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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > HOLY CRAP!!!! F U Masterminds!!!
what backpedal?

"i didn't share anything, could be a rickroll, just took a minute with google, waaaaaaaah"

that backpedal.

I love that you reached into your dillusional bag of mental superiority words and pulled out bufoons.... You're trying to hard, cut it out before you hurt yourself.
Originally posted by Kolpaz
what backpedal?

"i didn't share anything, could be a rickroll, just took a minute with google, waaaaaaaah"

that backpedal.

I love that you reached into your delusional bag of mental superiority words and pulled out buffoons.... You're trying to hard, cut it out before you hurt yourself.

I fixed a couple things for you...I just can't help's that mental superiority thing I have going on.

Anyway, that's no backpedal. A backpedal would have been me apologizing profusely for posting that link, taking the link out of my post, then trying to make some joke so you guys would like me.

As it is; the link is still there, I blocked you from sending anymore whiny PM's to me, and I still think you are a fucking moron.

Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by Kolpaz

what backpedal?

"i didn't share anything, could be a rickroll, just took a minute with google, waaaaaaaah"

that backpedal.

I love that you reached into your delusional bag of mental superiority words and pulled out buffoons.... You're trying to hard, cut it out before you hurt yourself.

I fixed a couple things for you...I just can't help's that mental superiority thing I have going on.

Anyway, that's no backpedal. A backpedal would have been me apologizing profusely for posting that link, taking the link out of my post, then trying to make some joke so you guys would like me.

As it is; the link is still there, I blocked you from sending anymore whiny PM's to me, and I still think you are a fucking moron.

You forgot to correct his use of "to" instead of "too."

If you're going to be superior, go all the way.

Also, you do not need a semicolon after "As it is" in your response.

Carry on.
Originally posted by bighoppa67
Originally posted by PACharger

Originally posted by Kolpaz

what backpedal?

"i didn't share anything, could be a rickroll, just took a minute with google, waaaaaaaah"

that backpedal.

I love that you reached into your delusional bag of mental superiority words and pulled out buffoons.... You're trying to hard, cut it out before you hurt yourself.

I fixed a couple things for you...I just can't help's that mental superiority thing I have going on.

Anyway, that's no backpedal. A backpedal would have been me apologizing profusely for posting that link, taking the link out of my post, then trying to make some joke so you guys would like me.

As it is; the link is still there, I blocked you from sending anymore whiny PM's to me, and I still think you are a fucking moron.

You forgot to correct his use of "to" instead of "too."

If you're going to be superior, go all the way.

Also, you do not need a semicolon after "As it is" in your response.

Carry on.

wow, you're that douche huh?
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by Kolpaz

what backpedal?

"i didn't share anything, could be a rickroll, just took a minute with google, waaaaaaaah"

that backpedal.

I love that you reached into your delusional bag of mental superiority words and pulled out buffoons.... You're trying to hard, cut it out before you hurt yourself.

I fixed a couple things for you...I just can't help's that mental superiority thing I have going on.

Anyway, that's no backpedal. A backpedal would have been me apologizing profusely for posting that link, taking the link out of my post, then trying to make some joke so you guys would like me.

As it is; the link is still there, I blocked you from sending anymore whiny PM's to me, and I still think you are a fucking moron.

wow, did you just backpedal on the backpedal? I'd always heard that was impossible, good work there sally.

and I'm deeply hurt you've blocked my PM's, i had all intentions of sending you love letters daily.
Originally posted by bighoppa67
You forgot to correct his use of "to" instead of "too."

If you're going to be superior, go all the way.

Also, you do not need a semicolon after "As it is" in your response.

Carry on.

Good catch on the "to", I completely missed it. As for the semicolon, you are right. It is not required, but it is also not incorrect in that situation.
Originally posted by Kolpaz
i had all intentions of sending you love letters daily.

I didn't want my other bitches to get jealous. It was for your own protection.
and where the hell was this entertainment during last seasons extended break....
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by Btownjay

Originally posted by byrongame21

And I don't know if you are some teenager trying to bully me around or something, but it's getting kind of old at this point.

lmao... we will take turns skull F'king you... you old retard.

For a 30 year old your posts are rather pathetic. I would have thought you were a pre-pubescent tween that just liked to act out thanks to the anonymity of the internet.

Who did you piss off? I actually gained more respect for you after you dropped the "skull fuck" line when I came in and read it tonight. In all honesty though, I would wreck your fucking shit if I met you in real life, and that's not really saying much. You just seem like a bleeding vag hiding behind his keyboard that thinks he's talking to an old man.
LMAO! by... any time you want to "wreck my shit"... you just let me know.

Hiding??? PM me... i'll give you my cell number and address.
Originally posted by NSab

Heres something for you Nsab. Your guys are such losers you guys couldn't handle the competition in the east and decided to switch to the west.
Last edited Mar 28, 2009 02:20:19
Originally posted by Btownjay
LMAO! by... any time you want to "wreck my shit"... you just let me know.

Hiding??? PM me... i'll give you my cell number and address.

Come on man. Don't get personal on here. You know that this guys are people still living in their moms basement. You know most of them on here acting smart are losers at life. People that were bullied all their life. I challenge them to post their myspace profile link on here. I really do. I'll post mine.

I mean hell they get into a flame war with me and they can't take it. They go snitch to the mods "Please mod! Lildawg is harassing me and my fellow teammates. He is making my vagina bleed" Yeah you guys are real tough guys.

See people like me and you. And people from the Bootleggerz team, we don't have to get on here and be someone we're not like all this posers. They're just losers man. Don't let them get under your skin. The best thing to do is to ignore them like dal has been doing. It's just a game. It's sad that most of the losers from MM and marauders are like 30 years old getting butt hurt over a game. It amuses me. Please guys keep it coming. You're not hurting nobody, you're just entertaining us. Bootleggerz are still the best in the league. Yes, we lost to those douche bags, but you know what? It's like 10-1? It's all good.
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by Kolpaz

i had all intentions of sending you love letters daily.

I didn't want my other bitches to get jealous. It was for your own protection.

You're really comical. The only bitches you get are the ones you pay. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by Kolpaz

what backpedal?

"i didn't share anything, could be a rickroll, just took a minute with google, waaaaaaaah"

that backpedal.

I love that you reached into your delusional bag of mental superiority words and pulled out buffoons.... You're trying to hard, cut it out before you hurt yourself.

I fixed a couple things for you...I just can't help's that mental superiority thing I have going on.

Anyway, that's no backpedal. A backpedal would have been me apologizing profusely for posting that link, taking the link out of my post, then trying to make some joke so you guys would like me.

As it is; the link is still there, I blocked you from sending anymore whiny PM's to me, and I still think you are a fucking moron.

Yay! You know how to use the spell check. OMG you're so awesome and intelligent. I want to be just like you! A cock sucking homo! Woohoo. If you were any smart you would of noticed the "too" mistake.

Originally posted by LilDawgSoul
Originally posted by Btownjay

LMAO! by... any time you want to "wreck my shit"... you just let me know.

Hiding??? PM me... i'll give you my cell number and address.

Come on man. Don't get personal on here. You know that this guys are people still living in their moms basement. You know most of them on here acting smart are losers at life. People that were bullied all their life. I challenge them to post their myspace profile link on here. I really do. I'll post mine.

I feel you man... but PAcharger posted my myspace link... i didn't mean to make it personal...

However, I'd love to have that douche try to come at me...


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