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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > ATTENTION! 911! IMPORTANT! --------------------------- PLAYOFF TEAMS EYES ONLY!
Originally posted by POO NANNIE
Originally posted by cosmoxl

Originally posted by saltman241

My point and the point of my thread in the main forum is that "the play" can be exploited. Thus it should be removed so that people who would exploit it aren't allowed to do so. Exploiting it would be running it downs 1-4 for the whole game. Not using it as part of your normal offensive game plan.

I know what exploiting it is and I know you don't do it.

now, do you really not see what my point is in this whole matter?

I see where you would have some animosity. Obviously something would be said regardless. I do not make gameplans for the Staleys, however with that being said, Naka is a straight forward guy and he would not stoop that low. Its in everybodies playbook. Am I missing something here? Did our defense not play a solid game? Did our kicker not hit 2 50 plus field goals and 3 field goals with under 1.5 yards to go for the 1st down?

There is nothing to defend here. You need to either send kudos or call an elephant an elephant.

no, the point of the whole matter is that there are people calling for the play's removal from playbooks in the main GLB forum, who are still using the play quite a bit. if you want to call for the play's removal, you be the first to remove it.
Originally posted by masskillz
No excuses we got beat. Just glad I'm not the only one that noticed what seemed to be a little more than calling a play in the fashion of the game..

GG Staleys
Originally posted by cosmoxl
Originally posted by POO NANNIE

Originally posted by cosmoxl

Originally posted by saltman241

My point and the point of my thread in the main forum is that "the play" can be exploited. Thus it should be removed so that people who would exploit it aren't allowed to do so. Exploiting it would be running it downs 1-4 for the whole game. Not using it as part of your normal offensive game plan.

I know what exploiting it is and I know you don't do it.

now, do you really not see what my point is in this whole matter?

I see where you would have some animosity. Obviously something would be said regardless. I do not make gameplans for the Staleys, however with that being said, Naka is a straight forward guy and he would not stoop that low. Its in everybodies playbook. Am I missing something here? Did our defense not play a solid game? Did our kicker not hit 2 50 plus field goals and 3 field goals with under 1.5 yards to go for the 1st down?

There is nothing to defend here. You need to either send kudos or call an elephant an elephant.

no, the point of the whole matter is that there are people calling for the play's removal from playbooks in the main GLB forum, who are still using the play quite a bit. if you want to call for the play's removal, you be the first to remove it.

(This may be a bit long, but bare with me)We've never taken out the play, completely, although when I did find out it was glitched late in the year, I attempted to limit how often we use it and also what situations we use it in. In the playoffs this year, the first game, we ran it a total of 7 times all game, only 3 in the 4th(All with our Backup HB, who only averaged about 3.1 yards with it), second game, about the same thing, 7 total, 3 in 4th quarter. Pittsburgh game, seemed to get called a little more(Though I didn't change the inside running settings at all) overall, 9 times, but 0 times in the 4th.

I probably could've left our offensive settings the same as they were previously in the season as it didn't really make that much use of the play, but I didn't feel right leaving it like that and adjusted it, accordingly. The only reason I even left it in at all was just to have another play in the Inside Run section, with the plays I did have, so it would at least give a little more variety with inside run play calling.

I don't think the problem really lies in having it in the playback at all, so much as exploiting it via overuse(Re: The teams using it 50+ times a game), or maybe how you use it situationally. Like, prior to the playoffs, I went back to check and see how we'd used it over the season and make sure it wasn't really being taken advantage of too much late in the game. I noticed at least one game, I think, where we were winning by a sizable margin and very late in the 4th were running out the clock... and it was called quite a bit, then(More than 5 or 6 times, in the 4th, I think), so I adjusted it for the playoffs a bit. Considering how hard it is to really stop that play, makes for an ideal automatic 3rd down or late game play and it just doesn't really feel right for me to set the game AI to make use of it like that.

The way I see it, personally, is if I check the AI settings I have to make sure to limit the situations where it may get called an overly substantial amount of times late, then I can afford to let the computer make the specific play calling. If it chooses to run that play, once in a while, it's out of my hands and likely won't drastically change the game's outcome. If it's getting set to be called 50+ times or constantly run late in the game, is where it begins to become a huge issue and exploit, I believe.
Originally posted by cosmoxl
Originally posted by POO NANNIE

Originally posted by cosmoxl

Originally posted by saltman241

My point and the point of my thread in the main forum is that "the play" can be exploited. Thus it should be removed so that people who would exploit it aren't allowed to do so. Exploiting it would be running it downs 1-4 for the whole game. Not using it as part of your normal offensive game plan.

I know what exploiting it is and I know you don't do it.

now, do you really not see what my point is in this whole matter?

I see where you would have some animosity. Obviously something would be said regardless. I do not make gameplans for the Staleys, however with that being said, Naka is a straight forward guy and he would not stoop that low. Its in everybodies playbook. Am I missing something here? Did our defense not play a solid game? Did our kicker not hit 2 50 plus field goals and 3 field goals with under 1.5 yards to go for the 1st down?

