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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > CB's reacting away from the receiver when ball is in the air - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Bugs Moderator
not sure thats him actually covering the TE as it is a horrible attempt at jumping the WR1 route to the inside... I see it all too much
To me it looks like he is jumping the route, and going for the ball, just takes a horrible angle at it, and is completely out of position

Does the CB have Ball Hawk?

Originally posted by Talcion
To me it looks like he is jumping the route, and going for the ball, just takes a horrible angle at it, and is completely out of position

That's actually what I was thinking. Rage you mind posting or shooting me the build of the CB in a PM and also if he's on aggressive?
Donovan Tatum
incoming PM Rage

btw... shitty dot is shitty

sup rock
Originally posted by Talcion
Does the CB have Ball Hawk?


I've seen you say this a lot,.
Is Ball Hawk broken?
Does Ball Hawk what's causing this to happen?
There have been multiple threads in the last few months about this, all of which got shut down.

I myself started 3 of them because I tried different tactics, and still saw the players making the same MISTAKES.
The CBs should never move in the wrong direction like this... there are WRs that have Ball Hawk and don't get out of position.
What happens to WRs is that the get to the spot faster, and then they have to wait for the ball, but it doesn't make them overshoot.
There should be consistency in how players move from offense to defense, right now in terms of Ball Hawk, and positioning on a pass, offense is at an advantage because defense makes mistakes.
Originally posted by stromstarhammer
I've seen you say this a lot,.
Is Ball Hawk broken?
Does Ball Hawk what's causing this to happen?
There have been multiple threads in the last few months about this, all of which got shut down.

I myself started 3 of them because I tried different tactics, and still saw the players making the same MISTAKES.
The CBs should never move in the wrong direction like this... there are WRs that have Ball Hawk and don't get out of position.
What happens to WRs is that the get to the spot faster, and then they have to wait for the ball, but it doesn't make them overshoot.
There should be consistency in how players move from offense to defense, right now in terms of Ball Hawk, and positioning on a pass, offense is at an advantage because defense makes mistakes.

That's because I believe that it is the leading cause to CB's jumping routes.

That bonus they get to speed, agility and all the other stuff, allows them to accelerate towards the ball from the point it leaves the QB to the point that it is caught by the WR or deflected by the Secondary.

I personally think a lot of CB's wouldn't have this problem if they went with something else but Ball Hawk. That is my issue, and I believe it is right 90% of the time.
And yet this is "Not likely a bug"? What you just described is the very definition of a bug in the sim.
Rage Kinard
wrong spot

Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Talcion
To me it looks like he is jumping the route, and going for the ball, just takes a horrible angle at it, and is completely out of position

Does the CB have Ball Hawk?


If he is going for the INT but taking an angle that horrible then it is still a bug, just a different one.

Are you saying having better stats (Ball Hawk) should make him run completely away from where he should go to try and intercept the ball? He isn't heading anywhere near the flight path of the ball. He's running straight toward the TE.
Lead Mod
Is it possible in the sim for a CB to make a 'false read' as to where a pass is going? He certainly attempts to jump the route, just of the TE instead of the intended WR.

Something to check with Bort, probably.
Originally posted by Talcion
That's because I believe that it is the leading cause to CB's jumping routes.

That bonus they get to speed, agility and all the other stuff, allows them to accelerate towards the ball from the point it leaves the QB to the point that it is caught by the WR or deflected by the Secondary.

I personally think a lot of CB's wouldn't have this problem if they went with something else but Ball Hawk. That is my issue, and I believe it is right 90% of the time.

Originally posted by Forbin
And yet this is "Not likely a bug"? What you just described is the very definition of a bug in the sim.

Originally posted by Rage Kinard
If he is going for the INT but taking an angle that horrible then it is still a bug, just a different one.

Are you saying having better stats (Ball Hawk) should make him run completely away from where he should go to try and intercept the ball? He isn't heading anywhere near the flight path of the ball. He's running straight toward the TE.

Talcion, I think the general concensus of GLB would be that improving your stats should improve your player.
If you've seen players "overjump" the route, and that there's a problem with a VA, then don't you think that's something that should be brought up to the Bugs team? You're the Bugs Mod here, the one with the power to bring attention to the matter, and you've been mention Ball Hawk for over a month now. Don't you think it's time you did something about it?
Originally posted by stromstarhammer
Talcion, I think the general concensus of GLB would be that improving your stats should improve your player.
If you've seen players "overjump" the route, and that there's a problem with a VA, then don't you think that's something that should be brought up to the Bugs team? You're the Bugs Mod here, the one with the power to bring attention to the matter, and you've been mention Ball Hawk for over a month now. Don't you think it's time you did something about it?

I'm a Bugs Mod Strom, what do you want me to do - Drive down to Borts place and tell him to fix the sim? C'mon now...

Ball Hawk has been the general consensus of a problem VA as well... Or did you not know that?

I'm locking this for now, before it turns into a flame war.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
If he is going for the INT but taking an angle that horrible then it is still a bug, just a different one.

Are you saying having better stats (Ball Hawk) should make him run completely away from where he should go to try and intercept the ball? He isn't heading anywhere near the flight path of the ball. He's running straight toward the TE.

No, I'm saying that the increase in stats for that short of time, is a problem.
Originally posted by Talcion
Ball Hawk has been the general consensus of a problem VA as well... Or did you not know that?

I don't think it's a problem VA as you suggest but I digress from the main point.

I got info from Rage about the CB build - nothing that suggests the build would make a play like that happen..... but the CB was indeed on Aggressive.

What I mentioned to Rage in a PM and I'll post here is that there are definitely examples (I gotta rind some replays) of plays similar to the OP replay where the TE runs a post and runs it into the FS side of the field and if the QB throws it to the TE, you will certainly see in a good number of cases the CB1 come off his WR and make a play on the ball to the TE.

That's certainly what it looks like on that replay..... but the problem is the ball isn't being thrown to the TE it's to his guy. Best case would be to get more replays of that particular play being run with that CB or any other CB being on aggressive and see what type of reaction will happen but that may be difficult.

If this turns out to be a one time deal then I don't see it as a bug but certainly repeated examples will merit more consideration.
Originally posted by Talcion

If this turns out to be a one time deal then I don't see it as a bug but certainly repeated examples will merit more consideration.

Isn't this contradictory of what you bugs guys tell us......

we have to find more then one example or it will not be considered a bug, but here you are saying if it happens more then once then it wont be a bug...

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