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im quite confused about this training stuff im a lvl 2 now
and my problem is this:
when i train my HB to intense-stamina +0.5
when i change intense to relax-stamina +0.38
which of them is much bigger the intense +0.5 or the relax stamina +0.38?
Intense, but it costs more.
Originally posted by Verloren
Intense, but it costs more.

Intense is useless. Just save the money for equipment. There is no practical use for high level players training on intense.
If you have the energy, always train on intense. If one does the math and assumes that a player can train on intense 50% of the time, over a season of 40 days, he would gain 10 points by training on intense vs 7.6 training on relaxed. (Now these numbers drop as your skill levels go up, but I'm assuming the ratio remains the same.) An additional 2.5 points is like gaining an extra half level per season. You'd be crazy not to be on intense as much as possible.

(If your stamina is enough to train at intense 100% of the time, you'd be looking at an extra level of training per season.)

Originally posted by 0owencho0
im quite confused about this training stuff im a lvl 2 now
and my problem is this:
when i train my HB to intense-stamina +0.5
when i change intense to relax-stamina +0.38
which of them is much bigger the intense +0.5 or the relax stamina +0.38?

why do you suck at maths so badd?
Originally posted by 0owencho0
im quite confused about this training stuff im a lvl 2 now
and my problem is this:
when i train my HB to intense-stamina +0.5
when i change intense to relax-stamina +0.38
which of them is much bigger the intense +0.5 or the relax stamina +0.38?


-1 is bigger than both of them...

Wondering how much experience you get a night...
If its lvl based any got the calc for a lvl 3?
actully im Lvl 5 and it cost $1000 to train at intense......why??
Originally posted by toppshelff
If I understand this right, the only things that affect how many Agility points you get per day of training is how many Agility points you currently have and your intensity of training.

Is this correct? Level doesn't have an effect?

Correct. Level only has an effect on how much it will cost.
for intense its $200*(lvl)

so for you JBen its $200*5=$1000
Originally posted by 0owencho0
im quite confused about this training stuff im a lvl 2 now
and my problem is this:
when i train my HB to intense-stamina +0.5
when i change intense to relax-stamina +0.38
which of them is much bigger the intense +0.5 or the relax stamina +0.38?

Whats the question?
Which number is bigger - 0.38 or 0.5? I refuse to answer...
Originally posted by Dravz
If you put None in the Training thing you are wasting a night's stat gain. The most energy you can get back is +15 in a night, on Relaxed. You should ALWAYS be training something.

Thats not exactly true from what Im seeing? If you put your focus to none, and you're on relaxed, you will gain back 33 points of energy in one night, since "None" has the effect of not generating XP or stats, but 18 points of energy?
if you put to none in training you will get 18 back overnight for a total of 36 between games
Let me try to answer alot of different questions here.

First, let me start by saying this: Everyone's goal here is to make their players better, and there are 2 basic ways to do that, 1)Gaining XP which causes players to level up and 2)Training your player.

Let's start with #1 (XP and Levels), since it's the most obvious way to make your players better.

1a)You get XP for playing in games. The amount of XP you get for the games depends on how much you play, how much you play depends partly on your "Energy." So it's important for you to "Train" your players appropriatley to get them on the field as often as possible. I'll explain "Training" later.

1b)You also get XP every night, during the season, just because your player is alive. The amount of XP you gain on a nightly basis goes down as your levels go up. There is nothing you can do about that, but it is basically free XP anyway.

1c)When your player levels up, you get 5 skill points to spend on your player's skills or special abilities however you want. What you spend it on depends on your player's position and skills necessary for him/her to succeed. Read the other guides on player management, that's where you'll find the most help on which abilities you need.

#2 (Training) Joe Montana was born a better QB than me, but he also worked very hard to be better than everyone else, too. Playing in games is how you make your players better, training for games is how you make their stats better.

2a) While gaining XP is the fastest way to build up your player, "Training" helps you gradually get better, one day, one skill at a time. How hard you train should depend on mostly 2 things, how much energy to need to regenerate before your next game, and how much money you have. The most important thing to remember is the games are the most important thing. You want to be as close to full energy as possible.

2b) Training on different intensities affects your money and how much your chosen skill will increase on a daily basis. Once you buy your first set of equipment, you shouldn't need to buy anymore until your player is a level 8 (also explained in other places) so don't worry about your money too much, except that you don't want to run out. Training on different intensities also affects how much energy your player regenerates every night. Remember, full energy for game time.

2c) The higher the skill value, the less it will increase. Player A has a speed value of 20, Player B has a speed value of 10. If they both train speed on intense, Player B will gain more speed on a nightly basis. That's why it's important to try to maximize your players training. You don't want to train your best skills, and you don't want to train uneccessary skills, either. WRs don't need Punting skills. You want to train skills that are used, but that are not your players primary focus. Blocking and Strength are important for lineman, so when I level up I add my skill points to those categories. When I train, I put it towards Stamina, Vision, Agility - lower ranked skills that are important for your players success, but not as important as the main ones.

Remember, keep your players energy as high as possible for games so they can play more, train your players so they can play better.

Originally posted by yf21
So here's my understanding of the whole thing.

If I have a Level 1 WR training on catching I have these options:

1. Train at Intense.
a. I gain +0.45 Catching points per game
b. It costs me $200 per day
c. I only gain +3 Energy back after a game

2. Train at Normal.
a. I gain +0.41 Catching points per game
b. It costs me $75 per day
c. I gain +9 Energy back after a game

3. Train at Relaxed.
a. I only gain +0.35 Catching points per game
b. It only costs me $10 per day
c. I gain +15 Energy back after a game

Here's what I want to know before I level up:

Since it costs more to gain skill points and everyone says that your XP per game are lower, does it make sense to play a whole season at level 1 just to gain skill points and XP? Or, is there some benefit [besides having points to make yourself a better player] to leveling up that I don't know about? My theory is that it seems like it would make sense to build your skills at the second most expensive skill point [my assumption being that the more difficult it is to gain a skill point through training, the more important that skill is to a position] for a whole season THEN level up and add your points to special abilities and the most expensive skill. In the case of a WR, for example, Agility only gains at +0.44 /game at intense while Blocking gains at +0.65. That seems to indicate that Agility is more important at that position than Blocking, right? At if that holds true, then Catching [+0.45] is only SLIGHTLY less important than Agility. So, if you train Catching all season at Intense, you could add 13.95 [0.45*31]to your catching skill points. THEN, when you level up, you could add all your bonus skill points to Agility... OR, you could choose not to level up and do a whole additional season at level 1 and gain 13.64 skill points at Agility. The other bonus SEEMS to be that you would get way more XP than if you leveled up and played at level 2.

Ugg! Decisons - decisions!

It is said in a perfect world you should play your first season on lvl 1 be a starter on a DDD League team. Get a ton of XP and not lvl up till the playoffs. You get more XP from training, XP from games, and BOOST (under flex points only able to be done 3 lvls a season).

Now will you start at lvl 1.. Not likely

Will your stamina be high enough to play 30-60-80+ plays a game and train on intense..not likely (rumor is train in stamina put lvl and boost points in skills)

Can you keep a starting spot with any of this.. again not likely..

Rumor is only LVL up IF YOU MUST to keep your starting job, get stamina up, and BOOST at playoffs.

Your GM or owner will advise you on all those kind of details.

As a rookie stay in DDD for one season, get the high XP if you can lvl only if needed then bust out like a crazed tazmainian devil in season 2!

Just from what I been reading...

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