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Forum > General Discussion > Politics and Religion > Sooooo, how can you fix this mess America?
Originally posted by reddogrw
every politician is corrupt - the question is to what level

Agreed. Not everyone thinks Trump is corrupt. To me that seems childish and naive.

Originally posted by number51
Trump is a combination of arrogant and corrupt.

Originally posted by Djinnt
What's he done that's corrupt so far?

Originally posted by number51
Trump U.

Originally posted by Djinnt
Where is the corruption in that?
Originally posted by Djinnt
How was it a scam?

Reading through this article, the claims are pretty lackluster.

The Beauty Pageant Scandals

Where and when: Various, 1992-present

The dirt: The Boston Globe’s Matt Viser reports on the mess of the American Dream pageant in 1992. After years of attending beauty pageants—Trump seems to have always enjoyed the company of beautiful, scantily clad women—he decided he wanted to get in on the business himself, meeting with George Houraney and Jill Harth, a couple that ran the American Dream pageant. It was an ill-fated effort. Harth and Houraney alleged that Trump started making passes at her almost immediately. On one occasion, Trump allegedly asked them to bring some models to a party. Harth alleges Trump groped her at the party. In a limo afterward, another model said she heard him say that “all women are bimbos” and most “gold diggers.” Trump reportedly joined another model in bed, uninvited, late at night. On other occasions, he forced Harth into bedrooms and made passes at her, she said. But after the contest, Trump broke off dealings. Harth sued Trump, alleging sexual misbehavior, while the couple together sued him for breach of contract. In the suit, they also alleged that Trump had kept black women out of the pageant.

The upshot: The couple settled with Trump for an unannounced sum, and Harth dropped her suit. Trump has denied all the allegations. But it wasn’t Trump’s last turn in the pageant business. A few years later, he bought the Miss Universe pageant, which also includes Miss USA and Miss Teen USA. “Honestly, when I bought [Miss Universe], the bathing suits got smaller and the heels got higher and the ratings went up,” he boasted to Vanity Fair later. In 2012, he won a $5 million suit against a former contestant who claimed the contest was rigged. By 2015, he operated Miss Universe as a joint venture with NBC, but after he slurred Mexican immigrants at his campaign launch, Univision and NBC both announced they would not air the pageant. Trump bought out NBC’s share, then promptly sold the company. He sued Univision but settled in February. The terms were undisclosed.

Where is the corruption in that? He likes pussy? This article's primary concern is making him look bad, not pointing out actual corruption.

I like pussy but I don't sexually assault women. In fact, I'm not a violent person but I if I saw someone like Trump doing that shit to women/girls, I'm not sure what I would do. I just know it would not go in the assailants favor.

Also, what is it about wealthy scumbags breaching contracts by choice that is ok while it is not ok for regular working class folks who got laid off due to no fault of their own 'breaching contracts' that is not ok? Weren't you one of the people who got all uppity because of the millions of Americans who got fvcked in the Great Recession and weren't able to pay their mortgages?

If you can pay, fvcking pay. If you can't, you lose your investments/property/etc and try to move on. The problem as I see it is that the majority of the people who bitched and moaned about their fellow Americans who got fvcked are the same ones who support(ed) the serial 'strategic' bankruptcy artist Trump. The guy has skirted on a billion or more in taxes and who knows how much in bills he owed investors, lenders, workers, contractors, and other independent small-business owners. He's the Bernie Madoff of the real estate investment world and now he's taking a dump on the Constitution to get us to pay his business expenses while he extorts foreign govts, foreign businesses, and domestic businesses to further enrich himself.

But other than that, the sexual assault, the racism, his utter disregard for the Constitution, his disregard for the safety of our country, his disrespect for anybody who doesn't kiss his ass, his serial dishonesty, his constant need for attention and praise, his entitlement syndrome, his disrespect for the office of the President, his lack of class or character, and the stupid way he wears a tie..other than all that he's probably (?) a decent grandfather. Maybe. Actually, he does know how to create an image and sell it. He's an ace at that! The man has skills, I will give him that, unfortunately they are all about enriching and entitling himself at the expense of those he fvcks over.
Originally posted by Lurchy
I like pussy but I don't sexually assault women. In fact, I'm not a violent person but I if I saw someone like Trump doing that shit to women/girls, I'm not sure what I would do. I just know it would not go in the assailants favor.

I'm not here to defend allegations against Trump. When he's convicted of sexual assault, he's convicted, and I can't do anything about that, nor would I defend it.
My point was that when going through those paragraphs, there isn't evidence of any corruption. It's mostly about him liking watching women in bikinis and shit.

