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Forum > Oceania > Oceania AA Leagues > The Fiji Storm = the best team in Oceania
Originally posted by Ming Sao
Originally posted by Go_Blue

Originally posted by Ming Sao

Originally posted by Go_Blue

Originally posted by Ming Sao

You won't see me post in any thread you are involved in again.

The story then was "any thread you are involved in again" now it is changing to "you didn't start this thread."

Talking big and walking small.

I knew you couldn't keep any promise you made.

Hey, douche, can you show me where you posted in this thread prior to me?

Isn't your little attempt here at flaming part of the "deal" Jed posted about your dumbass the day you told an Air Force serviceman to fly his plane into a building and die, show pictures of a 911 relative's charred remains from the WTC and that all african-americans in NOLA got what they had coming by drowning in Katrina? Remember?

Are you seriously this thick outside of your cartoon world as well? You may have your little fan club but the sane among us know you are completely worthless. Completely.

Send out your decoder rings to them along.

I'm reporting you for intentionally baiting and bringing up topics that the mods said to stay away from.

I own you so bad you can't even see straight. lol

Report me for recanting YOUR phrases, hopes and sentiments? Bait you with your own words? Sounds to me like you regret it and I'm in your kitchen.

Report away man. Jed isn't stupid. He can read and comprehend what you are doing...again.

I'm not touching any topic that they told us to leave alone. You dragged it up. You are baiting. You cannot get me out of your head. You cannot live up to any promises you make.

I'm willing to say this. If you and your team leave myself and Suva alone, do not make reference to us, do not repond to our posts with snide remarks or flames, I will do the same. I really, truly am sick of dealing with you.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Oh, Ming forgot to mention that I don't like Texans either. I figured you'd figure out sooner or later and jump on the hate train.

If we're going to derail this thread entirely due to ASRW's infatuation with me and Suva, we might as well go all out.

Speaking on behalf of myself and all native Texans, let me say "Phwwweeewww".

Having a guy like you hate Texans is about all of the validation any of us really need that we are No. 1.

Jealous much?

Later for ya. Done with ya.
Originally posted by porky
Not sure how to respond, yes Aggies have a code, that is very strong, but also can't judge without the facts. It seems like there is more to this than meets the eye, at least I hope so. Also seems like it got addressed somewhere, wasn't here. I would not call him my leader though, sort of an odd statement to make.

So my thought is to take it back:

You suck! We Rule: Go Fiji

EDIT: YOU DON'T LIKE TEXANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why? hahahahaha don't need to jump on a train

Back to the topic at hand: Everyone else will lose before the Storm that is Fiji! Unless we change our name....hmmmmmm

Actually, I have a ton of family in Dallas and don't hate Texans in the least. I just say that because it gets their goat. You, obviously, are a lot smarter than them and don't just jump on the "don't mess with Texas" bandwagon.

My days of inflaming are over for now, this is too tiresome.
One more attempt then I will let it curve into this treacherous path:

Fiji Rules you all will lose Oh yeah Texans are by far the best as well!
Originally posted by Ming Sao
Later for ya. Done with ya.

Deal. I'm done with you also. Let's see if you and I can both live up to it.
Originally posted by Ming Sao
So good luck to you all with GB and Sean. They aren't on my level or yours either. but they are soooo cool to have around.

Damn straight I'm not on your level. You are way below me. Although you are not completely wrong, I am quite cool.

As for mentioning the Whine-a-bies or Storm or whoever. I don't care where you are from, if you say dumb shit, I'm gonna call you on it.
Originally posted by TheSeanTeam
Originally posted by Ming Sao

So good luck to you all with GB and Sean. They aren't on my level or yours either. but they are soooo cool to have around.

Damn straight I'm not on your level. You are way below me. Although you are not completely wrong, I am quite cool.

As for mentioning the Whine-a-bies or Storm or whoever. I don't care where you are from, if you say dumb shit, I'm gonna call you on it.

Here we go again...

Wow its a shame the Fiji Storm are so good.

Good thing is we all get to beat up on each other in season 5!

I really dont see anyone beating the storm.
Originally posted by jimmyhoffa
Originally posted by brady2moss2endzone

We are the best if you come in our way we will crush you. Chemistry dont matter when you have players like what we have. we will kick ass next season. the PROS will fear us and you will fear us!


You wouldnt happen to post on NFLUK by any chance?

yes i do
Originally posted by po
Wow its a shame the Fiji Storm are so good.

Good thing is we all get to beat up on each other in season 5!

I really dont see anyone beating the storm.

I cant tell if thats sarcasm or actual respect for our team lol honestly Im looking forward to proving this season how good we are. Normaly we are not a team to talk trash, however being new in the league we wanted to stir some stuff up. Looks like it worked Looking forward to a fun season everyone.
Bottom line...we are going undefeated...and there aint shot any of you could do.
Originally posted by mari0k
Bottom line...we are going undefeated...and there aint shot any of you could do.

I from the bottom of my heart hope to God you go undefeated.

In fact we wish we could just send you up now.

Congrats on being in the league for 1 day and being the most annoying team already.

Well done.
Originally posted by mari0k
Bottom line...we are going undefeated...and there aint shot any of you could do.

Congratulations on being demoted from your conference due to a horrible horrible season.
Originally posted by allibaster
Originally posted by mari0k

Bottom line...we are going undefeated...and there aint shot any of you could do.

Congratulations on being demoted from your conference due to a horrible horrible season.

yup, that whole 1 player that is still on the team from the 1-15 squad that was here last year.. You sure got him.. Although most of us went 14-2 last year..
Originally posted by po
Originally posted by mari0k

Bottom line...we are going undefeated...and there aint shot any of you could do.

I from the bottom of my heart hope to God you go undefeated.

In fact we wish we could just send you up now.

Congrats on being in the league for 1 day and being the most annoying team already.

Well done.

On the behalf of my teammates I would like to thank... Terrel Ownens, Chad Johnson, Kobe Bryant, and any professional athlete that believes in the power of being the best and screaming prarading it in front of the world...


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