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Forum > Game Recaps > Tea Baggins Update
Originally posted by Roger6363
Dude you are a serious tool....Get over yourself and stop flaunting your power of Mod. It is classless and shameful. I really dont get how your mod title has not been removed.

Lighten up douchebag. It is the intrawebs and you are looking foolish.
Thom Yorke
Isn't it "Lighten up"?
Darkus Black
Originally posted by mandyross
How crap. The initial 200+ page thread was a fantastic drama script. What's wrong with the moderator?


I will spell it out for everyone and then I am going to bed.

I thought the Cobra Kai enjoyed messing around so I thought I would have a little joke. Initially I was annoyed with Skanker irl because he was being a bit of a cock about my mistake with the lock. Which happened as a result of navigating on an iphone, anyone that has one and knows how small the screens are will understand how it happened - especially as the mod tools are right underneath the thread title. Once I was over my initial outburst to him about acting like this I thought I would have some fun for the evening by moving the main thread out to a private forum and opening this one back up.

Obviously I massively misread the situation and it turns out that the people involved are a little bit sensitive and, unlike the people that frequent FFA, are not up for a little bit of off season shenanigans to pass the time. My bad completely, as the teenagers say. I apologise for any inconvenience and upset that may have been caused by all this and you can all dry your tears as I will return the thread back to the forum.

I really thought that the Kai would appreciate the fun side of this and the extra exposure that it gave them. How very, very wrong I was. Turns out that all the fun people left this game a long time ago and were replaced by you lot. You miserable, miserable wankers. You have sucked any joy that was left right out of my soul.

Originally posted by Darkus Black

I will spell it out for everyone and then I am going to bed.

I thought the Cobra Kai enjoyed messing around so I thought I would have a little joke. Initially I was annoyed with Skanker irl because he was being a bit of a cock about my mistake with the lock. Which happened as a result of navigating on an iphone, anyone that has one and knows how small the screens are will understand how it happened - especially as the mod tools are right underneath the thread title. Once I was over my initial outburst to him about acting like this I thought I would have some fun for the evening by moving the main thread out to a private forum and opening this one back up.

Obviously I massively misread the situation and it turns out that the people involved are a little bit sensitive and, unlike the people that frequent FFA, are not up for a little bit of off season shenanigans to pass the time. My bad completely, as the teenagers say. I apologise for any inconvenience and upset that may have been caused by all this and you can all dry your tears as I will return the thread back to the forum.

I really thought that the Kai would appreciate the fun side of this and the extra exposure that it gave them. How very, very wrong I was. Turns out that all the fun people left this game a long time ago and were replaced by you lot. You miserable, miserable wankers. You have sucked any joy that was left right out of my soul.

QFmiserable wankers. Turns out the Kai are only up for fun when they're trolling people.
Thom Yorke
Originally posted by tjplainclothesmod82

I didn't quote it

Just fix it and we'll all pretend like I'm crazy
DDJSoDope :3
this thread is now about streaking.
What teenagers say "My bad"? This isn't 1997.
Thom Yorke
Originally posted by Darkus Black

I will spell it out for everyone and then I am going to bed.

I thought the Cobra Kai enjoyed messing around so I thought I would have a little joke. Initially I was annoyed with Skanker irl because he was being a bit of a cock about my mistake with the lock. Which happened as a result of navigating on an iphone, anyone that has one and knows how small the screens are will understand how it happened - especially as the mod tools are right underneath the thread title. Once I was over my initial outburst to him about acting like this I thought I would have some fun for the evening by moving the main thread out to a private forum and opening this one back up.

Obviously I massively misread the situation and it turns out that the people involved are a little bit sensitive and, unlike the people that frequent FFA, are not up for a little bit of off season shenanigans to pass the time. My bad completely, as the teenagers say. I apologise for any inconvenience and upset that may have been caused by all this and you can all dry your tears as I will return the thread back to the forum.

I really thought that the Kai would appreciate the fun side of this and the extra exposure that it gave them. How very, very wrong I was. Turns out that all the fun people left this game a long time ago and were replaced by you lot. You miserable, miserable wankers. You have sucked any joy that was left right out of my soul.

You sir, are a fucking lair. Once again I have to put up with your shitstorm about how mods get treated differently to users and you use krunchy getting banned for something he did in this thread that I also did. Had that been true I would have taken it upon myself to sort it out. HOWEVER, it was a LIE. He got banned for calling a mod an asshole in a completely different thread.

This is the BIGGEST problem with your movement, and Mal is just as to blame. You are all making up bullshit about things that are going on that aren't even happening in an attempt to discredit mods. I wouldn't mind but I don't go out of my way to do things to upset people and I have to put up with having shit flung at me when I am not even involved. The biggest problem is that other people read it and then months later they warp it in their minds.

Go back to that shitty little forum and tell them all that you lied to try to discredit the good name of Darkus Black, and get out of FFA and never come back again. I am through with having any kind of patience with you anymore. When it turns into lies about me then that shit gets serious.

Yeah, I get it. Support ticket sent, demod Darkus, blah blah blah blah. You all fucking failed to realise that I was one of the few mods that ever tried to see it from your point of view. As a result of your LIES you don't even have that anymore. Anyone associated with Mal's forum that comes around the forums with the express purpose of lying and trolling mods will get my recommendation for a permanent forum ban.

Darkus out.
Jack Del Rio
move to Epic Game Recaps imo
Originally posted by Jack Del Rio
move to GBSN imo

Darkus Black
La de da
Edited by Darkus Black on Oct 5, 2009 10:37:32
Skanker irl
Just an update on how he's doing. Tea Baggins is out for blood this season:

24 carries, 319 yards, 13.3 avg., 4 touchdowns, 8 broken tackles against a very solid team.
Originally posted by Skanker irl
Just an update on how he's doing. Tea Baggins is out for blood this season:

24 carries, 319 yards, 13.3 avg., 4 touchdowns, 8 broken tackles against a very solid team.

That was a playoff team he just did that against....any doubters now? GTFO!
Glb legend...
Tea Baggins Owns!

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