Originally posted by Lurchy
Also, what is it about wealthy scumbags breaching contracts by choice that is ok while it is not ok for regular working class folks who got laid off due to no fault of their own 'breaching contracts' that is not ok? Weren't you one of the people who got all uppity because of the millions of Americans who got fvcked in the Great Recession and weren't able to pay their mortgages?

That's a pretty disingenuous oversimplification. I'm not in favor of anyone breaching contracts. We have contract laws in this country, and as far as I can tell they were upheld both during the mortgage crisis and in Trump's business activities. I agree with contracts being enforced, and if broken, the penalties stipulated in the contract being enforced - against the entity responsible to meet said obligations, be that a person or a business. The problem for the average joe is that they do not 'protect' their activities behind a separate entity most of the time. The law is admittedly too complex for most, including myself, to understand all that well, and that could certainly be helped if any effort was ever made in that regard. Unfortunately the trend is to make it more complex over time.

Originally posted by Lurchy
If you can pay, fvcking pay. If you can't, you lose your investments/property/etc and try to move on.

That's not really how it works for businesses, and for good reason. There would be far fewer mom and pop breakfast joints if someone could sue and get their house because they got sick, let alone massive corporations which aren't too often owned by one person.

Originally posted by Lurchy
The problem as I see it is that the majority of the people who bitched and moaned about their fellow Americans who got fvcked are the same ones who support(ed) the serial 'strategic' bankruptcy artist Trump. The guy has skirted on a billion or more in taxes and who knows how much in bills he owed investors, lenders, workers, contractors, and other independent small-business owners. He's the Bernie Madoff of the real estate investment world and now he's taking a dump on the Constitution to get us to pay his business expenses while he extorts foreign govts, foreign businesses, and domestic businesses to further enrich himself.

Gonna need a citation on us paying his business expenses (that would seem to be actual corruption,) but he didn't make the tax laws allowing people to deduct losses. If you think it's a good idea to get rid of those, I don't necessarily disagree, but for someone to not use them when they're available would be colossally fucking stupid. Every person given the option of giving a billion (or any amount) to the government versus retaining it, is going to make the smart choice and keep the money. I don't care if you're mother theresa or scrooge mcduck.

But this view of the mortgage crisis wherein people simply got fucked and played no role in their purchase of housing they couldn't fulfill their obligations on is just obviously one-sided. I don't think a debate on this matter would be very fruitful given our very different positions but I think you can at least recognize that people getting preyed on was not the only factor in play.

Originally posted by Lurchy
But other than that, the sexual assault, the racism, his utter disregard for the Constitution, his disregard for the safety of our country, his disrespect for anybody who doesn't kiss his ass, his serial dishonesty, his constant need for attention and praise, his entitlement syndrome, his disrespect for the office of the President, his lack of class or character, and the stupid way he wears a tie..other than all that he's probably (?) a decent grandfather. Maybe. Actually, he does know how to create an image and sell it. He's an ace at that! The man has skills, I will give him that, unfortunately they are all about enriching and entitling himself at the expense of those he fvcks over.

The sexual assault, like I said, if he is convicted, I'm definitely not going to defend.
The racism, I haven't really seen. Maybe you can enlighten me.
Disregard for the Constitution, that's something the courts will have to decide, but this is a political statement. Plenty of things many presidents have done could be said to be against the Constitution, but they could also be defended, and in both cases by Constitutional scholars. I mean Obama studied the Constitution himself but in many people's view he endorsed going against the fourth amendment on a massive scale.
Your condemnation of his view on the safety of our country is surely a matter of difference of opinion. He clearly puts that high on his agenda, and acts upon it, so you simply have a different notion of what will make us safe or not.
Disrespect, not much to say about that, but then it doesn't really deserve much attention either in my view.

The thing is, none of that stuff you mentioned (aside from perhaps being dishonest, which certainly isn't uncommon, although it would have to be tied to particular instances and with certain consequences) really implicate him as corrupt.

When I think of political corruption, one excellent example is congressional insider trading - skirting the laws in the country and using their position as lawmakers to benefit themselves personally in the stock market. That's something both sides have done for a long time, and done big at that.

I don't doubt that Trump will probably oust himself as corrupt at some point, the office attracts it and he doesn't seem to be of the character to go out of his way to avoid it, but I don't see it from the arguments provided here so far.
How about his presidential campaign paying almost $12.5 million to his businesses and properties? Seems pretty fucking corrupt to me. Legal or not.

Also keep in mind that he's already announced his re-elect campaign. So he can continue to take donations and continue to funnel them to himself.

Also keep in mind his foreign business dealings and how he is currently being sued for violating emulment(sp?) Clauses of the constitution stating the president cannot take money from foreign countries.

