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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > I hope you guys are hungry...
Haha. Nah. When I started working, it really wore me out. I'm tired at night, but I can never fall asleep. Last night I fell asleep at 4 AM, and 6 AM the night before that.

Would rather not keep doing that.
The family that owns the Petting Zoo sleeps there to take care of the animals, so I may end up doing that once or twice a week to help out (since it's a family business I may even get a bonus for sleeping).
Originally posted by Laggo
It's funny how everybody says I wouldn't be gloating if I was 8-8 or something, but the funny thing is. I probably would be.

I was gloating before I was even on the waiting list for christ's sake.

I was gloating before I even had a player on the team.

I get pm's every day from free agents who want to play for me, either for my gloating or because you guys hate me so much. Gloating was how I basically got the entire team to start with.

Really, in the end it doesn't matter.

Everyone on my team is happy to play for me, and I'm happy to have everyone on my team. If anything, all the hate we get from the outside makes us a closer knit family. We've gotten to know each other, and I'll thank each and every one of you if that's the reason for it.

Make any excuse you want as to why your team isn't on our level,

Say we "cheat"
Say we're "pedophiles"
Say we "ruin the game"

but in the end, your teams are still worse :/.

Laggo, I begin my response to you with a passage from the bible that Jim Zorn signs his name with, Proverbs 22:1 "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold." - King James edition

You can be Al Davis, but that will catch up to you just as it has Al. Attitudes like yours will eventually take their toll.

I'd rather be Wellington Mara any day of the week.
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by victory88

And this was all after Laggo created a huge mess complaining about the assassins doing something similar.

Posts like this are exactly why I made this thread. The ordeal with the Assassins was that this was a fully developed team coming with an upgraded stadium, support, and chemistry and all that.

It's one thing to bring over people from another league in the fashion that I did, but to take every aspect of a developed team is another.

However if you'd taken a step back and worked with the Assassins and Bort instead of protesting like a bunch knee-jerk reactionaries you'd not be in this situation. I've known one of the members of the Assassins for years through another message board and he's a very reasonable guy (I think but am not sure he was the owner). If people hadn't been so up in arms maybe he'd still be playing.

You backed Bort and SD into a corner and we're all the poorer for it.
Originally posted by HawksFanNorth
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Originally posted by victory88

And this was all after Laggo created a huge mess complaining about the assassins doing something similar.

Posts like this are exactly why I made this thread. The ordeal with the Assassins was that this was a fully developed team coming with an upgraded stadium, support, and chemistry and all that.

It's one thing to bring over people from another league in the fashion that I did, but to take every aspect of a developed team is another.

However if you'd taken a step back and worked with the Assassins and Bort instead of protesting like a bunch knee-jerk reactionaries you'd not be in this situation. I've known one of the members of the Assassins for years through another message board and he's a very reasonable guy (I think but am not sure he was the owner). If people hadn't been so up in arms maybe he'd still be playing.

You backed Bort and SD into a corner and we're all the poorer for it.

Oh, I'm not gonna act like I know all the facts about the whole Assassins thing. My understanding is that they had not only an advantage, roster-wise, bu team asset-wise, which is a whole different thing.

I wasn't really too involved with the whole thing, so if there is something I'm missing, feel free to help out.
Just thinking that if it was the team assets at issue then something could have been worked out had cooler heads prevailed.

Like you, I couldn't be bothered to wade through all the posts on the subject so I'm unsure what happened myself. All I know is that how it was handled resulted in a very cool poster and person leaving the game.
Last edited Jul 14, 2008 21:59:09
Yeah, the team was transferred as is - so they had a huge stadium along with pretty much maxed chemistry.

I started the thread and in said thread repeatedly posting it was fine for them to transfer their players - if they wanted to there's no way to stop it. However reset everything else.

Also, who I am is who I am. I'm a relatively "loud and obnoxious" guy according to one of my girl friends on MSN recently (lol). If you get to know me I'm fun to talk to, but I probably come off as a huge ass to people who don't know me on a daily basis - which is ok.

