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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Man you guys are cool!
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by Xero00

The most pathetic thing is that forums are full of people who would never say these types of things in person. The anonymity that the internet provides reveals character flaws that exist offline. The need to insult someone else comes from a lack in self esteem in the real world.

At very least, quit using the same old boring insults (young,old,fat,lazy,virgin,gay,no life), they get annoying.

Not true in all cases. I am actually like this in real life as well.
The difference is the people in RL know when I'm playing and when I'm serious.

a lot of sarchasm is lost over the internet.
Yeah, I learned that but the lesson never really kicks in for me.
I can't change the way I am and I'll be damned if I do it just to stroke someones ego on the net.

The way I figure it is, if people get so easily hurt on the net, I can't imagine how they would feel if the actually had to deal with me like those I work with. Surprised they haven't gone crazy or skitzo yet.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by Xero00

The most pathetic thing is that forums are full of people who would never say these types of things in person. The anonymity that the internet provides reveals character flaws that exist offline. The need to insult someone else comes from a lack in self esteem in the real world.

At very least, quit using the same old boring insults (young,old,fat,lazy,virgin,gay,no life), they get annoying.

Not true in all cases. I am actually like this in real life as well.
The difference is the people in RL know when I'm playing and when I'm serious.

I'm with driftinggrifter here. This is more or less me as I really am. I'm actually a little less ranty on the net because it just takes to damn long to type out a great rant. If you're acting stupid I'm going to let you know you're acting like a tool. If you're being a hypocrit, I'm going to say something about it. Hell, I even point out my own hypocripsy when I recognize it.

I don't have some special need inside of me to make sure everyone around me only thinks positive things about me. I'd rather be truthful and speak out when I wish.
Originally posted by Nephyte
Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Originally posted by Xero00

The most pathetic thing is that forums are full of people who would never say these types of things in person. The anonymity that the internet provides reveals character flaws that exist offline. The need to insult someone else comes from a lack in self esteem in the real world.

At very least, quit using the same old boring insults (young,old,fat,lazy,virgin,gay,no life), they get annoying.

Not true in all cases. I am actually like this in real life as well.
The difference is the people in RL know when I'm playing and when I'm serious.

I'm with driftinggrifter here. This is more or less me as I really am. I'm actually a little less ranty on the net because it just takes to damn long to type out a great rant. If you're acting stupid I'm going to let you know you're acting like a tool. If you're being a hypocrit, I'm going to say something about it. Hell, I even point out my own hypocripsy when I recognize it.

I don't have some special need inside of me to make sure everyone around me only thinks positive things about me. I'd rather be truthful and speak out when I wish.

You sound like my roommate, he always says what he thinks not caring what people think about it, of course that also is probably the reason he has been single as long as I have known him
I have been around the guys on LXA for several seasons and know that you guys do not fit my description above. I can usually tell who is serious, and who is playing around. I am fluent in sarcasm, and can usually recognize fellow "linguists"(even online sarcasm).
Originally posted by Xero00
I have been around the guys on LXA for several seasons and know that you guys do not fit my description above. I can usually tell who is serious, and who is playing around. I am fluent in sarcasm, and can usually recognize fellow "linguists"(even online sarcasm).

Do I sense a rivalry coming on Xero? You're quite fluent in BS and love the big words. Watch out, I may have to start a PHINPHAN SCHOOL OF SHIT TALKING. Also, ask papaschnay if I'm like this in real life or not. He's a real life bud of mine, and yes, I often refer to myself in third party .
Originally posted by PhinPhan54
Originally posted by Xero00

I have been around the guys on LXA for several seasons and know that you guys do not fit my description above. I can usually tell who is serious, and who is playing around. I am fluent in sarcasm, and can usually recognize fellow "linguists"(even online sarcasm).

Do I sense a rivalry coming on Xero? You're quite fluent in BS and love the big words. Watch out, I may have to start a PHINPHAN SCHOOL OF SHIT TALKING. Also, ask papaschnay if I'm like this in real life or not. He's a real life bud of mine, and yes, I often refer to myself in third party .

Multi IMO
Originally posted by Xero00
I have been around the guys on LXA for several seasons and know that you guys do not fit my description above. I can usually tell who is serious, and who is playing around. I am fluent in sarcasm, and can usually recognize fellow "linguists"(even online sarcasm).

You, fortunately, are a exemption.
Originally posted by PhinPhan54
Originally posted by Xero00

I have been around the guys on LXA for several seasons and know that you guys do not fit my description above. I can usually tell who is serious, and who is playing around. I am fluent in sarcasm, and can usually recognize fellow "linguists"(even online sarcasm).

