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When down by 3+ points you began passing on first down
9 of 11 first down passes were made when trailing the other 2 came in the 4th with the game tied

So you were not sim fucked you merely need to fix your OAI
Yes I was SIM FUCKED, I added more runs to the AI yet passed more 33 to 29 when all season we was a RUNNING TEAM ???? AMAZING HUU? , and I have My AI set with passing packages "WHEN TRAILING " or what ever you would Like to call it einstien set to -35 points ! I thank you for your help (Your Far from the Strategy Expert Your Claiming to be Though ) and Your scouting But understand This is GLB and It's a proven fact every season in the playoffs teams get SIM FUCKED!!!..I'm not mad at all and Think the PREDS will represent well and They have a solid Team. I just kinda don't Understand How you have say Example ----->3 Plays for a certain Formation 1. set at 60% , 1. Set at 25% , 1 . set at 15% , Your Opponet calls this Formation 14 times Yet It calls The 15% 9 of Those???????. Until you can explain that I'll just blow all of this BULL SHIT your saying off. I'm not on here crying about the 2 fieldgoals we missed , or loosing ! But I am Crying about this not following the AI.
Edited by DirtyDawg on Jun 19, 2011 06:16:03
Originally posted by DirtyDawg
Yes I was SIM FUCKED, I added more runs to the AI yet passed more 33 to 29 when all season we was a RUNNING TEAM ???? AMAZING HUU? , and I have My AI set with passing packages "WHEN TRAILING " or what ever you would Like to call it einstien set to -35 points ! I thank you for your help (Your Far from the Strategy Expert Your Claiming to be Though ) and Your scouting But understand This is GLB and It's a proven fact every season in the playoffs teams get SIM FUCKED!!!..I'm not mad at all and Think the PREDS will represent well and They have a solid Team. I just kinda don't Understand How you have say Example ----->3 Plays for a certain Formation 1. set at 60% , 1. Set at 25% , 1 . set at 15% , Your Opponet calls this Formation 14 times Yet It calls The 15% 9 of Those???????. Until you can explain that I'll just blow all of this BULL SHIT your saying off. I'm not on here crying about the 2 fieldgoals we missed , or loosing ! But I am Crying about this not following the AI.

Never said I was a Strategy Expert, I have a quote from TSE in my signature if that is what you mean.

If i had access to your OAI i could answer your query. It could be any number of things that could have caused it. I was trying to be helpful. Do you have AA setup within the package? I have seen examples of a high percentage play being called only 1-2 times due to auto adjust after a turnover. Early on your passing game was actually doing well, good enough to up the play calling anyway, and aside from 2 runs your running game wasn't helping you out much. So if you have AA enabled either within the package or setup on one of your inputs that could account for a lot.
Good game Sudan; I expected it to be much closer.
Yeah I saw that coming!
Good Games Guys! Congrats Preds!
Thanks; I can say that I was a bit surprised to get past you Wooleys; and Sudan i got lucky and they ran that sweep enough times that my defense put them in a hole.
Originally posted by Thorhammer
Thanks; I can say that I was a bit surprised to get past you Wooleys; and Sudan i got lucky and they ran that sweep enough times that my defense put them in a hole.

Great job!

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