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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > This is the year of the Maraudernad Masterminds!
Originally posted by willie2604
To go even further -- you like bringing up the Pats? Here's some stats ..

In 2007 the Pats had less than 20 rushing attempts 4 times. They had less than 10 rushing attempts only 1 time. They also rushed over 30 times in 6 games. And for the year (including playoffs) they averaged 27.7 rush attempts per game.

Now I ask Slayton, how many passing attempts did you have in our game? I'll give you a hint -- it's less than 1.

So really, STFU with this Pats garbage as if real life somehow relates to glitching in a game. You knew you couldn't compete, so you glitched to a victory. If that's how you want to play, cool. More power to you if that's really how you want to win a game. But don't defend it like it's okay.


Willie needs to step away from the computer.....he's ass chapped too!

Boohoo....Willie couldn't make his GLB season just like his Madden season and go unbeaten....BOOHOO.....
Originally posted by willie2604
To go even further -- you like bringing up the Pats? Here's some stats ..

In 2007 the Pats had less than 20 rushing attempts 4 times. They had less than 10 rushing attempts only 1 time. They also rushed over 30 times in 6 games. And for the year (including playoffs) they averaged 27.7 rush attempts per game.

Now I ask Slayton, how many passing attempts did you have in our game? I'll give you a hint -- it's less than 1.

So really, STFU with this Pats garbage as if real life somehow relates to glitching in a game. You knew you couldn't compete, so you glitched to a victory. If that's how you want to play, cool. More power to you if that's really how you want to win a game. But don't defend it like it's okay.

Well I didn't look up stats, just going by what I had remembered. Seemed like they passed more than 75% of the time, apparently I was wrong...I admit and am sorry.

As for glitching, well I will show my reasoning for this not being glitching.

Glitching in its definition: a usually minor malfunction

This was and is not a malfunction. We avg'd 3.8 YPC, and as has been stated multiply that by four downs and you have more than enough for a first down. It's gameplanning, although admittedly its not rocket science. Now, do I think running or Power Backs need a nerf? No...I still hold that thought. 3.8 is very pedestrian. What Bort may look into nerfing though is the effectiveness of a RB after carrying 30+ times. Most NFL RBs rarely carry 30+ times, hell even 25+ nowadays is rare. There should be a wear down factor for RB's after the 30 mark, but by the same token the defense should wear down too. That is what we (I'm speaking for all the Masterminds) meant by Bort should change it as well. I don't think its a glitch though, its using something that works to your advantage. It happens alot more frequently in GLB than you think, and again it can be stopped. Cobra Kai sucks balls and they run Tea Baggins 100% all the time. So it can be stopped obviously. You just didn't think we would run 100% of the time and go for it on 4th downs, can you at least admit that??? If not, well I've said my points...and agree that running should be changed a bit but just about what I have said, nothing more. That is my opinion on it, and I don't want to continue this argument of "did we glitch or did we not". It's pretty damn stupid seriously...its over, your team lost, quit whining
I think some of you Bootleggerz need to get out of single A sometimes. Every conference in every league has some teams that are undefeated or pretty close to it b/c they run the damn ball every damn play and have been doing it for a long time. How do you think HHW got to the top 25 of GLB? It sure as shit isn't b/c they ever throw the ball. Right now if you want to win in GLB you're going to have to be able to run the ball and stop the run. Its pretty much the same damn thing in real life.

So - Quit your whining you bunch of weak-assed-don't-know-how-to-build-a-d-line-to-stop-a-team-10-levels-lower-than-us morons. Do we pull out a 100% run game against everybody? No. Just against teams that are full of ass-holes who've got a hole lot of STFU coming their way.

