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we almost beat those pesky rhinos
Nice win VT. Those freakin beasts on your line(wrath & tyrant) are just too much to contend with. I am very pleased with our defensive performance, especially that fact that we held you to 1 FG in the first half, and 1 TD for the game. If we could have actually managed to put up some offense i think it would have been an interesting game. Either way, you guys played well and deserved the win.

Ill have to disagree with verks at this point, regardless of the score...beat us 50-0 and then ill concede that you handled us like we were nothing

Good luck the rest of the way, and i hope that we can somehow find our way back for a rematch at the end of the season!
Originally posted by chaosdog

did you forget the fact that you lost to us head to head? Or are you gonna start talking shit again?

A bit of rivalry doesn't hurt, but the Ice Storm you fought then is very different to the Ice Storm today. We've figured out how to make things thing work with the defense and our offensive production is much better.

Anyway, good game Smilies!
Originally posted by michaelpotter08
we almost beat those pesky rhinos

Yeah...first game of the year. That was a really good game as I remember it. Hopefully we'll continue the little streak we're on. Best of luck to you guys...that is unless we meet in the playoffs. Go Rhinos!!!
Originally posted by verks36
Originally posted by Superman6464

Originally posted by verks36

Originally posted by Cubes

Originally posted by chaosdog

Originally posted by Cubes

Originally posted by Superman6464

Originally posted by Cubes

Originally posted by Superman6464


Originally posted by Buzzkill

hey! we caught those ints....dont be trying to take our credit just cuz you guys threw them!

I do however have to admit i had a couple of my players go strongarm a few members of your team, **encouraging** them to maybe let a few balls slip out of their grip, in their own best interest

Rub it in all you want, you won..but I would not be proud of that performance. We ran all over you guys, you couldn't stop us running. It was one player that allowed you to win, our QB who threw only 4 INTS in 8 games now throws that many in one.

We sure could stop the pass though, couldn't we? And don't cry about your past performance, your past performance wasn't against us now, was it?

I came on here to give props and then when Buzz took it upon himself to through in a "Rub" I replied back, since then we're cool. At least until you spit off with nonsense. Your coach even said that your stacked up against the run so stop acting like your you plan was so great and your so good. If the CPU would have stuck to the gameplan your coach said and set, then the outcome would have been different.

You had 7 turnovers, SEVEN, and it took a last play of the game pass (Missed Tackle) for you to win. You won, I congratulated your coach and team, but stop acting like your the shit. You still have a losing record and still looking up to us in the standings. Congrats on the win, but please stop acting like you handed it to us. We have played and beat better teams. Yeah we lost, it's not the first and probably won't be the last, but at least we're still only a game out of first. Hope to see you again in the playoffs, if you make it.

Coach may have set the plan, but I tell my 'backers how to play schill, as well as my CB. You lost. I hate chumps like you that congratulate on one hand and shit in the other. BUT our 1 missed tackle <sniffle> <sniffle> we're the number 6 team <sniffle> <sniffle> , you'll never make the playoffs <sniffle> <sniffle>. Classless. You think the ints. were just luck? You think nobody played the pass? Moron.

the fact that we turned the ball over 6 times and only lost by 3 tells ya somthing.

It tells me you have a good D (like ours) but your offense sucks donkey dick.

It was your own team owner that started it all. I never said a word to him but congrats. I've been on this board less then a handful of times. I've never talked shit to anyone, even when Verks was talking shit before our game. You can act all you want about how good you think your defense is. The point is, we have played better defenses and better teams and won, that's just fact. Our QB just sucked today and you won. If you take that as in insult to your team, so be it, I don't care. Talk all you want, but your still not even playoff bound with your losing record. And I bet you lose again today.

Our offense is among the best in the league, just look at the stats. Stats don't lie. It's all good, but tell me something - how does it feel to be sniffing our ass crack in the standings.

How does it feel that we just shutout the team you guys just lost to a week before. You guys lost to the Smilies while we just handlded them like it wasnt nothin.

