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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > from a former chicago grizzle
Originally posted by Jack Shirley
Originally posted by psych119

If he gets banned or not for so called gutting then so be it. However nothing in this thread even shows truly what has happened in the team forum. ZThe team was crap last season and alot of people were to blame. The team was getting guted before the new owner cause so many people wanted out. Now with a new owner the only people that wanted to stay and most were the cause of the problems ONLY want out cause the name was changed. Nothing but arguing and bickering.

Thatrs not gutting, thats a massive player shift, and hopw would you know? Your his little sidekick in this gutting operation.

Besides, the owner is an ass, and a prick, THATS why we all want out, 37 players and counting to be exact. And psych, YOU are the one that is causing problems, not any Chicago Grizzly

And thanks psychojester, it IS gutting, nothing else, pretty soon all ikt will be is a bottom dwelling team with full stadium upgrades.

LOL side kick? wow didn't know i had anything to do in any gutting is that y i already have a new teamed lined up and committed to leaving? Heck i was commited to leaving when people like yourself showed your colors. Also grizzlies making trouble or not they are DEAD get over it. LOL your pathetic
Jack Shirley
psych, just shut your mouth, and yes, side kick. I could have used another term but I dont want to make these people here like jearly and others angry or offneded.

And as far as your last comment is concerned, you little weasel, the Chicago Grizzlies will NEVER be dead, only the spirit of one lowly bastard named J. May.

Besides, you keep helping this guy gut the team! "Well it is his team" it is NOT his game you stupid SOB
Last edited Jul 16, 2008 12:53:24
Originally posted by Jack Shirley
psych, just shut your mouth, and yes, side kick. I could have used another term but I dont want to make these people here like jearly and others angry or offneded.

And as far as your last comment is concerned, you little weasel, the Chicago Grizzlies will NEVER be dead, only the spirit of one lowly bastard named J. May.

amazing how you can never have an inteligent converstaion with anyone unless your talking shit about people or crying. Nothing will change have fun ruining other teams and threads. LOL

Edit Grizzlies died several games ago even though the name was still there.
Last edited Jul 16, 2008 12:54:48
Jack Shirley
you know what? YOU are the one who is complaining and you are a hypocrit. And you cant have an intelligent conversation period. Go Grizzlies, screw this guy above me.

P.S. if som eone posted above me that IS'NT psych, I am soooo sorry

Nope, we're good, go have fun in the BBB league psych, traitor

And you are wrong, something will change, this guiy is nothing but a control freak prick who only cares about himself, not the players, or the game, or even you psych, you tool. How blind can you be?! Hes using you man! Gah, and you say I'M stupid

and at least I'm smart enough to stand up to this jerk ass, unlike you psych, youre just one of his (see team website for a complete list of what psych is!)

And to anyone that sees this, I TOLD you ptownhuff and his little henchmen will tell the public nothing but lies! He IS gutting the team, this guy was just given preferencial treatment by Ptownhuff, thats why hes kissing his (you know what)

And psych, arent you doing the exact same thing RIGHT here that you say I was doing? You keep complaining about me when YOU are the one with the problem, so shut up, and I'm going to drop this now
Last edited Jul 16, 2008 13:06:38
Originally posted by Jack Shirley
you know what? YOU are the one who is complaining and you are a hypocrit. And you cant have an intelligent conversation period. Go Grizzlies, screw this guy above me.

P.S. if som eone posted above me that IS'NT psych, I am soooo sorry

LOL aww man that was funny. LOL
Jack Shirley
Watch this people, I have chosen to drop this matter right now, but I bet money that this guy psych brings it up again.
Epic Thread.
Jack Shirley
Epic is right lol

Seriously though, if you have seen any of Ptownhuffs threads in the trading block, EVERY SINGLE WORD I said in there is the honest to jebus truth. (lol)
Last edited Jul 16, 2008 13:20:31
lol funny stuff
Jack Shirley
Hey barnes, Can I get a copy of that msg? you know, the one with the cussing in it lol
How many players on the Grizzlies came from CBMB (Chicago Bears Message Board)?

I know the Grizzlies were one of the teams formed along with ours, "MB" Bears and Colorado Storm when this game was posted in those forums. Many of those guys may want to move to one of the three remaining Bears teams in here, just to continue that Chicago Bear heritage.

The only thing...hmm...shocking, how fast the Grizzlies collapsed. A month ago, I was reading their own website, and it looked like the owner was really into this reports, team history, etc., appeared that he was in this for the long haul. Now with both the sudden change in the name, and now this thread, it looks like he just bailed completely on the team...just put it up for sale and walked away. I would think that he would have done what D.C. did, keep the team and history together by passing it on to a GM. That was what was so strange to me.

Jack Shirley
Hey coach, is there room for a WR Devin Hester on your team?

Btw, the owner didnt make the website, I did

And I'm glad people liked it.

If you check really closely you can see my name is mentioned several times on the site. And CGTV? I invented that too lol
Last edited Jul 16, 2008 14:24:13
Originally posted by Jack Shirley
Hey coach, is there room for a WR Devin Hester on your team?

Btw, the owner didnt make the website, I did

Then all the more reason someone like you or one of the other players that WANTED to be a Grizzlie, should have had the opportunity to keep the Grizzlies alive.

I'll check with my GM's for Hester. My GM's handle all the player transactions now. I just basically sign the checks these days. If not the CBMB Bears, most definitely one of the other teams. Inside Zamboni Hall, it really doesn't matter what team you're on, it's one forum, one organization. Z Hall is like a mini CBMB for Bear fans playing this game. We're probably more organized than the real Chicago we win. CBMB Bears went 15-1, Guadalajara went 13-3, St. Louis Beer Barons went 12-4. Coronas and Gorillas are newbie teams in Africa and Canada. Only my Kindred struggled, but we'll change that for next season. Two teams, Foy Destroyers and Seattle Storm are not comprised of Bear fans...but we're edumacatin' them

Jack Shirley
ok, thanks, I appreciate it I love playing for chicago

Also, has anyone seen a recent post by either Ptownhuff or Bigredskinfan? If you have I'd like to know about it. thanks
Last edited Jul 16, 2008 17:50:43
The East keeps getting weaker.

My apologies to the players getting sold... sucky position.

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