Oh, by the way. Each season our team will be closing the gap on your dumb asses. You've got what, maybe another month left where you guys are superior to us? Don't think for a second we won't be pleased as hell when we're sailing right by you on our way to Pro when you guys stall out at AA.
Last edited Mar 21, 2009 17:51:52
If i wouldnt have already read ur other posts I'd go off on you but lets not make a big thing out of it. Its just a game
For one, I enjoyed the Bootlicker loss quite a bit!
Its just a bit of smack talk. But I thought I'd give as good as I got and you've got to admit some of the guys on your team are throwing around some pretty serious homophobic crap.
Last edited Mar 21, 2009 18:17:30
We didnt expect to lose and your damn right we're a lil unhappy about it. If anything though you guys maybe helped us out and gave us a wakeup call.
i stopped readin a couple pages in but to me it boils down to this...

I've been playing against the leggerz the entire time i've been playin this game so i have a respect for them..even past the jabbin they've been doin this season..

Me, personally if a team beat me by this exploit, and i call it an expoit because you know it works, and you knew that was the only chance you had against it...if this was real wouldn't work...but you took advantage of this being a sim...therefore i call it an exploit..I would be pissed...not real real pissed..but whatever emotions i put into this game would be pissed...its a bush league move..i guess its up to you if you decide to use it, but i know I wouldn't support such a move with our team.
Originally posted by Pud
i stopped readin a couple pages in but to me it boils down to this...

I've been playing against the leggerz the entire time i've been playin this game so i have a respect for them..even past the jabbin they've been doin this season..

Me, personally if a team beat me by this exploit, and i call it an expoit because you know it works, and you knew that was the only chance you had against it...if this was real wouldn't work...but you took advantage of this being a sim...therefore i call it an exploit..I would be pissed...not real real pissed..but whatever emotions i put into this game would be pissed...its a bush league move..i guess its up to you if you decide to use it, but i know I wouldn't support such a move with our team.

That's Bull a win is a win. The End!
Originally posted by willie2604
Originally posted by SSlayton10

Anyway all you bootlickers listen up. All that I was getting at is that running like that ISNT a glitch, it is something that works. Like my example, the NE Patriots passed their arses off 2 years ago because they knew nobody could stop it. Now, did I personally enjoy watching a game like that? Well, only because we beat the most arrogant team in this league and because the RB is mine...but other than that, its not an enjoyable game to watch I admit. Does it work though? Yes....Can you stop it? I've seen it stopped...

Do you guys want to still whine and cry over it? I'm sure we'll still hear it...

Dude, you are a moron. This glitch has been talked about for years in this game because regardless of defense ran, it is impossible to stop running up the middle.

You want to talk real life? You could bring back Larry Csonka with Mike Webster, Larry Allen and Will Shields blocking the middle and a team would still not need to sell out to stop a team up the middle if they ran the same thing consistently over and over.

Look at the teams who have complained for years over this and now the testers are going to address it because of glitchers like yourself.

To compare the passing game of the Pats to a glitch in a game is nonsensical and just flat out fucking retarded.

Like I said, I don't really care. If you want to play the game like that, it's on you. But don't come in here trying to defend the shit like you did nothing. That's lame to an epic degree and a complete douche bag move.

I mean, you did nothing wrong. Why defend yourself against us little whiny bitches? Right?

Well, just to keep this honest, the "glitch" refers to when two "evenly matched" teams play each other, then it is unstoppable. I'm sure had you gameplanned for this strategy you would have beaten the Masterminds, just sayin'.
Last edited Mar 21, 2009 22:36:19
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by willie2604

To go even further -- you like bringing up the Pats? Here's some stats ..

In 2007 the Pats had less than 20 rushing attempts 4 times. They had less than 10 rushing attempts only 1 time. They also rushed over 30 times in 6 games. And for the year (including playoffs) they averaged 27.7 rush attempts per game.

Now I ask Slayton, how many passing attempts did you have in our game? I'll give you a hint -- it's less than 1.

So really, STFU with this Pats garbage as if real life somehow relates to glitching in a game. You knew you couldn't compete, so you glitched to a victory. If that's how you want to play, cool. More power to you if that's really how you want to win a game. But don't defend it like it's okay.


