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Forum > General Discussion > Politics and Religion > I'm a right-winger, in case you were wondering
Originally posted by Djinnt
don't brag, guy

the point was that i'm not saying MIT is anywhere near as good as the school you were privileged to attend, but at least this way you can skip all the boring introductory courses and zoom right to the graduate-level stuff. and all for zero dollars, which should fit your budget.

p.s. and you're welcome! no trouble at all.
I've always had trouble with etiquette.
Originally posted by Djinnt
I've always had trouble with etiquette.

Originally posted by Catullus16

Something about my personality. I don't value it highly.
Originally posted by Catullus16
with someone like sooner, you realize instantly he's just tossing around terms with little care and even less knowledge.

You sound jelly. I can't help that I am a man of action; and you, well... You are a man of intellect who says he isn't pretentious about it, because he types all in lower case on a dotball forum.

If you didn't look so dopey in that latin recital video of Catullus 16, I would probably wish I was just like you?

Originally posted by Djinnt
don't brag, guy

Originally posted by Catullus16

p.s. and you're welcome! no trouble at all.

You got that pot / kettle thing down, don't you?
Edited by Sooner_Nation on Feb 14, 2017 18:24:16
sooner with a tossed salad of mismatched insults.

the pot/kettle thing doesn't even apply, my username is a poem not a person, and just because you're below average doesn't make me pretentious by comparison.
Originally posted by Djinnt
Something about my personality. I don't value it highly.

aka not even a courtesy chuckle

and no, i'm not taking the 'personality' bait. we've already had that discussion.
Originally posted by Catullus16
my username is a poem not a person,

So? It's still you in the video.

Originally posted by Sooner_Nation
So? It's still you in the video.

you know it's not. and though you're still trying really hard to make it an insult, all it does is prove how bad you are at your job.

learn how to think, sooner.
Originally posted by Catullus16
all it does is prove how bad you are at your job.

Really? Please educate me on how it transfers, when commanding a division of police officers?

Edited by Sooner_Nation on Feb 15, 2017 14:49:41
Originally posted by Sooner_Nation
Really? Please educate me on how it transfers, when commanding a division of police officers?

let's start with grammar.

hey, remember when you thought darkus gave you a trojanwormvirus through your URL because you rattled off some databases and printed a thing? that is the level of your investigative prowess, you unbelievable moron.
Originally posted by Catullus16
let's start with grammar.

hey, remember when you thought darkus gave you a trojanwormvirus through your URL because you rattled off some databases and printed a thing? that is the level of your investigative prowess, you unbelievable moron.

You try way too hard my friend. I do remember quite a few years ago, of being personally invited to his site by not only himself, but a few others from back in that day. I also remember when some type of drive by download malware involuntarily exploited my computer. While I partly blame myself because,

1. I was probably one of the last idiots in the world who still used explorer at that time

2. And, The invites of those probably did not have my best interest at heart, but curiosity got the best of me.

While you have and can still try to spin and make fun of something about the URL in an attempt to have some kind of Gotcha? For your friend's site? My skin's pretty thick, so knock yourself out.

Hell, It's been so long now, I don't even remember enough details about it, to call you out on your bullshit and contradiction attempts? But I do remember running my virus software and a pop up window, telling me I clicked on a malicious URL when visiting that site.

I admittedly don't know a whole lot about computers, but at the time I didn't need too. The LE community is quite small, and an IT friend of mine who works for the DOJ helped me get my laptop back on track. I can remember my friend telling me that it was impossible from where she was, to know exactly how the virus got in, but she did tell me it could of been thru any number of things like flash player plug ins, java, activex or a host of others.

I do know she told me to get the hell off of explorer and quit using it. It was all pretty cut and dried if you ask me. Sorry if that disappoints you.

Edited by Sooner_Nation on Feb 16, 2017 21:31:46
Edited by Sooner_Nation on Feb 16, 2017 21:30:06
sooner, it is amazing how thoroughly and consistently stupid you are. but worse, you can't even change your mind. you get one little theory rattling around in there and you just convince yourself of the most retarded shit.

i have a theory about you that you're not even a cop. that you just wish you were. there are a lot of wannabes like you, who can rattle off acronyms and drop slang, but c'mon man. you're just not smart enough. i mean, look at the results of your "investigations" here. if you were cop, you would be so fucking bad at it! it's laughable. you're laughable.

speaking of laughing, if i were the troll you imagine me to be, then i should be overjoyed that you've waddled into yet another hole and for some reason want to repeat getting your ass handed to you for fifty pages. but you know what? it's just not even worth it. i'll post this little gem below for old-time's sake (and so we can all laugh at you again), but whatever. it's more sad than anything. actually, it's all sad. you're sad. you make me sad. your relentless stupidity is exhausting. fuck you.
Originally posted by Catullus16
sooner, it is amazing how thoroughly and consistently stupid you are. but worse, you can't even change your mind. you get one little theory rattling around in there and you just convince yourself of the most retarded shit.

i have a theory about you that you're not even a cop. that you just wish you were. there are a lot of wannabes like you, who can rattle off acronyms and drop slang, but c'mon man. you're just not smart enough. i mean, look at the results of your "investigations" here. if you were cop, you would be so fucking bad at it! it's laughable. you're laughable.

speaking of laughing, if i were the troll you imagine me to be, then i should be overjoyed that you've waddled into yet another hole and for some reason want to repeat getting your ass handed to you for fifty pages. but you know what? it's just not even worth it. i'll post this little gem below for old-time's sake (and so we can all laugh at you again), but whatever. it's more sad than anything. actually, it's all sad. you're sad. you make me sad. your relentless stupidity is exhausting. fuck you.