There is nothing to defend here. You need to either send kudos or call an elephant an elephant.

no, the point of the whole matter is that there are people calling for the play's removal from playbooks in the main GLB forum, who are still using the play quite a bit. if you want to call for the play's removal, you be the first to remove it.

Yeah then have someone run it down your throat. That makes perfect sense. Does everyone forget that WE started this thread? To ask if everyone would agree to remove it? What did we get silence. That's what we got.
If you want to call me a cheater, then feel so inclined, but.....

I respect this game.
I respect our teammates.
I respect our opponents.
I respect the purity of the game.

So, with that said, you will not see me dodge one thing, and the only thing that I will say is that after scouting them, we found that running the ball up the gut was the way to beat them, well, that and controlling the clock, and keeping their high powered offense off the field. Look, alot of you have known me for a while, and though some of you want to say that we abused the play in question, I cannot and will not say that. We picked a certain way to try to win the ballgame, but we didn't call that play only, we have way more in the AI then that play.

Did we run it more then I would have liked, yes, but it was NOT intentional, bottom line, I would not and will not do that. I know that Vegas and Mass have had their thing, and so on, but I have nothing but respect for Honolulu from my experience of knowing them. I did not call a cheat play to win, and all I can say is that you will have to trust me on that.

Not to get into a debate over this, but we HAVE NOT CHANGED certain things since day 1, and if you want to blame anyone, then blame me, but to take away from our or anyone's victory, is classless, when you know that they play the game as it is intended.

If Honolulu thinks we cheated, then my apologies, but you have my word, that I DID NOT call a certain play to exploit some BS in this game. It is not worth it to me. I would post what I wrote to my team before the 2nd Playoff game, but it would only be ridiculed, so regardless, my stance is, that we still will not use any exploit solely to win a game, won't happen.

Yes, I have posted it in forums, and yes I posted it in here, but few if any showed any response in coming up with a solution, and from what I hear, Bort has already began to negate the effects of the play.

Look, we had a code to run the clock out in a certain situation since the beginning of the season, and when that was called it had certain parameters, and just so happen we never hit those through our first 18 games.

Bottom line, if you want to call anyone a cheater, then call me a cheater, not my team or teammates, and that is some chicken shit stuff to do, because we have tried to help everyone in this league whenever and wherever we can!

I have said my piece, and once again, Honolulu, thank you for the great game, and I hope that you know that I would not do that to you, and I cannot say what or why it happened, but I can say that it WAS NOT intentional to take advantage of an exploit, nor to cheat you guys out of a victory.

For the rest of you that think that I would cheat, then I guess that I have done something to warrant that, but I would really like to know what I did to warrant that, the accusation is uncalled for, and I will not get into a spite fight over who can curse the most, but most of all, Honolulu, you have my word that I did not intentionally call any play to exploit a cheat, I only called plays to give our team the best chance to beat your great team. -Naka
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka
If you want to call me a cheater, then feel so inclined, but.....

I respect this game.
I respect our teammates.
I respect our opponents.
I respect the purity of the game.

So, with that said, you will not see me dodge one thing, and the only thing that I will say is that after scouting them, we found that running the ball up the gut was the way to beat them, well, that and controlling the clock, and keeping their high powered offense off the field. Look, alot of you have known me for a while, and though some of you want to say that we abused the play in question, I cannot and will not say that. We picked a certain way to try to win the ballgame, but we didn't call that play only, we have way more in the AI then that play.

Did we run it more then I would have liked, yes, but it was NOT intentional, bottom line, I would not and will not do that. I know that Vegas and Mass have had their thing, and so on, but I have nothing but respect for Honolulu from my experience of knowing them. I did not call a cheat play to win, and all I can say is that you will have to trust me on that.

Not to get into a debate over this, but we HAVE NOT CHANGED certain things since day 1, and if you want to blame anyone, then blame me, but to take away from our or anyone's victory, is classless, when you know that they play the game as it is intended.

If Honolulu thinks we cheated, then my apologies, but you have my word, that I DID NOT call a certain play to exploit some BS in this game. It is not worth it to me. I would post what I wrote to my team before the 2nd Playoff game, but it would only be ridiculed, so regardless, my stance is, that we still will not use any exploit solely to win a game, won't happen.

Yes, I have posted it in forums, and yes I posted it in here, but few if any showed any response in coming up with a solution, and from what I hear, Bort has already began to negate the effects of the play.

Look, we had a code to run the clock out in a certain situation since the beginning of the season, and when that was called it had certain parameters, and just so happen we never hit those through our first 18 games.

Bottom line, if you want to call anyone a cheater, then call me a cheater, not my team or teammates, and that is some chicken shit stuff to do, because we have tried to help everyone in this league whenever and wherever we can!