Willie needs to step away from the computer.....he's ass chapped too!

Boohoo....Willie couldn't make his GLB season just like his Madden season and go unbeaten....BOOHOO.....

You know whats sad, that you're so pathetic that your ego is so low that you must glitch a game to get a win just so maybe, just maybe you feel better about your life outside of your computer.

Even more sad that you come back and talk shit like you talk shit like you are a keyboard warrior.

Here's a tip bro, if you want to get in a battle of wits with me over a keyboard, I'll gladly do it. And after it is done and your internet ego takes a plunge and you feel the need for suicide since you have nothing left, I'll pat you on the butt, give you a cupcake and we'll call it good. Mmmkay?

Seriously man, STFU if you have nothing to offer in this convo but some 3rd grade schoolyard bullshit.
Originally posted by SSlayton10
Originally posted by willie2604

To go even further -- you like bringing up the Pats? Here's some stats ..

In 2007 the Pats had less than 20 rushing attempts 4 times. They had less than 10 rushing attempts only 1 time. They also rushed over 30 times in 6 games. And for the year (including playoffs) they averaged 27.7 rush attempts per game.

Now I ask Slayton, how many passing attempts did you have in our game? I'll give you a hint -- it's less than 1.

So really, STFU with this Pats garbage as if real life somehow relates to glitching in a game. You knew you couldn't compete, so you glitched to a victory. If that's how you want to play, cool. More power to you if that's really how you want to win a game. But don't defend it like it's okay.

Well I didn't look up stats, just going by what I had remembered. Seemed like they passed more than 75% of the time, apparently I was wrong...I admit and am sorry.

As for glitching, well I will show my reasoning for this not being glitching.

Glitching in its definition: a usually minor malfunction

This was and is not a malfunction. We avg'd 3.8 YPC, and as has been stated multiply that by four downs and you have more than enough for a first down. It's gameplanning, although admittedly its not rocket science. Now, do I think running or Power Backs need a nerf? No...I still hold that thought. 3.8 is very pedestrian. What Bort may look into nerfing though is the effectiveness of a RB after carrying 30+ times. Most NFL RBs rarely carry 30+ times, hell even 25+ nowadays is rare. There should be a wear down factor for RB's after the 30 mark, but by the same token the defense should wear down too. That is what we (I'm speaking for all the Masterminds) meant by Bort should change it as well. I don't think its a glitch though, its using something that works to your advantage. It happens alot more frequently in GLB than you think, and again it can be stopped. Cobra Kai sucks balls and they run Tea Baggins 100% all the time. So it can be stopped obviously. You just didn't think we would run 100% of the time and go for it on 4th downs, can you at least admit that??? If not, well I've said my points...and agree that running should be changed a bit but just about what I have said, nothing more. That is my opinion on it, and I don't want to continue this argument of "did we glitch or did we not". It's pretty damn stupid seriously...its over, your team lost, quit whining

Show me one team in the NFL that needs to stack 9-10 guys in the box routinely to stuff a rushing attack up the middle. Not even the Detroit Lions would need to do that.

That's where it becomes a glitch in the game. You do not need to do that to stop basic plays regardless of how 'pedestrian' your rushing totals are. There is only one way to stop a basic rushing attack in GLB and that is to sell out. Thus why it's a glitch.

Pretty simple stuff.
Originally posted by Horncolio
Originally posted by willie2604

Originally posted by SSlayton10

Anyway all you bootlickers listen up. All that I was getting at is that running like that ISNT a glitch, it is something that works. Like my example, the NE Patriots passed their arses off 2 years ago because they knew nobody could stop it. Now, did I personally enjoy watching a game like that? Well, only because we beat the most arrogant team in this league and because the RB is mine...but other than that, its not an enjoyable game to watch I admit. Does it work though? Yes....Can you stop it? I've seen it stopped...

