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Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
Originally posted by backstop

Really don't want to go nat-pro with chem like this. I lost almost a third of my team (17 dots) after the season ended. Thing are so even up there having a 1.5% team attribute penalty for the low chem would eliminate us from being competitive. It would be like having a mini football (or better) against us for every game. As it is we won't be at 100% team chem until day 29. So for more than a quarter of the season we would be at a severe disadvantage and it would gradually improve after that through game 10 or so before we were where we need to be.

Not fun to go up there and get smashed and sent right back down. Been there done that.

do they still send back down only the 2 lowest teams or do you have to make playoffs to stay in national pro now?
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
Originally posted by backstop

Really don't want to go nat-pro with chem like this. I lost almost a third of my team (17 dots) after the season ended. Thing are so even up there having a 1.5% team attribute penalty for the low chem would eliminate us from being competitive. It would be like having a mini football (or better) against us for every game. As it is we won't be at 100% team chem until day 29. So for more than a quarter of the season we would be at a severe disadvantage and it would gradually improve after that through game 10 or so before we were where we need to be.

Not fun to go up there and get smashed and sent right back down. Been there done that.

That's my mikey. making pals everywhere he goes
Luke Pass
Originally posted by Sapper06
That's my mikey. making pals everywhere he goes

He's right though ......... Blaming shit on chemistry is just a way to give yourself an out as a shitty coordinator. UE had less than 45 chemistry last season to start in WEPL, and ended up knocking off #1 and #2 seeds on its path to WL (anything can happen in post season, just get there). Chemistry doesn't have as much of an effect as people say, its an out for people to use on shitty coordinating, IMO.
favorite prism
Originally posted by Luke Pass
He's right though ......... Blaming shit on chemistry is just a way to give yourself an out as a shitty coordinator. UE had less than 45 chemistry last season to start in WEPL, and ended up knocking off #1 and #2 seeds on its path to WL (anything can happen in post season, just get there). Chemistry doesn't have as much of an effect as people say, its an out for people to use on shitty coordinating, IMO.

This exactly.
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
Originally posted by backstop

Really don't want to go nat-pro with chem like this. I lost almost a third of my team (17 dots) after the season ended. Thing are so even up there having a 1.5% team attribute penalty for the low chem would eliminate us from being competitive. It would be like having a mini football (or better) against us for every game. As it is we won't be at 100% team chem until day 29. So for more than a quarter of the season we would be at a severe disadvantage and it would gradually improve after that through game 10 or so before we were where we need to be.

Not fun to go up there and get smashed and sent right back down. Been there done that.

Whatever Mike, this whole thing was started because guys were whining about us being here. Merely pointing out that 'm not going to request a move to nat-pro because I don't think we're ready.

Originally posted by cheese sandwich
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike

Originally posted by backstop

Really don't want to go nat-pro with chem like this. I lost almost a third of my team (17 dots) after the season ended. Thing are so even up there having a 1.5% team attribute penalty for the low chem would eliminate us from being competitive. It would be like having a mini football (or better) against us for every game. As it is we won't be at 100% team chem until day 29. So for more than a quarter of the season we would be at a severe disadvantage and it would gradually improve after that through game 10 or so before we were where we need to be.

Not fun to go up there and get smashed and sent right back down. Been there done that.

do they still send back down only the 2 lowest teams or do you have to make playoffs to stay in national pro now?

Depends on how awful a team performed. The bottom 2 for sure and if there are teams that just got destroyed in addition to the bottom 2 they'll move them as well sometimes.

Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
Originally posted by Luke Pass

He's right though ......... Blaming shit on chemistry is just a way to give yourself an out as a shitty coordinator. UE had less than 45 chemistry last season to start in WEPL, and ended up knocking off #1 and #2 seeds on its path to WL (anything can happen in post season, just get there). Chemistry doesn't have as much of an effect as people say, its an out for people to use on shitty coordinating, IMO.

This exactly.

Our coordinating is fine and you'll have your opportunity to see it 1st hand soon enough. There's no "out" here. We should win this conference chemistry or not. Can't wait for a shot at you 2 lovely ladies
favorite prism
All I hear is you know you suck at this game and you want to milk being 10+ levels over a bunch of dots. You are down there with the SSB scum. Stop making excuses and man up and get yourself in a league you belong in scrub.
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
All I hear is you know you suck at this game and you want to milk being 10+ levels over a bunch of dots. You are down there with the SSB scum. Stop making excuses and man up and get yourself in a league you belong in scrub.

it's uncapped dork, go sign some dots or stfu and stop complaining.
Originally posted by PLAYMAKERS

it's uncapped dork, go sign some dots or stfu and stop complaining.

Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
All I hear is you know you suck at this game and you want to milk being 10+ levels over a bunch of dots. You are down there with the SSB scum. Stop making excuses and man up and get yourself in a league you belong in scrub.

lololol, why is your pro team not banging on the door to be in the WL? Feminine hygiene product! (see below).

