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My brother can beat up your brother.
Lol you are so pathetic you need to quote Eddie Murphy and pick on a team that lost their coach and entire starting lineup. Keep pumping gas, boy.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Lol you are so pathetic you need to quote Eddie Murphy and pick on a team that lost their coach and entire starting lineup. Keep pumping gas, boy.

Oh, I apologize Blue, I forgot you are a bigot.

And what does the Big Michigan grad do for a living?
Last edited Jul 8, 2008 22:34:10
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Lol you are so pathetic you need to quote Eddie Murphy and pick on a team that lost their coach and entire starting lineup. Keep pumping gas, boy.

At least he can keep up in an argument. You are starting to make no sense and seem desperate to hang on to the "glorius past" of Michigan football which means exactly jack shit right now cause they can't beat Appalachian State.
lol, now we are picking on his team. Somebody call a waaaambulance. You guys are crazy pathetic.

BTW, have we ever found out where SeanTeam went to college. I'm guessing Ivy League. lol.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Lol you are so pathetic you need to quote Eddie Murphy and pick on a team that lost their coach and entire starting lineup. Keep pumping gas, boy.

And btw, dont cry that you lost your coach when you all ran him out of town.
Last edited Jul 8, 2008 22:47:09
Originally posted by Modok
Originally posted by Go_Blue

Lol you are so pathetic you need to quote Eddie Murphy and pick on a team that lost their coach and entire starting lineup. Keep pumping gas, boy.

And btw, dont cry that you lost your coach when you all ran him out of town.

That's actually untrue. I am friends with several faculty at Michigan and the general sentiment is that everyone in the administration loves Lloyd, the players love Lloyd, it is only the fans who don't like him. He could have stayed there as long as he wanted, he just knew that his pro-style offense was a thing of the past and that RR's spread-option is where it's at.

As for all of the A-State nonsense, yeah Michigan lost to them. Ill-prepared, botched FG, shame on them. How about using your own logic Eddie? What have you done for me lately? Well, their latest game was against SEC powerhouse and current preseason #1 frontrunner Florida.

What do I do for a living? I take my cars to full-serve gas stations so humps like you can earn your minimum wage.
Last edited Jul 8, 2008 23:11:37
Originally posted by cbraider90
Originally posted by Go_Blue

Originally posted by cbraider90

Originally posted by Go_Blue

Originally posted by Ming Sao

Originally posted by Go_Blue

I lived in Dallas for two years. I learned two things from that 1. your women are some of the hottest in the nation, 2. your men are the stupidest, meathead, George W. loving tards in the nation.

Nuff said.

Oh, and all of them said howdy.

Your idiocy has reached new heights. You should just go ahead and bronze the lobe can't top this.

BTW, MeatChicken. What this says to me, a Texan, is A. You spent a lot of time staring at hot Texas beauties but never took it further...way out-classed and B. Got your ass kicked a lot by dudes for staring like a weirdo. They weren't meat-heads, you're just that weak and creepy in comparison.

I laugh in your general direction. (spoken using Kung Fu mouth speak, so you can understand)

I fart in your general direction (spoken using dumbass speak, so you can understand)

Actually, you're the one who went to Texas Tech, that qualifies you as the resident dumbass, sir. YEEEEHAAAAWW!!!!!

Rode hard and put away wet, just like the bitch that you are.

p.s. let's go to the ho-down.

You are right. I went to a school that has one of the highest graduation rates in the Big XII and who is the only school in the Big XII to be bowl eligible every year since the inception of the league. You went to a school who can't win a bowl game, can't beat your rivals/daddies Ohio State and has lost the respect of the football community with loses to teams like Appalachian State. Did you know their coach was a coach at Tech a while back and we ran him out of town. Yea...Appalachian State's coach was at Texas Tech one time and we ran him out of town so he could go there and beat your teams ass at your house. Damn I would just shut up if I were you.

I also have a news flash for you. Colleges are SUPPOSED to graduate students you twit. The fact that you have to brag about your school having the highest graduation rate in the Big 12 just shows how absolutely pathetic the dirty south is. You're like those people Chris Rock talks about who brag about taking care of their kids (probably your people). You want a cookie?

Bowl eligible every year? Give me a break. Until you add a BCS in front of that statement, your statement means nothing.

As stated in numerous posts, they did win their last bowl game. Sorry, retards require repetition.

And tech ran the A state coach out of town because all of you texas are idiots.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Originally posted by Modok

Originally posted by Go_Blue

Lol you are so pathetic you need to quote Eddie Murphy and pick on a team that lost their coach and entire starting lineup. Keep pumping gas, boy.

And btw, dont cry that you lost your coach when you all ran him out of town.

That's actually untrue. I am friends with several faculty at Michigan and the general sentiment is that everyone in the administration loves Lloyd, the players love Lloyd, it is only the fans who don't like him. He could have stayed there as long as he wanted, he just knew that his pro-style offense was a thing of the past and that RR's spread-option is where it's at.

As for all of the A-State nonsense, yeah Michigan lost to them. Ill-prepared, botched FG, shame on them. How about using your own logic Eddie? What have you done for me lately? Well, their latest game was against SEC powerhouse and current preseason #1 frontrunner Florida.

What do I do for a living? I take my cars to full-serve gas stations so humps like you can earn your minimum wage.

So, one doesnt care to inform us common folk of what they do?
MeatChicken, what island do you call home?

Edit: Gone again. Dog must be closing in.
Last edited Jul 9, 2008 00:00:03
Originally posted by cbraider90
You are right. I went to a school that has one of the highest graduation rates in the Big XII

This was my favorite part.

Good job on being one of the smartest kids with down syndrome.

You deserve a prize.
Originally posted by TomasPistola
My brother can beat up your brother.

Nuh uh.
I'm so glad I go to Ohio State.

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