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Originally posted by Glippy
and now try again in english

dang...doesn't anyone learn Latin any more.

"Buyer Beware"

coming off as an ass? Im not the one that witheld information about a player I was trading, you guys did though. Just because your in the big Pro Leagues doesnt mean shit. Your not better than anyone else and this bullshit proves it. If the guy wanted his own player and you guys turned his request down multiple times that might be worth mentioning.

Its cool though, dont worry about it. You got your 140k, I hope it was worth it because Im going to get the word out about how shady you guys are.
Originally posted by PackMan97
Originally posted by Glippy

and now try again in english

"Buyer Beware"

Indeed, when your dealing with these clowns.

Originally posted by theinfamous
coming off as an ass? Im not the one that witheld information about a player I was trading, you guys did though. Just because your in the big Pro Leagues doesnt mean shit. Your not better than anyone else and this bullshit proves it. If the guy wanted his own player and you guys turned his request down multiple times that might be worth mentioning.

Its cool though, dont worry about it. You got your 140k, I hope it was worth it because Im going to get the word out about how shady you guys are.

Get the word out??
Now your just acting as a little bitch.
Please go home and cry about it to your mommy.
Last edited Jul 25, 2008 09:03:10
Chet Avery
Originally posted by theinfamous
Last night your owner offered to trade me a level 12 LB that "boosts every year and has custom gear".

I clicked on his profile to make sure he isnt an inactive player and he was on about an hour ago. So I made the trade and went to bed. When I woke up I had a PM from this LB telling me that he was removing custom gear, would train kicking, would never add any SP and was going to play on relaxed. This is bullshit and a case of bad sportsmanship. Just letting you guys know what kind of bullshit the teams in your division are pulling.

And. How is this Vegas' fault? Maybe i'm missing something in translation?

Originally posted by Chet Avery
Originally posted by theinfamous

Last night your owner offered to trade me a level 12 LB that "boosts every year and has custom gear".

I clicked on his profile to make sure he isnt an inactive player and he was on about an hour ago. So I made the trade and went to bed. When I woke up I had a PM from this LB telling me that he was removing custom gear, would train kicking, would never add any SP and was going to play on relaxed. This is bullshit and a case of bad sportsmanship. Just letting you guys know what kind of bullshit the teams in your division are pulling.

And. How is this Vegas' fault? Maybe i'm missing something in translation?

Thanks Chet...That was my point all along.....You know the more I think about it...It looks to me like this was a great genius move ala Jerry Jones....Kind of ironic the whinner has a TO avator.
If a player keeps attempting to get his own player and you know he wants him why would you trade him to another team without a mention of it?
Yeah genius move, lets see if it was worth it in the long run though. Im sure the search engine will be fixed and when it is I wont have a hard time getting the word out to potential players. Im done here, some of you guys are alright and dont think with a narrow mind. Thanks to the guys that can actually see that witholding information that should be put out there is wrong.
Last edited Jul 25, 2008 09:15:20
Chet Avery
Originally posted by theinfamous
If a player keeps attempting to get his own player and you know he wants him why would you trade him to another team without a mention of it?

Maybe Vegas didn't know?

Again...He said do what you want with the players......That means I do what I want...I told you he had equipment and he boost...End of subject.
Originally posted by Chet Avery
Originally posted by theinfamous

If a player keeps attempting to get his own player and you know he wants him why would you trade him to another team without a mention of it?

Maybe Vegas didn't know?

I know he knew because he told me....After the trade ofcourse

Originally posted by SheVegas
Again...He said do what you want with the players......That means I do what I want...I told you he had equipment and he boost...End of subject.

Like I said, I hope robbing 140k was worth it. I dont think it is though.
Im out, dont waste your time replying cause Im not gonna read it. Just use caution when dealing with this guy.
Originally posted by theinfamous
Originally posted by Chet Avery

Originally posted by theinfamous

If a player keeps attempting to get his own player and you know he wants him why would you trade him to another team without a mention of it?

Maybe Vegas didn't know?

I know he knew because he told me....After the trade ofcourse

Told you what?
He told you all the concrete stuff he knew, just because he has his own team doesn't mean he is gonna throw a fit just because he didn't go there, if he says "their your players, do what you want" that means it's your choice and I'll have to deal with the decision wether I like it or not. He gave no indication of taking oof his equiptment and all that to us, that was totally of his doing. Yes, we did know he wanted his own team but once we couldn't get a deal done we had no clue he would do what we did.

you act like we knew what he would do all along, WE DIDN'T, nobody did. We figured since he said "do what you want", he didn't care and would deal with whatever happened, not act like a pus wad and throw a temper tantrum like a little 3 year old who doesn't get their own way

Sorry, but it is really not our fault, if anything blame GRID

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