All I hear is how we would kick your round womanly... and you're butthurt about it (what a flippin hypocrite BTWIMO). Who the hell are you? Just bring your no talent sack of potatoes to the party. I put my HC up against you any day. It must be easy to sit there and run your rotting rank hole, while the only team your not an lolGM on (EE pro) has only 1 team within 75 points of you in APV. lol The best part of you ran down your mothers leg and in all reality your father should have withdrawn at an earlier time and perhaps turned you into a milkshake (or perhaps wiped you on to a sock)! What a relativisic, intellectually dishonest, waste of protein.. Good for the goose not good for anyone else? 1/2 the teams in the WL don't have APV higher than yours. You are a bigger fish in a smaller pond than I by far.

It's too bad I won't have the chance to dangle my naughty bits on your team unless it's the league championship. But alas you aren't going to be anywhere near that game.

Don't go away mad just...go away.
Originally posted by PLAYMAKERS
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike

All I hear is you know you suck at this game and you want to milk being 10+ levels over a bunch of dots. You are down there with the SSB scum. Stop making excuses and man up and get yourself in a league you belong in scrub.

it's uncapped dork, go sign some dots or stfu and stop complaining.

Originally posted by jreddingjr
Originally posted by PLAYMAKERS

it's uncapped dork, go sign some dots or stfu and stop complaining.


Thanks. I'll probably be banned pretty soon for my prior post but:

Luke Pass
Originally posted by backstop
lololol, why is your pro team not banging on the door to be in the WL? Feminine hygiene product! (see below).

All I hear is how we would kick your round womanly... and you're butthurt about it (what a flippin hypocrite BTWIMO). Who the hell are you? Just bring your no talent sack of potatoes to the party. I put my HC up against you any day. It must be easy to sit there and run your rotting rank hole, while the only team your not an lolGM on (EE pro) has only 1 team within 75 points of you in APV. lol The best part of you ran down your mothers leg and in all reality your father should have withdrawn at an earlier time and perhaps turned you into a milkshake (or perhaps wiped you on to a sock)! What a relativisic, intellectually dishonest, waste of protein.. Good for the goose not good for anyone else? 1/2 the teams in the WL don't have APV higher than yours. You are a bigger fish in a smaller pond than I by far.

It's too bad I won't have the chance to dangle my naughty bits on your team unless it's the league championship. But alas you aren't going to be anywhere near that game.

Don't go away mad just...go away.

Its easy to argue "your point" when you are 10+ levels ..... amirite? I was was the one that said you hide behind coordinating. Its easy to claim your coordinating is fine against 10+ levels. A good team wins under leveled, we've all done it. Blow smoke all you want, but if you can't win this league, you should probably quit dot balling. You seem like a 12th grader that averages 10+ points on jv in HS. Anyone can come can up with some suave ass words that seem to sound relevant, but anyone that knows anything in a BETA game, knows you have no stones. GL this season, you SHOULD win, anything else is an absolute failure, probably the story of your life. Maybe try once in a while to do something that is not a given....
Originally posted by backstop
Merely pointing out that 'm not going to request a move to nat-pro because I don't think we're ready

Originally posted by Luke Pass
Maybe try once in a while to do something that is not a given....

It's the same line teams used to use before. If we get promoted, we won't have a guaranteed shot at the playoffs, but we will have no problem playing in a league with a significant advantage.
favorite prism
Originally posted by backstop
lololol, why is your pro team not banging on the door to be in the WL? Feminine hygiene product! (see below).

All I hear is how we would kick your round womanly... and you're butthurt about it (what a flippin hypocrite BTWIMO). Who the hell are you? Just bring your no talent sack of potatoes to the party. I put my HC up against you any day. It must be easy to sit there and run your rotting rank hole, while the only team your not an lolGM on (EE pro) has only 1 team within 75 points of you in APV. lol The best part of you ran down your mothers leg and in all reality your father should have withdrawn at an earlier time and perhaps turned you into a milkshake (or perhaps wiped you on to a sock)! What a relativisic, intellectually dishonest, waste of protein.. Good for the goose not good for anyone else? 1/2 the teams in the WL don't have APV higher than yours. You are a bigger fish in a smaller pond than I by far.

It's too bad I won't have the chance to dangle my naughty bits on your team unless it's the league championship. But alas you aren't going to be anywhere near that game.

Don't go away mad just...go away.

I've helped take 3 teams to WL. Osaka with SLAP gold sharing OC duties with 5Star. Then with the Sunami when they were in APL. And lastly my own Squall team in WEPL when we started the season with 90% of the roster not level 72 and we won Gold there too. So my question to you is what the hell have you done in this game? While I've been out winning pro trophies youve been slumming up the minor leagues gaming the promotion system so you can actually have a winning record.
Edited by sigepmagicmike on Jun 28, 2011 06:55:40
Originally posted by Luke Pass
He's right though ......... Blaming shit on chemistry is just a way to give yourself an out as a shitty coordinator. UE had less than 45 chemistry last season to start in WEPL, and ended up knocking off #1 and #2 seeds on its path to WL (anything can happen in post season, just get there). Chemistry doesn't have as much of an effect as people say, its an out for people to use on shitty coordinating, IMO.

I blame everything and everybody when mah shit doesnt perform. It certainly cant be my fault because im godlike when pushing buttons. If losers like you want to believe in fantasies like Chemistry has little to no effect well that, fine.

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