Yeah, go ahead and do that first.
Here's the form for everyone. Either PM MC or post it here: Alpha
[ ] Gold Coast Michelin Men
[ ] Eastern European Alliance
[ ] Springville Renagades
[ ] Christchurch Fighting Maori
[ ] Gold Coast Vipers
[ ] Death Dealers
[ ] Indianapolis Gurupies
[ ] Taylor Bulldogs
[ ] Three Mile Island Meltdowns
[ ] Telstar Rebels
[ ] Freedom Town Band of Brothers
[ ] (N.M.I) Pagan Fire Eaters
[ ] Melbourne Marvels
[ ] Micronesia Megalodons
[ ] Fiji Ventures
[ ] Guam Chamoros Rising Sun Devils
[ ] Razorback Nation
[ ] College Town NWA Feeble Minds
[ ] Moscow Mad Cows
[ ] Berlin Kreuzberg Red Stars
[ ] Rekohu Raptors
[ ] Atlantis Lost Souls
[ ] Booty Island Green Goblins
[ ] Samoa Flying Foxes
[ ] Port Moresby Scallywags
[ ] Samoa Savages
[ ] Guam Gorillas
[ ] Tuvalu Matadors
[ ] Vanuatu Volcano
[ ] Guadalcanal Gunners
[ ] Port Vila Mutiny
[ ] Sydney Sea Dragons