EDIT: Riots are my thing, I haven't started one in a while though. I have enough pull to get shit done if I riot - sadly alot of our mods are terrible and PM'ing doesn't work as fast.

Besides, I think I started it because everything had to be fixed before the next day. I think the season was starting then or something - I don't remember exactly what it was but I remember I couldn't wait long enough to PM an admin and go through that process.

Last edited Jul 14, 2008 22:01:40
Originally posted by Voltron
I'm sure SheVegas forgot to mention this, but did you know he needed my help to beat USAORG?

Listen dumbass...Tell me how you helped me beat the oinks???? Because you sent me the gameplan after I already put the game plan on the forum????? So think twice about the shit you spread from Laggos privates
RT, check your PMs man.
Originally posted by a49erfan77
I have a feeling that soon all the people who keep bashing Laggo/RT/Conakry nonstop are going to hated....and deservedly so...

I'm not a basher, and I don't particularly care how they got the players on their team. I do feel that there are problems on both sides. The bashers look for any reason to whine/chide/whatever and post about it all day long. Then on the other side, Laggo isn't the most ummm, non-confrontational poster.

Their team right now seems to be beating everyone by simply outlevelling them, is there another team in their conference even close to their levels? Winning that way doesn't show skill or much of anything to be honest, other than high levels attract other high levels.

I personally am impressed by teams like the Bugeaters in the east, who aren't all high levels and still put together a group of game plans which keep them near the top of the East.

But that's my opinion.

Originally posted by RTJakarta
Haha. Nah. When I started working, it really wore me out. I'm tired at night, but I can never fall asleep. Last night I fell asleep at 4 AM, and 6 AM the night before that.

Would rather not keep doing that.

Sounds like insomnia and let me tell you that's some bad shit. Worst 6 months of my life. I really hope that's not what it is, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
Originally posted by saltman241
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Haha. Nah. When I started working, it really wore me out. I'm tired at night, but I can never fall asleep. Last night I fell asleep at 4 AM, and 6 AM the night before that.

Would rather not keep doing that.

Sounds like insomnia and let me tell you that's some bad shit. Worst 6 months of my life. I really hope that's not what it is, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

I've always had some bad problems with falling asleep. One time last summer I really couldn't fall asleep for like two days.
Chet Avery
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by saltman241

Originally posted by RTJakarta

Haha. Nah. When I started working, it really wore me out. I'm tired at night, but I can never fall asleep. Last night I fell asleep at 4 AM, and 6 AM the night before that.

Would rather not keep doing that.

Sounds like insomnia and let me tell you that's some bad shit. Worst 6 months of my life. I really hope that's not what it is, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

I've always had some bad problems with falling asleep. One time last summer I really couldn't fall asleep for like two days.

After my divorce i couldn't sleep for 2 days, as well. Worst 2 days ever.

Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by saltman241

Originally posted by RTJakarta

Haha. Nah. When I started working, it really wore me out. I'm tired at night, but I can never fall asleep. Last night I fell asleep at 4 AM, and 6 AM the night before that.

Would rather not keep doing that.

Sounds like insomnia and let me tell you that's some bad shit. Worst 6 months of my life. I really hope that's not what it is, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

I've always had some bad problems with falling asleep. One time last summer I really couldn't fall asleep for like two days.

Ever see a doc about it? I know I was hesitant to, I didn't really think it was as bad as it was. After hearing for the 100th or so time, "What's wrong?" "God you look like hammered dog shit." Walking around like a zombie and it effecting my personal and work life I caved. It took about a month of medication and life style changes to get me squared away. If it keeps going on man I'd really think about going to see someone.
I have actually been to a doctor is a good 5+ years (Long story involving my family), and recently I got on Medicaid or some shit, so I'm trying to see a doctor soon. Oh, and an optometrist. I need new glasses.

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