So you post a link, that shows I talk stupid when it comes to computers? Something I already freely admit to? I guess I'm no match for your greatness...

How about this. Rather than ask you about why you seem to have taken such a venomous bent, in the wording of your posts when it concerns me, I mean wow dude! How many times does a person need to call someone stupid in a single post?

Cramming it down my throat like that will convince your forum brethren for sure, but with that deep seeded anger you just posted with, doesn't appear to be satiating your liberal hatred at all.

So I'll instead just post a link I found, that seems to corroborate the problem I had years ago with my computer.

URL:Mal virus is a generic detection for malicious URL or web page. The detection of URL:Mal covers web site that is infected with virus, Trojan, and other types of malware. The same will also pop-up if a harmful Java Script file is spotted on the web site.

This detection by Avast Antivirus that recognizes risky web site warns computer user in advance. It impedes the malware from infecting the computer. Thus, URL:Mal represents the dangerous web address and not the type of virus that exists on that location.

In most instances, if URL:Mal warning is ignored, the virus will attack the current web browser. Harmful element from URL:Mal will execute the malware and carry out loads of changes on the browser. Some signs of an infected browser are search result redirect, blocked access, and unwanted toolbar and search box.

If URL:Mal appears on your PC, you may be paying a visit to malicious web site, or your browser is already contaminated with the malware. If the alert appears on every web site you visit, including popular ones, that only indicates that your browser is already infected with URL:Mal virus. Whichever the case is, carry out the removal procedure as stated below.

What are the Symptoms of URL:Mal Virus Infection?

URL:Mal will appear if you bump into a web site that has malicious contents. Image below shows that Avast Antivirus blocks the threat before it can enter your computer.

While I don't know enough about computers to know if this is in fact what happened to me those years ago, it does seem to describe almost to the letter my experiences on that day. And the pop up virus warning from Avast in the bottom of that link, is the exact pop up warning I received on my computer that day, using Avast.

You know, while it pissed me off, and really bothered me that day, how many years ago? 5 or 6? Once I got my computer clean & safe again, I didn't really think about it again. It's really weird to me that you still do after all this time? To be honest, you're the type of character that I am glad I made that kind of impression on, even if you act, moan, whine and bitch, like it was some kind of atrocity on my part.

I guess, I'm glad that you hold on to shit that happened years ago, but what you think of me, about my truth of who I am or what I do, doesn't / hasn't really ever concerned me at all Catullus. Just being honest.

Other than in the "poilice thread" where the majority of my posts exists, because that is where my experience and personal history is and I'm not around here enough to stay abreast with the many political topics of the day. I try to keep my postings pretty limited because of my limited time on here and my limited experience and or interest or lack thereof with your back and forth bickering and bantering with politics.

Unlike you. Hey, I wish I was as smart and all knowing as you are, but I'm not. But damn Cat, stupid? Naive maybe? Blatantly honest? For sure. But, if you don't mind me saying so, you're sounding kinda sociopathically dishonest?

You bring up me being a cop, 10 times more than I even speak of it Catullus? I think I can honestly say, it seems to bother you much more about what I do for a living, than I am even interested in doing it. Hey, if they didn't pay me, I wouldn't do it.

This August will be 20 years for me. Another 3 or 4 and I will be retiring and growing old and fat on a nice pension. So you don't have much longer fretting yourself that I am a police officer, I'll be done & out soon enough.

We have been around here since 2008 you and I. So hang in there good buddy, won't be much longer. Lol'd.

Edited by Sooner_Nation on Feb 17, 2017 02:28:49
Edited by Sooner_Nation on Feb 17, 2017 00:59:46
Edited by Sooner_Nation on Feb 17, 2017 00:57:22
Edited by Sooner_Nation on Feb 17, 2017 00:51:47
Edited by Sooner_Nation on Feb 17, 2017 00:44:08
Originally posted by Sooner_Nation
So you post a link, that shows I talk stupid when it comes to computers? Something I already freely admit to? I guess I'm no match for your greatness...

no, i posted a screenshot of you screeching about how much you know about computers. there are many more. i mean, look at your first words: "Clearly you know nothing". no, sooner, that's you. that's always you.

it was only later, much later, after having your ass handed to you for fifty pages that you suddenly switched tunes. if you had started with an honest recognition of your ignorance, that thread would've been much shorter and you might have actually learned something.

Originally posted by Sooner_Nation

i'm not reading the rest of your shit. correcting all your errors is tiresome. deal with your first contradiction above and then we'll get to the rest. maybe.

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