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Forum > Champion League > Official Discussion: How can we make this forum not so god damn terrible?
Originally posted by Abstract Actuary
Have a subforum for worthless posts/threads and a serious forum to discuss predictions, rankings, upcoming games, rivalries, serious league happenings, etc.

Or create a private forum and only allow non-troll, non-annoying posters to be in there. They once did it for EE Pro. It isn't all positive, but it does make the forum readable.

Private League Forums are for pussies...
To sum up to this point:

Canada wants to "improve the forum" by removing the forumcentric inbred humor of SA and include more forumcentric inbred humor from Canada.

Welcome to the melting pot, boys.
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
To sum up to this point:

Canada wants to "improve the forum" by removing the forumcentric inbred humor of SA and include more forumcentric inbred humor from Canada.

Welcome to the melting pot, boys.

lol @ trying to make it a cpl vs SA thing. Im sure there are plenty of ppl from slap who hate the kai, because from what I have seen from my limited exposure to your posting, its boring, repetitive, and terrible. Im sure that imthescientist or whoever think its amazingly hilarious to endlessly post painfully bad memes like sweep the leg or whatever other awful crap you do. Im sure you think that it is trolling everyone, and you guys are great posters. But, ya, actually its just p sad, its like watching a train crashing.
why dont both retarded groups socialise the other until you reach a steady (unfunny, monotamous) equilibrium

im picturing the negotiations with the staff unions in theme park
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
To sum up to this point:

Canada wants to "improve the forum" by removing the forumcentric inbred humor of SA and include more forumcentric inbred humor from Canada.

Welcome to the melting pot, boys.

No, we want you to stop posting or stop sucking at it.
Originally posted by jakobako
why dont both retarded groups socialise the other until you reach a steady (unfunny, monotamous) equilibrium

im picturing the negotiations with the staff unions in theme park
Originally posted by DrunkenOne
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

To sum up to this point:

Canada wants to "improve the forum" by removing the forumcentric inbred humor of SA and include more forumcentric inbred humor from Canada.

Welcome to the melting pot, boys.

lol @ trying to make it a cpl vs SA thing. Im sure there are plenty of ppl from slap who hate the kai, because from what I have seen from my limited exposure to your posting, its boring, repetitive, and terrible. Im sure that imthescientist or whoever think its amazingly hilarious to endlessly post painfully bad memes like sweep the leg or whatever other awful crap you do. Im sure you think that it is trolling everyone, and you guys are great posters. But, ya, actually its just p sad, its like watching a train crashing.

.... says the guy who laps up that bit about the 43 year old who has done whatever that shit is about for 20 years.
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
Originally posted by DrunkenOne

Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

To sum up to this point:

Canada wants to "improve the forum" by removing the forumcentric inbred humor of SA and include more forumcentric inbred humor from Canada.

Welcome to the melting pot, boys.

lol @ trying to make it a cpl vs SA thing. Im sure there are plenty of ppl from slap who hate the kai, because from what I have seen from my limited exposure to your posting, its boring, repetitive, and terrible. Im sure that imthescientist or whoever think its amazingly hilarious to endlessly post painfully bad memes like sweep the leg or whatever other awful crap you do. Im sure you think that it is trolling everyone, and you guys are great posters. But, ya, actually its just p sad, its like watching a train crashing.

.... says the guy who laps up that bit about the 43 year old who has done whatever that shit is about for 20 years.

lol, they post it 10-15 times a day and name their dots after it.
Edited by Ubasstards on Jul 31, 2009 14:26:31
Originally posted by Ubasstards
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

Originally posted by DrunkenOne

Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

To sum up to this point:

Canada wants to "improve the forum" by removing the forumcentric inbred humor of SA and include more forumcentric inbred humor from Canada.

Welcome to the melting pot, boys.

lol @ trying to make it a cpl vs SA thing. Im sure there are plenty of ppl from slap who hate the kai, because from what I have seen from my limited exposure to your posting, its boring, repetitive, and terrible. Im sure that imthescientist or whoever think its amazingly hilarious to endlessly post painfully bad memes like sweep the leg or whatever other awful crap you do. Im sure you think that it is trolling everyone, and you guys are great posters. But, ya, actually its just p sad, its like watching a train crashing.

.... says the guy who laps up that bit about the 43 year old who has done whatever that shit is about for 20 years.

lol, they post it 10-15 times a day and name their dots after it.

p sad
Originally posted by DrunkenOne
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

To sum up to this point:

Canada wants to "improve the forum" by removing the forumcentric inbred humor of SA and include more forumcentric inbred humor from Canada.

Welcome to the melting pot, boys.

lol @ trying to make it a cpl vs SA thing. Im sure there are plenty of ppl from slap who hate the kai, because from what I have seen from my limited exposure to your posting, its boring, repetitive, and terrible. Im sure that imthescientist or whoever think its amazingly hilarious to endlessly post painfully bad memes like sweep the leg or whatever other awful crap you do. Im sure you think that it is trolling everyone, and you guys are great posters. But, ya, actually its just p sad, its like watching a train crashing.

this pretty much sums it up.
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
Originally posted by DrunkenOne

Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

To sum up to this point:

Canada wants to "improve the forum" by removing the forumcentric inbred humor of SA and include more forumcentric inbred humor from Canada.

Welcome to the melting pot, boys.

lol @ trying to make it a cpl vs SA thing. Im sure there are plenty of ppl from slap who hate the kai, because from what I have seen from my limited exposure to your posting, its boring, repetitive, and terrible. Im sure that imthescientist or whoever think its amazingly hilarious to endlessly post painfully bad memes like sweep the leg or whatever other awful crap you do. Im sure you think that it is trolling everyone, and you guys are great posters. But, ya, actually its just p sad, its like watching a train crashing.

.... says the guy who laps up that bit about the 43 year old who has done whatever that shit is about for 20 years.

That's like saying Leonardo lapped up that bit about oil paints by creating the Mona Lisa.
Originally posted by Ubasstards
lol, they post it 10-15 times a day and name their dots after it.

So lowercase means throaty chortle, right?
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
.... says the guy who laps up that bit about the 43 year old who has done whatever that shit is about for 20 years.

To the first point...
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
Originally posted by DrunkenOne

Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

To sum up to this point:

Canada wants to "improve the forum" by removing the forumcentric inbred humor of SA and include more forumcentric inbred humor from Canada.

Welcome to the melting pot, boys.

lol @ trying to make it a cpl vs SA thing. Im sure there are plenty of ppl from slap who hate the kai, because from what I have seen from my limited exposure to your posting, its boring, repetitive, and terrible. Im sure that imthescientist or whoever think its amazingly hilarious to endlessly post painfully bad memes like sweep the leg or whatever other awful crap you do. Im sure you think that it is trolling everyone, and you guys are great posters. But, ya, actually its just p sad, its like watching a train crashing.

.... says the guy who laps up that bit about the 43 year old who has done whatever that shit is about for 20 years.

i like lapping things
Originally posted by whotookmybowtie
Get CPL out of it, obviously.


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