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LMAO keep thinking that way skankhorn, also your going on the coat tails of others. Also again you have yet to answer this one question

WAS MIGHTY MOLES A GM AND DID HE HAVE ACCESS TO ANY OF YOUR AI? The answer is no. Also skankhorn, the contracts were signed and they don't want any type of retribution that you gave mighty for no damn reason. So you think what you want to think on that one. LMAO grounds for your accusation. You have not come up with one yet. AGAIN answer that one question, I don't think you want to as it will take any sort of justification out of your claims.

FACE IT your a poor sport of the worst kind. Again 90 percent of these guys don't play for me, I work for their teams, in recruiting and in OC duties. Your argument holds no water until you answer that one question, but we already know that answer don't we????

Also your damn right we are going to talk and laugh about your punk ass when you start baseless accusations, still waiting on some sort of proof "crickets chirping" Stay out of the forums if you like, stay if you like. All you did was try to ruin what was a good season for this entire league with your baseless bullshit.
Edited by jlrock on Jul 27, 2009 10:58:20
I never sent you a threating PM. And your the one that keeps dragging this out. As far as I'm concerned I have nothing left to say.
Originally posted by sehorn31
I never sent you a threating PM. And your the one that keeps dragging this out. As far as I'm concerned I have nothing left to say.

Never said you did, and your fucking right its drug out, ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION, did he or did he not. Your making yourself look like a ass everytime you post and don't answer. Its ok, say, I was so mad that we lost, that you could not handle it and went way overboard. LMAO, your mad cause the "little piggies" broke your back when it counted
Answer me one Question. Why did you not Tell me that you Coach Moles? If I was in your situation I would have PM'ed the Owner and let them decide whether or not to trust the Agent. I didn't have that Luxury. And as long as they have Forum Access they can tell what things to look for when you Post tactics and such. So No he didn't have Access to the AI and that still doesn't mean he can't see in the Forums what Game Plan we are going with. if I say we're going with Zone Mostly , you know to call Drags and Crossing Routes. I don't care how many people come in and say how Honorable you are when the fact remains that you should have gave me the common courtesy of letting Winslow read the Forums or not.
Sehorn... you stink!
Originally posted by sehorn31
Answer me one Question. Why did you not Tell me that you Coach Moles? If I was in your situation I would have PM'ed the Owner and let them decide whether or not to trust the Agent. I didn't have that Luxury. And as long as they have Forum Access they can tell what things to look for when you Post tactics and such. So No he didn't have Access to the AI and that still doesn't mean he can't see in the Forums what Game Plan we are going with. if I say we're going with Zone Mostly , you know to call Drags and Crossing Routes. I don't care how many people come in and say how Honorable you are when the fact remains that you should have gave me the common courtesy of letting Winslow read the Forums or not.

again what do you not get? Look at the number of teams I gm, and look at how many agents I plan for etc. Do you think I go through each one of the teams I am going against click on their player and see if they play for one of my teams. Your argument is drowning you. You got beat and can't handle it. So again, I should have went through each player in EACH league I gm and look for all these diff players that play on a team. So instead of calling ya a big fat ass puss*, I will just simply say you have a "terminal case of vaganitas"
Good for you J-Rock. I also work with Texas Drillers so you'll have to deal with me up in AAA if you move up. Get use to it.
Yea its ok we know all we need to know about you now. We have all seen the lowest of the low but why don't you answer questions they are not that tough are they? You can read can you not?
Originally posted by sehorn31
Answer me one Question. Why did you not Tell me that you Coach Moles? If I was in your situation I would have PM'ed the Owner and let them decide whether or not to trust the Agent. I didn't have that Luxury. And as long as they have Forum Access they can tell what things to look for when you Post tactics and such. So No he didn't have Access to the AI and that still doesn't mean he can't see in the Forums what Game Plan we are going with. if I say we're going with Zone Mostly , you know to call Drags and Crossing Routes. I don't care how many people come in and say how Honorable you are when the fact remains that you should have gave me the common courtesy of letting Winslow read the Forums or not.

Would you have really PM'd the owner...c'mon
thanks turb029, I think it has been pretty damn well established what kind of turd he is. He is a lonely voice in a sea of support. I got to give it to Enpassant, he did not come in here and support this stupidity.
Originally posted by sehorn31
And for your Info Strick, the fact they said nothing is grounds for accusation in my book.

You have the right to say whatever you want. But you may be able to accuse someone, but to do so in the manner in which you did, without any real evidence or support would constitute a defamation of character. These are the situations that are handled in-house. You or the owner of G-Long email J-Rock and you get the situation settled. To bring all of these other people into a discussion where accusations are the only thing you have is ridiculous.

You claim it was jrock's duty to go through all 13 teams that he GMs and see if there was any agent/other team issues? Why didn't you do that with your 25 defensive guys to make sure? It's so easy to blame someone else when things don't work out, but you really need to man up and face the truth. You can have your doubts, you can have your internal accusations against others, but you have nothing on which to base it.

And oh wait.. I can hear it coming! "Doesn't matter man, we'll be killing you tomorrow when Guam destroys Storm Lake!" Yes, you will be the DC for Guam as you go against Storm Lake tomorrow. Unlike you, I will wish you luck as I know you were not going to do so toward us.
Originally posted by rnestrick
Originally posted by sehorn31

And for your Info Strick, the fact they said nothing is grounds for accusation in my book.

You have the right to say whatever you want. But you may be able to accuse someone, but to do so in the manner in which you did, without any real evidence or support would constitute a defamation of character. These are the situations that are handled in-house. You or the owner of G-Long email J-Rock and you get the situation settled. To bring all of these other people into a discussion where accusations are the only thing you have is ridiculous.

You claim it was jrock's duty to go through all 13 teams that he GMs and see if there was any agent/other team issues? Why didn't you do that with your 25 defensive guys to make sure? It's so easy to blame someone else when things don't work out, but you really need to man up and face the truth. You can have your doubts, you can have your internal accusations against others, but you have nothing on which to base it.

And oh wait.. I can hear it coming! "Doesn't matter man, we'll be killing you tomorrow when Guam destroys Storm Lake!" Yes, you will be the DC for Guam as you go against Storm Lake tomorrow. Unlike you, I will wish you luck as I know you were not going to do so toward us.

hammer meet nail
Wow i wish i could bitch about a game this much, instead i got too many real life problems to worry about. Sehorn man you just gotta let this go. I'm sure your pissed about the loss but you gotta have pure evidence that he was spying. You can't just accuse him because he is on both teams. And at the same time i see where mdogg is coming from with the letting both teams know and being neutral. I say this thing got a bit out of hand and that we should all just chill out. Jlrock i apologize on behalf of our team. I don't want anyone thinking we're lil bitches. We all have our moments and sehorn just accused, and quite frankly we all have. No one can really say they haven't. It's no biggie can we all just let this go?

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