Do you guys want to still whine and cry over it? I'm sure we'll still hear it...

Dude, you are a moron. This glitch has been talked about for years in this game because regardless of defense ran, it is impossible to stop running up the middle.

You want to talk real life? You could bring back Larry Csonka with Mike Webster, Larry Allen and Will Shields blocking the middle and a team would still not need to sell out to stop a team up the middle if they ran the same thing consistently over and over.

Look at the teams who have complained for years over this and now the testers are going to address it because of glitchers like yourself.

To compare the passing game of the Pats to a glitch in a game is nonsensical and just flat out fucking retarded.

Like I said, I don't really care. If you want to play the game like that, it's on you. But don't come in here trying to defend the shit like you did nothing. That's lame to an epic degree and a complete douche bag move.

I mean, you did nothing wrong. Why defend yourself against us little whiny bitches? Right?

Well, just to keep this honest, the "glitch" refers to when two "evenly matched" teams play each other, then it is unstoppable. I'm sure had you gameplanned for this strategy you would have beaten the Masterminds, just sayin'.

No habla espanol, bro.
Originally posted by NSab
Originally posted by Pud

i stopped readin a couple pages in but to me it boils down to this...

I've been playing against the leggerz the entire time i've been playin this game so i have a respect for them..even past the jabbin they've been doin this season..

Me, personally if a team beat me by this exploit, and i call it an expoit because you know it works, and you knew that was the only chance you had against it...if this was real wouldn't work...but you took advantage of this being a sim...therefore i call it an exploit..I would be pissed...not real real pissed..but whatever emotions i put into this game would be pissed...its a bush league move..i guess its up to you if you decide to use it, but i know I wouldn't support such a move with our team.

That's Bull a win is a win. The End!

Originally posted by willie2604
Originally posted by Horncolio

Originally posted by willie2604

Originally posted by SSlayton10

Anyway all you bootlickers listen up. All that I was getting at is that running like that ISNT a glitch, it is something that works. Like my example, the NE Patriots passed their arses off 2 years ago because they knew nobody could stop it. Now, did I personally enjoy watching a game like that? Well, only because we beat the most arrogant team in this league and because the RB is mine...but other than that, its not an enjoyable game to watch I admit. Does it work though? Yes....Can you stop it? I've seen it stopped...

Do you guys want to still whine and cry over it? I'm sure we'll still hear it...

Dude, you are a moron. This glitch has been talked about for years in this game because regardless of defense ran, it is impossible to stop running up the middle.

You want to talk real life? You could bring back Larry Csonka with Mike Webster, Larry Allen and Will Shields blocking the middle and a team would still not need to sell out to stop a team up the middle if they ran the same thing consistently over and over.

Look at the teams who have complained for years over this and now the testers are going to address it because of glitchers like yourself.

To compare the passing game of the Pats to a glitch in a game is nonsensical and just flat out fucking retarded.

Like I said, I don't really care. If you want to play the game like that, it's on you. But don't come in here trying to defend the shit like you did nothing. That's lame to an epic degree and a complete douche bag move.

I mean, you did nothing wrong. Why defend yourself against us little whiny bitches? Right?

Well, just to keep this honest, the "glitch" refers to when two "evenly matched" teams play each other, then it is unstoppable. I'm sure had you gameplanned for this strategy you would have beaten the Masterminds, just sayin'.

No habla espanol, bro.

Well you said that:
"This glitch has been talked about for years in this game because regardless of defense ran, it is impossible to stop running up the middle."

When you should have said:
"This glitch has been talked about for years in this game because regardless of defense ran, it is impossible to stop running up the middle when two teams that have roughly the same level of players use this tactic.".

From the OP:
"It's a known exploit, no way two evenly matched teams should be able to win with one play being ran 4 downs in a row. "

If you had stacked the box more I think you would have been able to stop it against a team that is a few levels below your players.
Last edited Mar 22, 2009 08:14:55

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