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Round 2 ding ding...
Originally posted by MD
Originally posted by cwrujosh

No, you don't understand. You don't lose 38-10 and get to say that you are "fairly even" with us. Your posts contain more excuse than relevance. Enjoy that raping you took from us, and hope you don't have to play us again this season or it will be worse.

Blah blah blah, yes we will meet again in the playoffs, Queensland wont be the one winning though and Bo will be lucky to get 50 yards.

But at least your providing entertainment, everyone loves seeing a guy who thinks his player is awesome and rambles on about......then when they finally play a good team, his player plays like shit, yet he still cant grasp that his player is merely average........buuuut, since you probably dont have a whole lot to celebrate in your life, we'll let you have your little victory here on the internet...

This has never been about Bo...but if you think he's average, then I feel sorry for the RBs you've got on your team, since they must be downright rank.

It's about how poorly your team executes which is directly attributable to its leadership. Shit in = shit out.
This is why MD is an idiot

It's long been my argument that the guy is a total fool. He loves to use stats and figures to prove his "points", now it's time to use that against him.

Conclusion - Bo had the best day against BC over all other runners they've faced.


Casper - Sausage - 56 yds (2 ypc)
Prince Edward - BigBus (59 yds) (2.4 ypc)
Klondike - McVein 8 yds (2.7 ypc)
Calgary - Flash - -9.5 yds (0 ypc)
Satanic - Brown - 10 yds (1.3 ypc)
Borderland - Pearson - 21.5 yds (1.8 ypc)
Vancouver - Harmon - 70 yds (5 ypc)
Queensland - Jacksonn - 85.5 yds (3.2 ypc)

Bo had the most yards of any back. He also had the most carries, but he still had the second best yards per carry of any back they've faced.

So then, every back they've faced must have been below average, if Bo is only average. Oops.

The reality is two things:

1) BC has a good rushing defense (no argument)
2) Bo had the best day against them of any runner.

So suck it MD, you are a complete fool.

There's only one thing average about our game, and that was the product you put on the field. I'd say see you in the playoffs, but you guys are one and done anyway.
You guys are funny.
Originally posted by cwrujosh
This is why MD is an idiot

It's long been my argument that the guy is a total fool. He loves to use stats and figures to prove his "points", now it's time to use that against him.

Conclusion - Bo had the best day against BC over all other runners they've faced.


Casper - Sausage - 56 yds (2 ypc)
Prince Edward - BigBus (59 yds) (2.4 ypc)
Klondike - McVein 8 yds (2.7 ypc)
Calgary - Flash - -9.5 yds (0 ypc)
Satanic - Brown - 10 yds (1.3 ypc)
Borderland - Pearson - 21.5 yds (1.8 ypc)
Vancouver - Harmon - 70 yds (5 ypc)
Queensland - Jacksonn - 85.5 yds (3.2 ypc)

Bo had the most yards of any back. He also had the most carries, but he still had the second best yards per carry of any back they've faced.

So then, every back they've faced must have been below average, if Bo is only average. Oops.

The reality is two things:

1) BC has a good rushing defense (no argument)
2) Bo had the best day against them of any runner.

So suck it MD, you are a complete fool.

There's only one thing average about our game, and that was the product you put on the field. I'd say see you in the playoffs, but you guys are one and done anyway.

I guess your stupidity is contagious, only your team owner has the brains judging from the posts.

Lol, the only thing you proved by this post is that Bo isnt a very good HB and that BC has a great Run D. Thanks for letting us all know the obvious.

And actually you buffoon, it was Phrog pointing out the stats and numbers, not me.

But keep on proving how dumb you really are, its quite funny, lol.
Wow MD, the level of retardation you display from post to post is astounding. It's hardly worth arguing with you anymore. Here are some colored blocks to play with, they seem more your level.
Originally posted by cwrujosh
Wow MD, the level of retardation you display from post to post is astounding. It's hardly worth arguing with you anymore. Here are some colored blocks to play with, they seem more your level.