I have said my piece, and once again, Honolulu, thank you for the great game, and I hope that you know that I would not do that to you, and I cannot say what or why it happened, but I can say that it WAS NOT intentional to take advantage of an exploit, nor to cheat you guys out of a victory.

For the rest of you that think that I would cheat, then I guess that I have done something to warrant that, but I would really like to know what I did to warrant that, the accusation is uncalled for, and I will not get into a spite fight over who can curse the most, but most of all, Honolulu, you have my word that I did not intentionally call any play to exploit a cheat, I only called plays to give our team the best chance to beat your great team. -Naka

Chief, I never said you cheated. I guess you could say I'm holding you accountable??

this argument is only happening because we're friends. but, it's not going anywhere, and is only causing tension, so I'm just gonna let it go.
I honestly didn't even really notice watching the replay...and I'm not going to sit here saying it cost us the game or that Naka or Decatur are cheaters..but I'd be lying if I said it isn't a little annoying that the guy who started this thread beat us running the play 26 times. As far as I know, no one agreed to take out the play, and personally I thought it was an unnecessary request..but it does seem a bit hypocritical.
I think this whole thread has gotten way out of control. I personally don't think anyone in the Zeta conference has cheated or would cheat. (I didn't include Alpha in that statement because I don't play in Alpha, not because I am trying to say they cheat - just to make sure that was clear.) I think the top teams wound up on top because they were better and outplayed the rest of the teams. This is a very solid group of respectable owners and GMs and I think the discussion in this thread has gotten off track and misconscrued. I think this is serving no purpose and is harming friendships and relationships. I for one am not going to read anything else posted in this thread.
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka
If you want to call me a cheater, then feel so inclined, but.....

I respect this game.
I respect our teammates.
I respect our opponents.
I respect the purity of the game.

So, with that said, you will not see me dodge one thing, and the only thing that I will say is that after scouting them, we found that running the ball up the gut was the way to beat them, well, that and controlling the clock, and keeping their high powered offense off the field. Look, alot of you have known me for a while, and though some of you want to say that we abused the play in question, I cannot and will not say that. We picked a certain way to try to win the ballgame, but we didn't call that play only, we have way more in the AI then that play.

Did we run it more then I would have liked, yes, but it was NOT intentional, bottom line, I would not and will not do that. I know that Vegas and Mass have had their thing, and so on, but I have nothing but respect for Honolulu from my experience of knowing them. I did not call a cheat play to win, and all I can say is that you will have to trust me on that.

Not to get into a debate over this, but we HAVE NOT CHANGED certain things since day 1, and if you want to blame anyone, then blame me, but to take away from our or anyone's victory, is classless, when you know that they play the game as it is intended.

If Honolulu thinks we cheated, then my apologies, but you have my word, that I DID NOT call a certain play to exploit some BS in this game. It is not worth it to me. I would post what I wrote to my team before the 2nd Playoff game, but it would only be ridiculed, so regardless, my stance is, that we still will not use any exploit solely to win a game, won't happen.

Yes, I have posted it in forums, and yes I posted it in here, but few if any showed any response in coming up with a solution, and from what I hear, Bort has already began to negate the effects of the play.

Look, we had a code to run the clock out in a certain situation since the beginning of the season, and when that was called it had certain parameters, and just so happen we never hit those through our first 18 games.

Bottom line, if you want to call anyone a cheater, then call me a cheater, not my team or teammates, and that is some chicken shit stuff to do, because we have tried to help everyone in this league whenever and wherever we can!

I have said my piece, and once again, Honolulu, thank you for the great game, and I hope that you know that I would not do that to you, and I cannot say what or why it happened, but I can say that it WAS NOT intentional to take advantage of an exploit, nor to cheat you guys out of a victory.

For the rest of you that think that I would cheat, then I guess that I have done something to warrant that, but I would really like to know what I did to warrant that, the accusation is uncalled for, and I will not get into a spite fight over who can curse the most, but most of all, Honolulu, you have my word that I did not intentionally call any play to exploit a cheat, I only called plays to give our team the best chance to beat your great team. -Naka

Just giving a general 'thumbs up' in your direction, Naka.
As part of Honolulu's defense, all I can say is that we played one of the best teams out there, and lost - and that I hope we get to play each other again, because obviously the next time around, we'll win.
Originally posted by djm13
I honestly didn't even really notice watching the replay...and I'm not going to sit here saying it cost us the game or that Naka or Decatur are cheaters..but I'd be lying if I said it isn't a little annoying that the guy who started this thread beat us running the play 26 times. As far as I know, no one agreed to take out the play, and personally I thought it was an unnecessary request..but it does seem a bit hypocritical.

Originally posted by Zanzando

Just giving a general 'thumbs up' in your direction, Naka.
As part of Honolulu's defense, all I can say is that we played one of the best teams out there, and lost - and that I hope we get to play each other again, because obviously the next time around, we'll win.

"nuff said"
Marvel Comics

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