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Originally posted by krwynn
Originally posted by Falhawk

actually I'll give props where they are due. Columbus is a juggernaught of a team. Serious talent and even more they have serious depth. Definitely a force to be reckoned with.

that said its still easy to make fun of a dude who pays for THAT many players. It is like people who spend 40 hrs per week playing WoW...sure everyone could find the time to do it but it doesn't make it any less funny

And thats what makes it funny on my end. People who have little intelligence or can't comprehend. The little time it actually takes and the people that don't actually take the time to see what our team is really made up of.

Enjoy the off season.

People are obviously hitting a bit of a soft spot since you keep on defending yourself.

It's not really a big deal. The teams who have more of a financial investment will eventually head up the league ranks and not be such an issue. Besides, if krwynn didn't spend the money he does, then none of us would get to play.
Originally posted by krwynn
Apples to apples. Not oranges to apples. Of course your top "5" teams in the league were at the top. You had 10 cupcakes to beat up on. We had a much more competitive conference. To deny that is overlooking the obvious. And I'd say Husker is correct. I'd put all of our top 5-6 teams against your top 4 any day. The cross reference games alone speak volumes to that affect. Come on now. Really? One of our 10-6 teams just gave Colony a better game than 3 of your so called top 4 teams.


The only even positioned cross reference match I saw this week was #5 vs #5

Compton Cougars vs. Dirty South Brew Crew 10-25

Perhaps a better gaze might be to look at week 16 in which the East won 9 of the 16 games played that week.
Originally posted by krwynn
Originally posted by Falhawk

you still own half your team

So? I'll own a whole lot more if thats what I choose to do. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

you can justify it however you want

its cool

we'll still picture you wearing a custom jersey and helmet watching each game

and laugh at you
Originally posted by Falhawk
Originally posted by krwynn

Originally posted by Falhawk

you still own half your team

So? I'll own a whole lot more if thats what I choose to do. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

you can justify it however you want

its cool

we'll still picture you wearing a custom jersey and helmet watching each game

and laugh at you

Laughing now at you while you sit watching the playoffs instead of being a part of them. In your diaper. That was you crying earlier, right?

its all a matter of zero's. Who cares what he spends... as long as he's not driving himself or his family into financial trouble what does it matter? As far as we know the guy could have 50 mil and the 200 bucks he spends on this game is nothing.

i dont want to have a team with so many of my own players, but i also know i hate signing people who dont want to be a backup, or dont listen to what i am telling them to do. So i make my own guys...

The only way you can rip on someone, and even then its just your opinion, is to coach a team and not have any of your own guys on it. I'm much quicker to make my own guy the way i want then to try and sign some bitchy lvl 9 guy who wants to start.

Originally posted by ohmybriguy
its all a matter of zero's. Who cares what he spends... as long as he's not driving himself or his family into financial trouble what does it matter? As far as we know the guy could have 50 mil and the 200 bucks he spends on this game is nothing.

i dont want to have a team with so many of my own players, but i also know i hate signing people who dont want to be a backup, or dont listen to what i am telling them to do. So i make my own guys...

The only way you can rip on someone, and even then its just your opinion, is to coach a team and not have any of your own guys on it. I'm much quicker to make my own guy the way i want then to try and sign some bitchy lvl 9 guy who wants to start.

Exactly. And for those who started mid season 1 when there was a player shortage had no choice. If they weren't on this team they would all be together on another. Most of the guys I sign want all their players to stay together. Its just common sense and makes things easier. He can attempt to rip all he wants. We all know his original post was about his team losing. He's just frustrated and needs something to blame the loss on.
Last edited May 30, 2008 19:01:35
Originally posted by krwynn
We had a much more competitive conference. To deny that is overlooking the obvious.

Yeah - which is that being more competitive against each other only suggests that you are competitive against each other. It has nothing to do with the relative strength of the two Conferences against each other.

You have more respect for the teams in the West because you played against them. I have more respect for the teams in the East because I played against them. We'll see what's what on Tuesday. Hopefully the PAIN or Goatse will represent.
Originally posted by ohmybriguy
its all a matter of zero's. Who cares what he spends... as long as he's not driving himself or his family into financial trouble what does it matter? As far as we know the guy could have 50 mil and the 200 bucks he spends on this game is nothing.

i dont want to have a team with so many of my own players, but i also know i hate signing people who dont want to be a backup, or dont listen to what i am telling them to do. So i make my own guys...

The only way you can rip on someone, and even then its just your opinion, is to coach a team and not have any of your own guys on it. I'm much quicker to make my own guy the way i want then to try and sign some bitchy lvl 9 guy who wants to start.

I only own one player on my team. Also, the east rules.

I think that it's insane for krwynn to own 859 players, but that's his business. It doesn't make the Crush less of a team because of it.

The East rules!
Originally posted by RunningMn9
I think that it's insane for krwynn to own 859 players, but that's his business. It doesn't make the Crush less of a team because of it.

The East rules!

And thus all credibilty goes out the window. Congrats.

Forget this already?

Alzhiemers is a terrible thing.
And here all this time I thought you were 12-13. You know, who else would choose a nic after the nerdiest dance of all times.

Again, congrats.
Last edited May 30, 2008 21:01:38
Originally posted by krwynn
boring stuff

Easy pops. I realize that you're a humorless grump and don't recognize when someone is exaggerating just to poke fun at you. I understand your situation and that your 859 players aren't the only players on the Crush. I was defending you, ass.

And I didn't forget that thread, so much as I ignored it. It may be difficult for you to accept, but not all GLB Owners live their lives waiting for Columbus Crush announcements.

The East rules!
itt: srs bsn
Two Confrence West teams played....

...two W's for the Crew.

East rules!
Originally posted by ezo
Two Confrence West teams played....

...two W's for the Crew.

East rules!

Same here. Granted, one was the worst West team, and another was their #8 seed which looks like they lost some players.
Originally posted by LordMortis
Originally posted by krwynn

Apples to apples. Not oranges to apples. Of course your top "5" teams in the league were at the top. You had 10 cupcakes to beat up on. We had a much more competitive conference. To deny that is overlooking the obvious. And I'd say Husker is correct. I'd put all of our top 5-6 teams against your top 4 any day. The cross reference games alone speak volumes to that affect. Come on now. Really? One of our 10-6 teams just gave Colony a better game than 3 of your so called top 4 teams.


The only even positioned cross reference match I saw this week was #5 vs #5

Compton Cougars vs. Dirty South Brew Crew 10-25

Perhaps a better gaze might be to look at week 16 in which the East won 9 of the 16 games played that week.

How's that bet working out for you?

Rocky Mountain Snipers vs. Tricity Cardinals 24-27
Fortaleza Longhorns vs. Turin Falcons 24-41

I'd say so far you are batting 0 for 3.

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