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I'm not saying either conference is weak by any means. The stats are combined offense, defense & special teams. It takes into account every single statistical category that GLB offers up. At the end of the season I was going to post the final rankings... who was best, statistically speaking, in every category. I have a spreadsheet that ranks every category that I built. We will see come the playoffs & championship who is better, not to mention, isn't the scrimmage games against teams in the other conference? I know it's consolation, but if the scrimmage game issue is the case, at least we'll get to see what conference is what.

I respect all the teams in AA2, and most of us could probably hold our own against AAA teams.

Good luck to all in the playoffs!
Originally posted by kingsolo
I'm not saying either conference is weak by any means. The stats are combined offense, defense & special teams. It takes into account every single statistical category that GLB offers up. At the end of the season I was going to post the final rankings... who was best, statistically speaking, in every category. I have a spreadsheet that ranks every category that I built. We will see come the playoffs & championship who is better, not to mention, isn't the scrimmage games against teams in the other conference? I know it's consolation, but if the scrimmage game issue is the case, at least we'll get to see what conference is what.

I respect all the teams in AA2, and most of us could probably hold our own against AAA teams.

Good luck to all in the playoffs!

eh....out of playoff scrims are where teams have fun and test new ideas, get backups in for more gametime since there is no XP, etc. I'd use the week 16 games as a decent barometer, not the scrims.

Regardless, I'll try to keep my sarcasm to myself for a bit since it doesn't seem to come across well on the forums
Just use some smileys or something... that's how I denote mine. I am chalking this one up to me being grumpy... been 5 months since I seen my wife... 3 more until Uncle Sam give me a conjugal! Woo hoo!
The "strength of conference" stuff is just irrelevant.

You can only play the teams on your schedule. Can Zeta help it if some of our teams have struggled recruiting? Each team is an island - no one gets any help (or any hurt) in recruiting based on their conference. FPQA's struggles in no way make Melbourne, or BAMC, or El Fuego or anyone else in Zeta any lesser.

If 5 teams in Alpha gutted today, would that make the Blaze or Sea Dragons any worse of a team? Of course not. The only reasonable way to make cross-conference comparisons is to look at how teams have fared against very similarly levelled competition, and then determine who is at the highest level.

This means that some teams - including the tops of both conferences - have next to no information that can be used. Melbourne has never played an equally levelled opponent. Tonga has at most 1 game that can be considered, and it was week 1. BAMC played and won a few around the start of the season, but were able to recruit past all their rivals and haven't faced anyone of similar talent since week 6. They do get Sydney in week 16, so that will help establish something of a baseline.
True, I agree with your points. It's tough to guage where the teams are, that's why I, and most every other sports fan hits the statistics. Statistics are the only ways to possibly match two teams that, honestly, may never see each other on the field. That's why I spent well over an hour developing my spreadsheet... mainly for scouting purposes, but it has blown up in to so much more! Ask Rev or Razorthorn, or anyone else who has seen my TOP SECRET Excel Scouting sheet! They'll tell you! I feel it made their job easier, but at the same time, it got me more into the statistics of the teams well enough to stand behind the statements that I made earlier... even though they were provoked through sarcasm... thanks SCACE!

I now recruiting players is a tough gig. I have read several time what people went through during the recruiting stages in this and all the other leagues I am in. It's not an easy task and I don't envy those folks in the least.

The gutting thing is the only point that I take issue with. So, you're saying that teams in your conference got gutted? It doesn't make their opponent any less of a team, but what it makes ALL of us is less of a division. I spend more time hanging out in the Oceania sections of the forum, and honestly, care more about my Oceania player, than my other 2. Why? Cause all you guys make it fun. Look at SCACE & Blink... they had their issue, they hashed it out, and now they are (somewhat) okay. I say somewhat just cause I don't know what they really feel, but that's another thread! If we're all making this division fun to hang out in, and we have spirited rivalries, we need to find out why teams would be gutted from this division.

Sorry I rambled on... now no one will read this post!
I didn't say that anyone from Zeta had been gutted - and they have not been, though FPQA has lagged so far behind in recruiting, they might as well have been. Cimmeria got off to a terrible start recruiting wise, had a small surge, and didn't continue on that pace (the poor record undoubtedly put a crimp in their plans).

My point was that the level of competition in no way reflects on the strength or lack thereof of the other teams in the conference. Stats are even more limited in usefulness in GLB than in RL. In RL, teams can't go out and recruit higher levelled players mid-season.

Even within our conference, a team that played the Chinese Bandits early (when they were almost all low-levels and/or CPUs) has a significant stat advantage over a team that played them late, after they recruited a roster of 15-22s. The same is doubtless true on a more limited basis for other stats and other teams. Almost every team has added marquee players.

