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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > THUNDERDOME - Burnt Orange style
No, thats the Big 10
Originally posted by txag2k
Hah, I have been away from this forum for two days and you guys kept on eh?

Man, you guys are easy.

I had to post to keep you busy for the next few days.

how do you keep an aggy entertained for hours?

hand him a piece of paper that says turn over on both sides
Originally posted by Paul Kemp
Originally posted by lc512

Great AI there, Mr. Computer. We're down 6 and driving late, and it spits out this series of plays:

3:53 1st & 10 OPP 28.5 Lord Brady pitch to Whitey Jackson to the right (3 yd gain) [tackle: Bitey of Brackenwood] Replay
3:10 2nd & 7 OPP 25.5 Joseph Lawrence rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Beef Rockmoore] Replay
2:25 3rd & 3.5 OPP 22 Lord Brady pitch to Whitey Jackson to the left (1.5 yd loss) [tackle: Robert A. Berry] Replay
2:13 4th & 5 OPP 23.5 40.5 yd field goal attempted by Kelly Leadfoot, made [FG]

Brilliant! Let's kick a field goal down 6 with 2 minutes left.

Anyway, not taking anything away from Austin. Great game guys. It was an instant classic as I figured it would be. Back and forth all day, lots of big plays, etc. Hell of a team ya'll got going. We'll see you in the conference championship =). Congrats.

That was BS, lc. I don't understand how the sim can be so stupid. The result might have been the same, but I would feel much better about this win had the AI not cheapened it.

Great game, and we will indeed see you in the CC... Bort almighty willing.

Yeah. I feel like they robbed you guys a little too. If I'm on your side, I'd much rather win with a bad ass defensive 4th down stop than on a field goal and a couple of runs or whatever. It just sucks to rob a great game of such a great potential finish. What had potential to go out with a bang went out with a AI-aided whimper. But, like I said, nothing taken away from you guys. You deserved the win. Great game gentlemen.
Last edited Jun 28, 2008 18:13:32
Paul Kemp
Originally posted by lc512
Originally posted by Paul Kemp

Originally posted by lc512

Great AI there, Mr. Computer. We're down 6 and driving late, and it spits out this series of plays:

3:53 1st & 10 OPP 28.5 Lord Brady pitch to Whitey Jackson to the right (3 yd gain) [tackle: Bitey of Brackenwood] Replay
3:10 2nd & 7 OPP 25.5 Joseph Lawrence rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Beef Rockmoore] Replay
2:25 3rd & 3.5 OPP 22 Lord Brady pitch to Whitey Jackson to the left (1.5 yd loss) [tackle: Robert A. Berry] Replay
2:13 4th & 5 OPP 23.5 40.5 yd field goal attempted by Kelly Leadfoot, made [FG]

Brilliant! Let's kick a field goal down 6 with 2 minutes left.

Anyway, not taking anything away from Austin. Great game guys. It was an instant classic as I figured it would be. Back and forth all day, lots of big plays, etc. Hell of a team ya'll got going. We'll see you in the conference championship =). Congrats.

That was BS, lc. I don't understand how the sim can be so stupid. The result might have been the same, but I would feel much better about this win had the AI not cheapened it.

Great game, and we will indeed see you in the CC... Bort almighty willing.

Yeah. I feel like they robbed you guys a little too. If I'm on your side, I'd much rather win with a bad ass defensive 4th down stop than on a field goal and a couple of runs or whatever. But, like I said, nothing taken away from you guys. You deserved the win. Great game gentlemen.

Do you know if time-outs are even a part of the sim? That is the only way I can make any sense of that move. 3 time outs and a three and out, then all you have to do is get the ball into field goal territory to send the game into OT.

This is the pbp from our final series after your FG:

2:11 Kickoff by Kelly Leadfoot, 78 yd, fielded by Fozwhit Charles, 0 yds (touchback) Replay
2:05 1st & 10 OWN 20 Tommy Ford rush up the middle (5 yd gain) [tackle: Little BallOfHate] Replay
2:00 2nd & 5 OWN 25 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba [missed tackle: Anton Douvier] to the left (6 yd gain) [tackle: Stains Johnson] Replay
1:55 1st & 10 OWN 31.5 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba to the right (2 yd gain) [tackle: Not in My House] Replay
1:52 2nd & 8 OWN 33 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba to the right (4 yd gain) [diving tackle: Ray Long] Replay
1:48 3rd & 4.5 OWN 37 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba to the right (5.5 yd gain) [tackle: Jaxson Jambi] Replay

Hell, it almost looks like you had 6 timeouts.
Originally posted by Paul Kemp

Do you know if time-outs are even a part of the sim? That is the only way I can make any sense of that move. 3 time outs and a three and out, then all you have to do is get the ball into field goal territory to send the game into OT.

This is the pbp from our final series after your FG:

2:11 Kickoff by Kelly Leadfoot, 78 yd, fielded by Fozwhit Charles, 0 yds (touchback) Replay
2:05 1st & 10 OWN 20 Tommy Ford rush up the middle (5 yd gain) [tackle: Little BallOfHate] Replay
2:00 2nd & 5 OWN 25 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba [missed tackle: Anton Douvier] to the left (6 yd gain) [tackle: Stains Johnson] Replay
1:55 1st & 10 OWN 31.5 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba to the right (2 yd gain) [tackle: Not in My House] Replay
1:52 2nd & 8 OWN 33 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba to the right (4 yd gain) [diving tackle: Ray Long] Replay
1:48 3rd & 4.5 OWN 37 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba to the right (5.5 yd gain) [tackle: Jaxson Jambi] Replay

Hell, it almost looks like you had 6 timeouts.

wow... that's a little f'ed up. That should be reported as a bug. It still would have been nice, for us, if we had stopped Tomba on the 1:48 3rd and 4.5... and maybe got a few palys off to tie it w/ a field goal. Actually, I am glad we didn't get the ball, 'cause there would be a need of an explaination of that series.