Do I sense a rivalry coming on Xero? You're quite fluent in BS and love the big words. Watch out, I may have to start a PHINPHAN SCHOOL OF SHIT TALKING. Also, ask papaschnay if I'm like this in real life or not. He's a real life bud of mine, and yes, I often refer to myself in third party .

I found a picture from the class trip. Phin I think that shirts a bit small.
Goat Father
Originally posted by Anebriated
Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Originally posted by Xero00

I have been around the guys on LXA for several seasons and know that you guys do not fit my description above. I can usually tell who is serious, and who is playing around. I am fluent in sarcasm, and can usually recognize fellow "linguists"(even online sarcasm).

Do I sense a rivalry coming on Xero? You're quite fluent in BS and love the big words. Watch out, I may have to start a PHINPHAN SCHOOL OF SHIT TALKING. Also, ask papaschnay if I'm like this in real life or not. He's a real life bud of mine, and yes, I often refer to myself in third party .

I found a picture from the class trip. Phin I think that shirts a bit small.

beautiful Phin finally exposed for what he is. LOL
Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Do I sense a rivalry coming on Xero? You're quite fluent in BS and love the big words. Watch out, I may have to start a PHINPHAN SCHOOL OF SHIT TALKING).

hold up, let me be a spelling and grammar goon, u got talking and shit the wrong way round. and it is u phinphan who lives for the BS. but in all seriousness, are u actually another pre-pubescent teen like doltz? or just some dude who can't get some ass, as your general game with women is correcting their spelling and grammar?
Last edited Apr 14, 2009 12:13:17
Originally posted by Rickey-P
Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Do I sense a rivalry coming on Xero? You're quite fluent in BS and love the big words. Watch out, I may have to start a PHINPHAN SCHOOL OF SHIT TALKING).

hold up, let me be a spelling and grammar goon, u got talking and shit the wrong way round. and it is u phinphan who lives for the BS. but in all seriousness, are u actually another pre-pubescent teen like doltz? or just some dude who can't get some ass, as your general game with women is correcting their spelling and grammar?

Well, if you want to be the grammar "goon", you'd better start using complete sentences, correct punctuation, capitalization, so on and so forth.
Also, "shit talking" is a term, look it up gangster, see what's happening in your hood.
I only correct women when they don't use my proper name................. GOD........... Trust me, it works
Originally posted by PhinPhan54
Originally posted by Rickey-P

Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Do I sense a rivalry coming on Xero? You're quite fluent in BS and love the big words. Watch out, I may have to start a PHINPHAN SCHOOL OF SHIT TALKING).

hold up, let me be a spelling and grammar goon, u got talking and shit the wrong way round. and it is u phinphan who lives for the BS. but in all seriousness, are u actually another pre-pubescent teen like doltz? or just some dude who can't get some ass, as your general game with women is correcting their spelling and grammar?

Well, if you want to be the grammar "goon", you'd better start using complete sentences, correct punctuation, capitalization, so on and so forth.
Also, "shit talking" is a term, look it up gangster, see what's happening in your hood.
I only correct women when they don't use my proper name................. GOD........... Trust me, it works

As in "Oh my God get the hell away from me you creep!"....

Goat Father
Originally posted by Anebriated
Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Originally posted by Rickey-P

Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Do I sense a rivalry coming on Xero? You're quite fluent in BS and love the big words. Watch out, I may have to start a PHINPHAN SCHOOL OF SHIT TALKING).

hold up, let me be a spelling and grammar goon, u got talking and shit the wrong way round. and it is u phinphan who lives for the BS. but in all seriousness, are u actually another pre-pubescent teen like doltz? or just some dude who can't get some ass, as your general game with women is correcting their spelling and grammar?

Well, if you want to be the grammar "goon", you'd better start using complete sentences, correct punctuation, capitalization, so on and so forth.
Also, "shit talking" is a term, look it up gangster, see what's happening in your hood.
I only correct women when they don't use my proper name................. GOD........... Trust me, it works

As in "Oh my God get the hell away from me you creep!"....

Hell they won't let the creepy little bastard anywhere near them anyway. Phin is the little piece of crap that has to sleep with the nasty old lunch room lady to lose his virginity.
Originally posted by hatchman

Hell they won't let the creepy little bastard anywhere near them anyway. Phin is the little piece of crap that has to sleep with the nasty old lunch room lady to lose his virginity.

I'm sorry, but not even my sick twisted mind could ever come up with this.
The only way I figure someone could muster this one up, is if they actually done it before!

Hatchman, is there something you want to tell us about your school life?

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