There's just no way to use flawed stats to compare to a completely different set of flawed stats. That's only slightly more effective than flipping a coin.
I think stats tell some of the story, but not all of it. I can say for our team, we specifically played different offense and defense throughout the season to see how things worked and to try and keep our defensive players on the field for as close to max plays whenever possible. We also get our backups, even the ones who started at quite a lower level, plenty of playing time so that they could grow with us. Did that lead to stalled offensive drives? Definitely. Did it lead to our defense giving up ground the starters wouldn't have normally given up? Definitely.

So yeah, stats tell you something, but not nearly everything. At the end of the day, I do hope we get a chance to play the Blaze and I hope we both go into the playoffs 16-0 to give us the potential to reach a championship both at 19-0...that would be quite a game
Too bad Kingsolo is a likeable dude. I am itching for another fight since the Tonga game.

I hope we play the Blaze in the championship game, it would be cool to have another Brisbane team do well, even if they are a Heat knock off.
Originally posted by sxewesley
Too bad Kingsolo is a likeable dude. I am itching for another fight since the Tonga game.

I hope we play the Blaze in the championship game, it would be cool to have another Brisbane team do well, even if they are a Heat knock off.

Not soooo fast my friend.
Originally posted by Modok
Originally posted by sxewesley

Too bad Kingsolo is a likeable dude. I am itching for another fight since the Tonga game.

I hope we play the Blaze in the championship game, it would be cool to have another Brisbane team do well, even if they are a Heat knock off.

Not soooo fast my friend.

+ 1
Yeah, it sucks I'm not more confrontational! I'd love to get in to some heated debates like that Malachorn cock... crap, I said his name, he'll prbably show up trash our thread now!...but I just can't do it. I'll get defensive, but never super confrontational!

I got here after team names had already been set... though, it wasn't us who backed out of the bet about the name change! Who was that that tucked tail & ran????

Yeah, a 19-0 v 19-0 championship would be pretty awesome! A true test of the better game planning... not the better team in my opinion.
Last edited Jul 9, 2008 19:56:14
Originally posted by tweaker_joe
Originally posted by Revelation

Many people fear and criticize what they cannot comprehend. I understand. While we're at it, truth tends to be opinion thought to be true. Most everyone would like to think they are a realist when reciting their prejudices.

No, nobody wants to deal with you. That's what you fail to comprehend. You’re forcing yourself upon us like a child in need of attention. You came in here, made a stupid post, everyone laughed at you, and now you refuse to leave. You're a troll. An infection. A nuance. Place yourself on a pedestal all you want, but you’re the buffoon here.

Please redirect your ignored banter elsewhere. Go ruin someone else’s topic with information no one is really listening to but yourself. We refuse to comprehend because we refuse to deal with you. All you are is an annoyance. Stick your chest out and be proud!

If that isnt clear enough for your thick skull I dont know what is.

Oh yeah, and lets end with a quote from me - “You’re not wanted here, FUCK OFF ASS CLOWN!”

Hmm, I must have hit pretty close to home to get you all riled up like that. There can be a very easy solution to your problem reading words that I type.

Don't read what I type. This can be a very simple, yet very effective solution. I have no problem talking to any of you. And there is no way that I'm going to take orders from someone who prefers to call people names even after being shown that's usually not the best idea.

"If you can't answer a man's arguments, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names."
- Elbert Hubbard

I'm going to talk and respond to people, whether you like it or not. You have 2 options. Stop reading what I say or get used to it.

I am looking forward to the Championship game as well, whoever it will be against.
Last edited Jul 9, 2008 22:51:25
Originally posted by kingsolo
Yeah, it sucks I'm not more confrontational! I'd love to get in to some heated debates like that Malachorn cock... crap, I said his name, he'll prbably show up trash our thread now!...but I just can't do it. I'll get defensive, but never super confrontational!

I got here after team names had already been set... though, it wasn't us who backed out of the bet about the name change! Who was that that tucked tail & ran????

Yeah, a 19-0 v 19-0 championship would be pretty awesome! A true test of the better game planning... not the better team in my opinion.

I really have no problem with your name, I was referring to the Brisbane Heat in Oceania AAA#2, not the otheBlaze here actually.

You should know that Brisbane is the City of Champions and has an excellent resume so far. The first champs of AAA were the Brisbane Bandits and the first champs of Pro were the Brisbane Gods, so you are in good company.

Originally posted by sxewesley

You should know that Brisbane is the City of Champions and has an excellent resume so far. The first champs of AAA were the Brisbane Bandits and the first champs of Pro were the Brisbane Gods, so you are in good company.

Which is exactly why Tonga will be winning in AA#2, we're at the quota for Aussie champions.

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