Good game smilies you were out matched

How does it feel that we beat you and your where you belong, behind us. You will lose the shit talking game so don't even try it. We beat you and ranked over you in the standings. You have nothing to stand on. That could all change after next game, but today you can say shit. I getting a little tired of you shit too, I never said a freaking word to you but if you want to it's on.
Last edited May 15, 2008 15:45:51
Congratulations, but we both know you'll never beat the Icestorm again. Ever. So just save it. Actually, I really hope you guys are our first round in the playoffs, just so you'll finally STFU about it.
Last edited May 15, 2008 16:11:29
Originally posted by extmenace
Good game today Knights. Was a struggle.

also the roadrunners "cheated" by having made another account and buying a team with established players and then sent over min trades to stack their roster without recruiting players and then sold back the team to someone who was left in really bad shape.

and we still beat them the other day!!!
Last edited May 15, 2008 16:38:33
Originally posted by supabaierl
Cubes Superman6464

are u two on the rag? man let it go its just a pretend game.

And i'm tired of your post take up the hole page

Internet forum - discussion board on the Internet

Dude, it's a forum and GLB has plenty of space. Kinda defeats the purpose of having a forum if someone "censors" someone else's post, doesn't it?
Lets leave this cheating stuff in the past. I think Verk's even over it now. Focusing on the positive, we have a strong, competitive conference with some wacky and interesting personalites. It sucks it happened, but I think we've pretty much covered it at this point.

Focus instead on how you plan to stop the Icestorm from taking the conference title.

Originally posted by the_old_days

Focus instead on how you plan to stop the Icestorm from taking the conference title.

Easy, by facing the Ramrods
Last edited May 15, 2008 17:40:12
Tell ol' Chrisway I'm gunning for him .
Originally posted by the_old_days
Congratulations, but we both know you'll never beat the Icestorm again. Ever. So just save it. Actually, I really hope you guys are our first round in the playoffs, just so you'll finally STFU about it.

Blah blah blah...that's the same shit you said the first time and you LOST! You would figure you would learn to keep your month shut because at the end of the day when you lose you really look like an ass. Finally STFU? You guys have been talk shit since day one, and your not even the best team. I could understand if you're 10-0 but your not so how about you STFU with all your trash talk. You have nothing you can say to a team that beat you..point blank...done - over - we beat you own our own field.
Last edited May 15, 2008 18:10:05
Originally posted by the_old_days
Lets leave this cheating stuff in the past. I think Verk's even over it now. Focusing on the positive, we have a strong, competitive conference with some wacky and interesting personalites. It sucks it happened, but I think we've pretty much covered it at this point.

Focus instead on how you plan to stop the Icestorm from taking the conference title.

You seem to be talking a lot for a 2 loss team. I try to stay away from posting in here but I've been following this whole Roadrunners cheating saga, and all the other jazz that's happening in the East.

Honestly the only way the Ice Storm can win the regular season is with A LOT of help. I think the winner will be the winner of the Indy-Chesapeake game. The Ramrods are good, but they still have to face Vermont, Atlanta, and a good Waller team from the West.

If the playoffs were today the Ice Storm would have to beat an Atlanta team they lost to and the Ramrods, who just seem to find a way to win, then later possibly face an Indy team they lost to or the Road Runners. Also, they'd have face a team from the west (probably Bloomington). It's a long hard road for the Ice Storm.

I think we can all agree that the winner is coming from the East though.
Originally posted by kyle321n
Originally posted by the_old_days

Lets leave this cheating stuff in the past. I think Verk's even over it now. Focusing on the positive, we have a strong, competitive conference with some wacky and interesting personalites. It sucks it happened, but I think we've pretty much covered it at this point.

Focus instead on how you plan to stop the Icestorm from taking the conference title.

You seem to be talking a lot for a 2 loss team. I try to stay away from posting in here but I've been following this whole Roadrunners cheating saga, and all the other jazz that's happening in the East.

Honestly the only way the Ice Storm can win the regular season is with A LOT of help. I think the winner will be the winner of the Indy-Chesapeake game. The Ramrods are good, but they still have to face Vermont, Atlanta, and a good Waller team from the West.

If the playoffs were today the Ice Storm would have to beat an Atlanta team they lost to and the Ramrods, who just seem to find a way to win, then later possibly face an Indy team they lost to or the Road Runners. Also, they'd have face a team from the west (probably Bloomington). It's a long hard road for the Ice Storm.

I think we can all agree that the winner is coming from the East though.

yea i think the east has 3 or 4 teams that would be number 1 in the west.
Originally posted by the_old_days
Congratulations, but we both know you'll never beat the Icestorm again. Ever. So just save it. Actually, I really hope you guys are our first round in the playoffs, just so you'll finally STFU about it.

wtf are you talking about us being quiet, verk is the one that brought up us sucking again, or not as good as VT.

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