No no, please keep on enlightening us with your contradicting statements about how mediocre your HB really is. Because 3.2 ypc is pretty awesome, you should go post in the main forums and let everyone know how awesome he is.
Originally posted by MD
Originally posted by cwrujosh

Wow MD, the level of retardation you display from post to post is astounding. It's hardly worth arguing with you anymore. Here are some colored blocks to play with, they seem more your level.

No no, please keep on enlightening us with your contradicting statements about how mediocre your HB really is. Because 3.2 ypc is pretty awesome, you should go post in the main forums and let everyone know how awesome he is.

Then in your opinion, EVERY SINGLE RB YOU'VE FACED is less than mediocre.

I can't imagine what you think of your own RBs. Bo has rushed for more yards than ALL THREE PUT TOGETHER (which Bo repeated in our game). Your QB has passed for only a bit more than Bo has rushed for. Clearly, this is the demonstration of superiority.

No wonder you think he's mediocre. Look at your point of comparison.

You lose again MD. And you still look like a bitch.
Originally posted by cwrujosh

Then in your opinion, EVERY SINGLE RB YOU'VE FACED is less than mediocre.

I can't imagine what you think of your own RBs. Bo has rushed for more yards than ALL THREE PUT TOGETHER (which Bo repeated in our game). Your QB has passed for only a bit more than Bo has rushed for. Clearly, this is the demonstration of superiority.

No wonder you think he's mediocre. Look at your point of comparison.

You lose again MD. And you still look like a bitch.

I dont need to compare your HB to anyone to know hes just a mediocre HB. Our HBs are alright, we dont run near as much as you guys do. If we did, our main HB would have as good a stats as your guy anyway. Bo has almost 3 times the carries, so even you should be able to do the math and work that one out.

Hey ill say Queensland has a good team, i will also say that Bo is still just a mediocre HB with a shitty agent.

You wont be able to wrap your head around that though because you dont really care about your team.

Its just funny that you think 27 carries for 85 yards and 2 fumbles is good.

Carry on with your next argument simpleton....
Last edited May 11, 2009 13:52:44
The only simp here is you MD. Your arguments are baseless, and your opinion worthless, given your inability to conduct even the most basic team operations.

Queensland and BC have played four common opponents. In ALL FOUR, Bo has destroyed any of your runners both individually and as a team. You carries argument fails because he's got more YPC than any of your guys. None of your backs are even remotely capable of putting up the numbers Bo does, simply because none are even close to the same talent as him.

The stats don't lie:


Bo - 357 yds, 14 TDs, 22.3 ypc

GetRight - 161, 7 TDs, 13.4
TEAM - 402, 18.3 ypc 15 TDs


Bo - 417 yds, 8 TD, 19.9 ypc

GetRight - 96.5, 1 TD, 5.7
Cleve - 159, 5, 10.6 ypc
TEAM - 279, 6, 7.8


Bo - 2095 yds, 10 TD, 10 ypc

GetRight - 40, 1, 2.7
Cleve - 128, 4, 9.8 ypc
TEAM - 169, 5, 5 ypc


Bo - 307 yds, 8, 13.3 ypc

GetRight - 48.5, 2, 4
Bishop - 45.5, 0, 3.8
Cleave - 117.5, 3, 29.4
TEAM - 199.5, 5, 6.2

This argument is done. You lose. Almost as badly as your team did against us.
Alright, let's get back to team trash talking. Most of us don't care about individual dots.
Originally posted by kenfused
Alright, let's get back to team trash talking. Most of us don't care about individual dots.

I agree. I'll begin - BC is way over-rated and is run by mental midgets. Discuss.
GG Queensland,you beat us,plain and simple.We look forward to a possible rematch in the playoffs.
So, uh, power rankings?

I mean, let's stay on topic fellas ...

Perhaps this:

Alpha: Queensland
Omega: Queensland

Does that sum it up?
Originally posted by vinman
GG Queensland,you beat us,plain and simple.We look forward to a possible rematch in the playoffs.

Nice player Vince
Last edited May 11, 2009 18:57:29

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