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Forum > Prep Leagues > SEASON 31 Prep Competitive #2
Originally posted by Dub J



p.s. wresting is fake
Dub J


Kurt Davey
It was me..... i really can't put up with this

Mayan is gonna kick your asses.... whether you like balls or not.
Dub J
You better be joking or there's a no lock in your future, pal.

Kurt Davey
Originally posted by Dub J
You better be joking or there's a no lock in your future, pal.

Yes, just joking.... except for the kicking your asses part
There was no wrong going on in this forum, why are the mods editing posts? What happened to freedom of speech? Did Dictator Goodell take over GLB?
Originally posted by Synthetik
There was no wrong going on in this forum, why are the mods editing posts? What happened to freedom of speech? Did Dictator Goodell take over GLB?

Tell that to McFly. This is why everybody quit GLB along time ago because people can't even post in forums that they belong to. Coupled with what you just said I bet the mods will be appealing his suspension soon.
Dub J
McFly is with us so I don't know why someone would be led to believe he shouldn't be posting here.

Originally posted by Synthetik
There was no wrong going on in this forum, why are the mods editing posts? What happened to freedom of speech? Did Dictator Goodell take over GLB?

Wow! You caught me. I am part of an evil empire with the end goal of stomping on your right to freedom of speech.

Guys you all know that occasional profanity is usually overlooked so everybody can have a good time, however we do have to keep in mind that once it starts to escalate or is quoted, conversations have a tendency to get out of hand.

If the urge to use potty words gets unbearable please visit GLB's separate (but equal lol) FFA forum.

Dub I wish they would've have named the tag team "Team Hug it Out" instead of "Hell No"
Originally posted by JCJayhawk
Wow! You caught me. I am part of an evil empire with the end goal of stomping on your right to freedom of speech.

Evil empire...aka Mods. Sounds about right?
Originally posted by JCJayhawk
Wow! You caught me. I am part of an evil empire with the end goal of stomping on your right to freedom of speech.

Guys you all know that occasional profanity is usually overlooked so everybody can have a good time, however we do have to keep in mind that once it starts to escalate or is quoted, conversations have a tendency to get out of hand.

If the urge to use potty words gets unbearable please visit GLB's separate (but equal lol) FFA forum.

Dub I wish they would've have named the tag team "Team Hug it Out" instead of "Hell No"

So you are telling me that profanity is only punishable when you decide ( And the forum rules are there for no reason ) ? I don't get it you guys are mod(s) not admins get off your power trips. Anyways it's rather sad that you LOL when mention FFA , If you consider FFA the trashpile of GLB just get rid of it . Last but not least Dub doesn't like you so stop trying to change the subject when what you are trying to do here is obviously wrong. I'm beginning to think coming back to GLB was a mistake.
I was actually trying to be nice and clean up a bit of the mess, but if I'm hearing you right you would like me to be a stickler for the rules in this forum. I will be glad to do that if you think it will help.

Originally posted by JCJayhawk
the People's Mod!!!

personally I think there should be a benchmark of reportings before a mod can do anything at all. 15 would be a good number. If 15 people think something needs to be reported then a mod should intervene, not if the mod reads it or one person and his multi reports it.

I had some guy I just signed report another guy on my team for saying fuck one time, on my own team forum and then when support told him they weren't going to do anything because it was in my team forum, he tried to make me do something about it (I've never had this issue in the past and I definitely could have had alot). His only player was a scrambling qb... not a wise move for him.

If something bothers you, fine say something about it, (people could potentially judge you as difficult but thats your choice), just don't expect anything to happen unless the majority agrees with you. There are tons of people in life who's experiences can be benefited from, but when people try to force rather than convince is when (as long as you are a sane rational human being) its time to bail, unless you want to give up control in your own life.

also putting JCJayhawk's terrible job (I'm not sure what he's saying in the last comment tbh, you do know this game needs more not less users, and maybe its not obvious to you that overmodding and personal revenge modding almost (or did) killed this game, but it is to everyone else) aside, North Side Mob is looking forward to playing everyone in regular season action.
Originally posted by Obliterator
personally I think there should be a benchmark of reportings before a mod can do anything at all. 15 would be a good number. If 15 people think something needs to be reported then a mod should intervene, not if the mod reads it or one person and his multi reports it.

I had some guy I just signed report another guy on my team for saying fuck one time, on my own team forum and then when support told him they weren't going to do anything because it was in my team forum, he tried to make me do something about it (I've never had this issue in the past and I definitely could have had alot). His only player was a scrambling qb... not a wise move for him.

If something bothers you, fine say something about it, (people could potentially judge you as difficult but thats your choice), just don't expect anything to happen unless the majority agrees with you. There are tons of people in life who's experiences can be benefited from, but when people try to force rather than convince is when (as long as you are a sane rational human being) its time to bail, unless you want to give up control in your own life.

also putting JCJayhawk's terrible job (I'm not sure what he's saying in the last comment tbh, you do know this game needs more not less users, and maybe its not obvious to you that overmodding and personal revenge modding almost (or did) killed this game, but it is to everyone else) aside, North Side Mob is looking forward to playing everyone in regular season action.

you do realize you are talking about a bunch of no life, power hungry tards right?

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