Great game BTW... Brady threw a pick for a TD that was returned for the go-ahead score, early in the 3rd:

You guys held him off real good and Harper earned respects for sure, for hanging in when we threw the kitchen sink at him....And Tomba gets my gameball.

I have been nervous about Austin since last season, and now I see why. GL the rest of the season and see you in the play offs.
Originally posted by sixwhat

how do you keep an aggy entertained for hours?

hand him a piece of paper that says turn over on both sides

That's a new one 6. Here's some other new ones!

How do you get a tech grad off your porch? Pay for the pizza.

What does a sip call an Aggie? Boss.

Man, I know this post will keep this thread going for about 2 weeks.

Do you sodbusters in collieville really think UT alumns work for enough agheys to tell a "boss" joke? I actually hope you ags pull it together a little bit because lately you have been giving the state of TEXAS a bad name when it comes to football, atleast the raiders picked up your slack a bit. Then again, I guess that's why they are your new big rival. All yall can say to Texas fans has to do with the "perfect storm" yall put forth as of late, well done. But do you really think that makes up for your shortcomings as a competitive division-I football program? Yall have gotten so pathetice over there you have resorted to bragging about womens sports. I guess I salute you for your ignorance in the face of such mediocrity. Losing to a team as bad as yall might draw some pretty tough questions here on the 40 acres if it weren't for the undefeated NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP we just won.
Originally posted by Paul Kemp
Originally posted by lc512

Originally posted by Paul Kemp

Originally posted by lc512

Great AI there, Mr. Computer. We're down 6 and driving late, and it spits out this series of plays:

3:53 1st & 10 OPP 28.5 Lord Brady pitch to Whitey Jackson to the right (3 yd gain) [tackle: Bitey of Brackenwood] Replay
3:10 2nd & 7 OPP 25.5 Joseph Lawrence rush up the middle (3.5 yd gain) [tackle: Beef Rockmoore] Replay
2:25 3rd & 3.5 OPP 22 Lord Brady pitch to Whitey Jackson to the left (1.5 yd loss) [tackle: Robert A. Berry] Replay
2:13 4th & 5 OPP 23.5 40.5 yd field goal attempted by Kelly Leadfoot, made [FG]

Brilliant! Let's kick a field goal down 6 with 2 minutes left.

Anyway, not taking anything away from Austin. Great game guys. It was an instant classic as I figured it would be. Back and forth all day, lots of big plays, etc. Hell of a team ya'll got going. We'll see you in the conference championship =). Congrats.

That was BS, lc. I don't understand how the sim can be so stupid. The result might have been the same, but I would feel much better about this win had the AI not cheapened it.

Great game, and we will indeed see you in the CC... Bort almighty willing.

Yeah. I feel like they robbed you guys a little too. If I'm on your side, I'd much rather win with a bad ass defensive 4th down stop than on a field goal and a couple of runs or whatever. But, like I said, nothing taken away from you guys. You deserved the win. Great game gentlemen.

Do you know if time-outs are even a part of the sim? That is the only way I can make any sense of that move. 3 time outs and a three and out, then all you have to do is get the ball into field goal territory to send the game into OT.

This is the pbp from our final series after your FG:

2:11 Kickoff by Kelly Leadfoot, 78 yd, fielded by Fozwhit Charles, 0 yds (touchback) Replay
2:05 1st & 10 OWN 20 Tommy Ford rush up the middle (5 yd gain) [tackle: Little BallOfHate] Replay
2:00 2nd & 5 OWN 25 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba [missed tackle: Anton Douvier] to the left (6 yd gain) [tackle: Stains Johnson] Replay
1:55 1st & 10 OWN 31.5 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba to the right (2 yd gain) [tackle: Not in My House] Replay
1:52 2nd & 8 OWN 33 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba to the right (4 yd gain) [diving tackle: Ray Long] Replay
1:48 3rd & 4.5 OWN 37 Chris Harper pitch to Jaquan-Juan Tomba to the right (5.5 yd gain) [tackle: Jaxson Jambi] Replay

Hell, it almost looks like you had 6 timeouts.

Yeah, I noticed that too. As far as I know they do have timeouts.. .and it does look like we had 5 or 6. If it only had 3 actual timeouts, the game would have been over a couple plays earlier.
Originally posted by bsbjr
blah blah blah.

I'd stay off this forum and try and make your team better. You got beat 123-0? There is this other forum you need to be reading instead... players looking for teams.
What does a sip call an Aggie? Boss.

thats extremely dumb because i cant remember the last time I or anyone I know had an aggy boss
that's pathetic. aggies jokes, horns jokes... that's clever.
here's an idea for you - why not being intelligent and keep this bitter rivalry for the thanksgiving game on the football field (where it should be) and just coexist for the 364 other days in the year ? We are lucky to have 2 great academic institutions in Texas - each with their own past and particularities, but each representing what Texas is all about. I'm proud to be an Aggie (grad school) and I'm proud to have many Longhorn friends
This childish rivalry is embarrassing. Make some noise at Kyle or DKR, wear Maroon or Orange - outside, act like an adult. please.
That must be the proof that each and every aggie is retarded and that each and every longhorn is a genius. Thank you lc512 for opening my eyes.
Originally posted by Ag06
That must be the proof that each and every aggie is retarded and that each and every longhorn is a genius. Thank you lc512 for opening my eyes.

Here's to you, Mr. "tries to make an age-old rivalry way too friendly" guy.

REAL MEN OF GENIUSS (reall men of geeeennniuuss)
Last edited Jun 30, 2008 15:16:48

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