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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Championship Game
Look just to clear this up,I have many friends here on GLB. Just because I am a GM on Masterminds and have friends there. it does not mean we are the same team. Philly is owned by me and I have many GMs that help run the team. All of whom agreed we should play it straight all season. The Management of the Masterminds used the exploit one time all season, mainly because of the fact that the Bootlickers outleveled MM by 10 levels. I support all the friends I have here, that's why I was so vocal during the season in retaliation to the Bootlicker propaganda. I have no problem losing This game, because we played it straight. If I had cheesed like the Bootlickers and won, it would not have been satisfying to me. I will enjoy beating them fair and square next season, and every time I can from here on out. I will also be vocal whenever I hear Boolicker Propaganda up in AA, I have no respect for the team I have worked to beat since BBB #3 days, now they mean nothing. And I don't want to hear their BS any longer.
Originally posted by LilDawgSoul
Originally posted by Horncolio

Originally posted by sharkey28

lol funny that people are crying over OK doing something that people had no problem w/ a few weeks ago


That was pure cheeze, it was funny during the regular season when it didn't mean anything but that was a fucked up championship.


Lil Dawg I owe you an apology, you at least seem to be stand up.
Last edited Apr 5, 2009 21:52:25
Well said NSab on both posts. I'll just sign on both of those and call it a season in USA A2.
Originally posted by byrongame21

Do you have a fucking brain???

This made me laugh, especially since you said this ..

Originally posted by byrongame21

Don't gimme this shit, you guys ran your mouths to begin the season, we decided to do our best to put an end to it in the regular season, we did that (whether it was cheap or not), and that was the reason.

So you admit you cheated and you did it out of pure jealously. Cool.

The glitching was never a problem in this league and had never even been brought up until one occurrence this season. But yours is okay, but ours isn't because you can reach, pull and tug to find that justification for it. Cool.

I have no problem with most of the people coming in here to talk shit. They have every right to and I've easily taken crap from them. Most of it is deserved.

However, it is completely and totally lame for anyone on the MMs to call us out on this.

Think of it this way -- you play a practical joke on someone that you find hilarious. I play the same practical joke and you call me an asshole for doing the same exact thing. How stupid is that?

If it's fine once, it's fine any other time. At least by your standards.

Personally, I didn't like the gameplan and still don't like that we did it. But at the same time, I can understand why it was done was done as well.
Hey Dal is a cool guy. Stop insulting him. If anything blame yourselves for what he did. Again, I didn't like it, but I think you guys forced him to do it. We knew we were going to win anyways, I guess he just wanted to do it in a joke kind of way... totally uncool... I wanted to see us put 60 points on the board.

Ugh.... I'm tipsy. I'm out.
Originally posted by willie2604

Originally posted by byrongame21

Don't gimme this shit, you guys ran your mouths to begin the season, we decided to do our best to put an end to it in the regular season, we did that (whether it was cheap or not), and that was the reason.

So you admit you cheated and you did it out of pure jealously. Cool.

blah, blah, blah...

Personally, I didn't like the gameplan and still don't like that we did it. But at the same time, I can understand why it was done was done as well.

So you guys decided to cheat as well? Just because people laughed when you got beat by someone cheating?
See, winning isn't everything, it's one thing when many people may not like you but still respect you but it's another when you lose all respect, even self respect.

Originally posted by LilDawgSoul
Hey Dal is a cool guy. Stop insulting him. If anything blame yourselves for what he did. Again, I didn't like it, but I think you guys forced him to do it. We knew we were going to win anyways, I guess he just wanted to do it in a joke kind of way... totally uncool... I wanted to see us put 60 points on the board.

Ugh.... I'm tipsy. I'm out.

This sounds like the excuse real sports teams/players have used over and over. Even if it is possible without it...the fact is it was done..and you or no one else can no the outcome if it hadn't been used. You obviously seem very confident that you are an amazing team tthat would have beat us 255-0 or something...but as the team that didn't play strait all we know is that we dont know who would have won.
Originally posted by randoljr
Originally posted by LilDawgSoul

Hey Dal is a cool guy. Stop insulting him. If anything blame yourselves for what he did. Again, I didn't like it, but I think you guys forced him to do it. We knew we were going to win anyways, I guess he just wanted to do it in a joke kind of way... totally uncool... I wanted to see us put 60 points on the board.

Ugh.... I'm tipsy. I'm out.

This sounds like the excuse real sports teams/players have used over and over. Even if it is possible without it...the fact is it was done..and you or no one else can no the outcome if it hadn't been used. You obviously seem very confident that you are an amazing team tthat would have beat us 255-0 or something...but as the team that didn't play strait all we know is that we dont know who would have won.

Strait? You mean straight?

Seriously I don't give a fuck. Go cry to your mom. You lost. Boohoo shit happens. Now suck it up. I should just start insulting people, get forum banned and this thread locked. This thread is a failure, just like the championship game was.
Originally posted by LilDawgSoul
I would like a release... really disappointed with that game. I KNOW we could kick phillys ass and win by a lot of points.... this was disappointing. Release plz

Originally posted by LilDawgSoul
Seriously I don't give a fuck. Go cry to your mom. You lost. Boohoo shit happens. Now suck it up. I should just start insulting people, get forum banned and this thread locked. This thread is a failure, just like the championship game was.

You are one bi-polar bitch....

Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by LilDawgSoul

I would like a release... really disappointed with that game. I KNOW we could kick phillys ass and win by a lot of points.... this was disappointing. Release plz

Originally posted by LilDawgSoul

Seriously I don't give a fuck. Go cry to your mom. You lost. Boohoo shit happens. Now suck it up. I should just start insulting people, get forum banned and this thread locked. This thread is a failure, just like the championship game was.

You are one bi-polar bitch....

Suck me off and call me daddy. Heyyyy... you're the homo with "Bitches" I remember you. You're back and gathering your homosexual crew on me again..... OMG I better watch out. Now go run to a mod and snitch.
Someday technology will catch up with human stupidity...and it will be an unfortunate day for you Lil.
Originally posted by willie2604

Think of it this way -- you play a practical joke on someone that you find hilarious. I play the same practical joke and you call me an asshole for doing the same exact thing. How stupid is that?

If it's fine once, it's fine any other time. At least by your standards.

Personally, I didn't like the gameplan and still don't like that we did it. But at the same time, I can understand why it was done was done as well.

Or think of it this way. I play a practical joke on you in RL during a weekend that we are doing nothing, lets say I wet your shoes then stick them in the freezer. You got pranked, but it didn't hurt you because you didn't have anything planned for that least nothing big.

So 2 weeks goes by, and I have a big career interview. I wake up to see my dress shoes missing, only to find them stuck in the freezer.

You are the type of person that makes practical jokes not fun, because you like to take them too far huh?

Either way, hypocritical says it all...and apparently bipolar for Lildawg. WTF?

Originally posted by LilDawgSoul
Suck me off and call me daddy. Heyyyy... you're the homo with "Bitches" I remember you. You're back and gathering your homosexual crew on me again..... OMG I better watch out. Now go run to a mod and snitch.

Hey, you are the homophobe. You know if a dude sucks your dick, it still makes you gay, right? You need to refill your Abilify prescription apparently.
As an original USA A2 owner, the Bootlickers disgust me.

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