That is corrupt in my opinion.
Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
How about his presidential campaign paying almost $12.5 million to his businesses and properties? Seems pretty fucking corrupt to me. Legal or not.

This does seem pretty corrupt at first glance. Less so the money used for flying, but moreso the rest of it, especially his son's wine company and shit like that.
He certainly should have opted to use other companies, and not a lot of that seems necessary.
Personally I am for making political campaigns public.

Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
Also keep in mind his foreign business dealings and how he is currently being sued for violating emulment(sp?) Clauses of the constitution stating the president cannot take money from foreign countries.

That is corrupt in my opinion.

For that I'll have to wait for the verdict.
He's incredibly corrupt. That's just one glaring I stance that stares right in your face.

also in your wall of text garbage you wrote about profiting as a lawmaker using information on stocks. well, the toddler in cheif is still hasnt removed himself from his businesses. he's heavily invested in dapl, and low and behold he signs an eo pushing that through. you know, so he can profit off of his investment.

like I said, the man is incredibly corrupt. and it's staring you right in the face.
Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
also in your wall of text garbage you wrote about profiting as a lawmaker using information on stocks. well, the toddler in cheif is still hasnt removed himself from his businesses. he's heavily invested in dapl, and low and behold he signs an eo pushing that through. you know, so he can profit off of his investment.

like I said, the man is incredibly corrupt. and it's staring you right in the face.

he has also put his kids in positions of power so that the whole family could enjoy the benefits of extorting bribes and favors from foreign govts, businesses. other
Originally posted by Djinnt
The racism, I haven't really seen.

Fucking lol.
Originally posted by nsully89
Fucking lol.

The difference between you and me is that I take the word racist seriously.
Kind of like how I take Hitler comparisons seriously.
Some people are willing to throw them around without any regard for the truth. Hitler is responsible for ~11 million deaths in extermination camps, 10 million Russian civilians and around 52 million combatants.
Racism means hating or finding one or more races inferior. We have some really compelling examples throughout history of real racism, like seeing people as subhuman - even possibly members of a different species, or lynching people because of their membership to a race.
That's pretty fucking starkly contrasted to anything Trump has said or done. Citing that illegal immigrants (not a race) from Mexico (not an origin of any particular race) in particular are responsible for a disproportionate number of rapes, murders and drug crimes especially in border states (a fact,) is not racist. It's simply something people don't want to hear because of a political bias.
That doesn't sound anything like hating a race or finding them inferior to me.
Or when he says that inner city blacks are treated as second class citizens, something he (admittedly vaguely) claimed he wanted to right. Oh my, what vitriol! Give this guy a rope, he clearly has some hanging to do!

Sorry I actually care what words mean. Give me a fucking break.
Oh my god, did you hear John say he doesn't like tzatziki the other day? That guy is like literally Hitler.
Originally posted by Djinnt
The difference between you and me is that I take the word racist seriously.
Kind of like how I take Hitler comparisons seriously.
Some people are willing to throw them around without any regard for the truth. Hitler is responsible for ~11 million deaths in extermination camps, 10 million Russian civilians and around 52 million combatants.
Racism means hating or finding one or more races inferior. We have some really compelling examples throughout history of real racism, like seeing people as subhuman - even possibly members of a different species, or lynching people because of their membership to a race.
That's pretty fucking starkly contrasted to anything Trump has said or done. Citing that illegal immigrants (not a race) from Mexico (not an origin of any particular race) in particular are responsible for a disproportionate number of rapes, murders and drug crimes especially in border states (a fact,) is not racist. It's simply something people don't want to hear because of a political bias.
That doesn't sound anything like hating a race or finding them inferior to me.
Or when he says that inner city blacks are treated as second class citizens, something he (admittedly vaguely) claimed he wanted to right. Oh my, what vitriol! Give this guy a rope, he clearly has some hanging to do!

Sorry I actually care what words mean. Give me a fucking break.

I think you just got triggered.

Originally posted by BigMex73
I think you just got triggered.

It should make everyone angry that words like racist, sexist, homophobe and bigot have been co-opted by the left and transformed to be basically meaningless propaganda buzzwords. Bigot, when used by the left means 'you don't agree with me.' Most of the time when it's used, it's in a patently bigoted context.
Originally posted by Djinnt
It should make everyone angry that words like racist, sexist, homophobe and bigot have been co-opted by the left and transformed to be basically meaningless propaganda buzzwords. Bigot, when used by the left means 'you don't agree with me.' Most of the time when it's used, it's in a patently bigoted context.

Count with me ... 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... deep breath ... 7 ...6

To radical for Republicans 20 years ago, perfect for Trump. Own it snowflakes.

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