted that was questionable. If you're going to do that then why broadcast it to everyone unless your intention is to try and make them feel inferior? Then when it was brought up again and I questioned it pt came back with his scathing reply so I did what I always do....take it up a notch.

Again, it's all good man. You guys played a hell of a game and deserve to be congratulated.
Originally posted by HydrOshocK
Originally posted by BuddyHorn

cruise control is the wrong word. I put in our base offense. all it is is the offense we add to and adjust depending on the opponent. by cruise control I meant we arent scouting anymore this season.

I kinda figured that much. Like I said, I wasn't that pissed about it but it was the arrogance with which it was flaunted that was questionable. If you're going to do that then why broadcast it to everyone unless your intention is to try and make them feel inferior? Then when it was brought up again and I questioned it pt came back with his scathing reply so I did what I always do....take it up a notch.

Again, it's all good man. You guys played a hell of a game and deserve to be congratulated.

Show me the arrogance. I even said to take it easy on us which was a compliment to your team.

Acting like an idiot is "taking it up a notch?" Rereading that garbage you spewed should embarrass you.
Originally posted by pt206
You mean the league you joined last season that has seen us lose one game since you joined? The game we congratulated Dallas for winning? If you win I'll send you your cookies if you give me your address.

THAT arrogance dude. If you can't see that you were being a pretentious prick when I was just challenging Buddy's statement about "cruise control" then you should be embarrassed. Now quit stepping on my nuts. You deserved it and you know it....or at least you should.
Originally posted by PyscoJester13
but I am an arrogant prick...

dayumm- I choked on my water... thx pj!

Oh I get it guys are the only ones allowed to stoke fires in these forums when they see fit. The bottom line is that I thought your constant comments about coasting the rest of the season was a minor insult to the rest of us because it projects the attitude that you can easily roll through us without much effort. That's all well and good because it's true. The Legends are firing on all cylinders and it takes a near perfect effort to beat that, but that doesn't mean we just have to cower down to that if we felt like saying something about it. I knew there was no way you were disabling your tactics because that would be too far of a shift backwards.

Still, every time a Legends game is mentioned so is the fact that you're coasting so this time I thought I'd call you on it. You are the one that turned my comments into a flame war so don't try to spin this away from you. It wasn't until you started getting personal with your implications that your team has been virtually unbeatable and we're still a noob in this league that I decided to up the intensity level. Don't think for a second I regret that.
Last edited Aug 26, 2008 21:21:49
Originally posted by HydrOshocK
Right, so if we win we're supposed to feel good about the fact that you didn't even give us an honest game? Or if you win you can brag that you didn't even game plan for it.

That is why you received that much deserved response. You were out of line and as I said I have never bragged about beating anyone with the exception of everyone's favorite forum poster.

If you don't type that garbage none of this happens.

You may not like that we didn't scout your team, but it's a long season and we wanted to take a break before the playoffs since we gm multiple teams and some need the daily game planning.

What you did was like picking a fight with a pacifist and then when they kick your ass calling them violent. I just responded to your idiocy with some of my own.
This is entertaining.
Originally posted by pt206
Originally posted by HydrOshocK

Right, so if we win we're supposed to feel good about the fact that you didn't even give us an honest game? Or if you win you can brag that you didn't even game plan for it.

That is why you received that much deserved response. You were out of line and as I said I have never bragged about beating anyone with the exception of everyone's favorite forum poster.

If you don't type that garbage none of this happens.

You may not like that we didn't scout your team, but it's a long season and we wanted to take a break before the playoffs since we gm multiple teams and some need the daily game planning.

What you did was like picking a fight with a pacifist and then when they kick your ass calling them violent. I just responded to your idiocy with some of my own.

Out of line how?? I have the right to post whatever I want when I want to dude and if I feel like taking a jab at your guy because of his wording then I'll do so freely without getting your permission. And none of what I said has been any worse in any comparison than any of the "garbage" you post.

picked a fight with a pacifist?? kicked my ass?? Dude what on Earth are you babbling about? I wasn't even talking to you, I was talking to Buddy. Now, are you done trying to act like my father or shall we continue?
Last edited Aug 26, 2008 20:54:27
Originally posted by pt206
Originally posted by GO TEXANS

Send me some cookies also and please be sure to include an autographed pic of that wonderful cartoon avatar that your team members sport.My six year old will love it.

Avatar smack...nice. When all else fails and you can't find grammar smack, on to the avatar.
No more so than your simpleton reply with the cookies remark.

Originally posted by GO TEXANS
Originally posted by pt206

Originally posted by GO TEXANS

Send me some cookies also and please be sure to include an autographed pic of that wonderful cartoon avatar that your team members sport.My six year old will love it.

Avatar smack...nice. When all else fails and you can't find grammar smack, on to the avatar.
No more so than your simpleton reply with the cookies remark.

Originally posted by HydrOshocK
Oh I get it guys are the only ones allowed to stoke fires in these forums when they see fit. The bottom line is that I thought your constant comments about coasting the rest of the season was a minor insult to the rest of us because it projects the attitude that you can easily roll through us without much effort. That's all well and good because it's true. The Legends are firing on all cylinders and it takes a near perfect effort to beat that, but that doesn't mean we just have to cower down to that if we felt like saying something about it. I knew there was no way you were disabling your tactics because that would be too far of a shift backwards.

Still, every time a Legends game is mentioned so is the fact that you're coasting so this time I thought I'd call you on it. You are the one that turned my comments into a flame war so don't try to spin this away from you. It wasn't until you starting getting personal with your implications that your team has been virtually unbeatable and we're still a noob in this league that I decided to up the intensity level. Don't think for a second I regret that.

You enjoy inventing things as you go.

We played no advanced ai against the sphere because of the leaked game plan. We felt it would have been unfair.

Since that time the game plan has stayed basic. I actually thought we might lose todays game, but if we lost to the hitmen and roughnecks it would only drop us to a #3 seed so it wasn't a big deal.

Saying it twice isn't constant.

Sorry you took my comments the wrong way and got your feelings hurt over a game. I don't understand it, but whatever. For whatever reason you appear to take this too seriously. The strangest thing about all this is I have been nothing but complimentary to your team since you came up.

If what I said was insulting to you why would you say what you did? It's the pot calling the kettle black. I personally don't care what you say, I just find it odd.

I could keep doing this all night, but it's getting boring. I'll talk to you reasonably and you'll keep throwing junior high insults and exaggerating comments made.
Originally posted by HydrOshocK
Out of line how?? I have the right to post whatever I want when I want to dude and if I feel like taking a jab at your guy because of his wording then I'll do so freely without getting your permission. And none of what I said has been any worse in any comparison than any of the "garbage" you post.

picked a fight with a pacifist?? kicked my ass?? Dude what on Earth are you babbling about? I wasn't even talking to you, I was talking to Buddy. Now, are you done trying to act like my father or shall we continue?

You left this wide open, but I'll let it go.

I was imploring to the adult I hoped was hiding in you to resolve the situation. When you make a comment about my team you are referring to the team and not buddy.

You have the right to throw a fit anytime you like. No argument here.

Anyway, you can have the thread as the game is done and it has run it's course.

Originally posted by lawdawg95
This is entertaining.

Pass the popcorn?

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