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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #14 > Preseason Rankings Alpha/Zeta
I notice you did not respond to my message. Oh well lets have fun like you said.
I feel the need to look at the influences that keep the suggested level down in this league.

The average level of the arguably bottom 16 teams: 14.61 which is under the 15-26 level suggested range, that your so fond of using. I am, and I admit this freely, not very interested in handicapping my team so that the Minnesota Vikings of this league have a 50/50 chance without improving there team.

Feel free to do the math yourself, ill include some links to make it easier for you.

Indy Colts team

The average level is 9.28 with only 13 people on the roster in the level 15-18 Range

Western Roman Empire team

The average level is 17.63 with 4 Human people who are all inactive since Jan 16, the rest of the roster is CPU

Paris Elves team

The average level here is 15.4, with 1 Human Punter level 18, the rest is CPU

Lazer Ligers team

This is a slow build team, more power to them, average level 5.61 with NO ONE over level 7.

London Man-Dem team

Average level 15.37, Humans consist of Kicker 13, HB 29, HB 12, and QB 12 and 15 below level 15.

Porto Thunder team

Average level, 16.7, the only thing not CPU on this team is the owner.

Trieste Bora team

Average level 13.78, one human player a HB 23. 12 people under level 15

Natal Hellboys team

Average level 17.95, what I like about this team is there all human players and only 8 are below 15.

SU Spider Pigs team

Average level is 15.95. This team is made up of players from a handful of agents who all stopped playing on the 1st of January.

KAF Spartans team

Average level is 12.37, with 13 of 51 of the players level 15+


Average level is 18.9
Copenhagen Capitals team

Average level 9.02, another slow build team. The 21 Cpu players have an average level of 18.9 while the 26 human players have an average of only 1.038.

Cashville Dollar Bills team

Average level is actually 20.95, with only 3 human players K 25, HB 22, and a QB 24.

Hamburg Hawks team

Average level is 10.62 with only 10 of there 43 players 15th level or better.

Bellingham Goldfish team

Average level 14.38 with 25 of there players under level 15.

Dusseldorf Demon Knights team

Average level on this all CPU team 19.90
Well there you have it then! Wow you must have been really bored.
Originally posted by fatherzeus

Bellingham Goldfish team

Average level 14.38 with 25 of there players under level 15.

And the Fish STILL won their first game of the season! Go Fish!
Originally posted by fatherzeus
Originally posted by l4boMb4

Out of curiosity, how many of your players have boosted?

As much as I know your gonna complain, nearly all of them. See after you are capped at a max of 100xp a game no matter how many plays you get please tell me the reason not to boost early and forget about it. Other than the never really sure what changed from season to season. The ones I did not boost are my level 16-17's (and they were 13 when I joined the cap 13 league) and my 3 level 33 guys, after the nearly 15k flex points I did not feel the need to buy more points yet.

And before you even consider complaining about me using flex points, remember without flex points being bought Bort would have NO reason to continue the game since he is in this to make money. No Flex, No Game as simple as that.

And a question for you: Why do you have 8 guys on , now remember the question is why are they there, not are they within this range or that range? I would guess that its because they were needed there. Oh, and the reason for the edit... Have they boosted yet?

Why would I complain about boosting players? I've boosted completely for every player I have since season 1. I think you must have misunderstood the point. I could careless about suggested levels, I do care about exploiting the cap.

Also, about the team of which I have 8 players on...what is the issue? Its a AAA team in a league where almost every team has an overall level above 57. There is no cap and the suggested range is 32-55. All of my players have boosted on that team. I tend to boost at seasons end for players below level 30. I swapped over 5 of my guys to that team this season due to the other team I was on went slow-build and cleaned house. I enjoyed the team since I already had 3 players there, got along with the agents, GMs, and owner. Plus, its a lot easier monitoring one set of forums for 8 guys instead of the alternative.

So let's get this straight. Your response to me calling you out about 'tweaking' the system revolved around skirting the issue and making a pitiful attempt at;

1) making a false assumption of me being part of the non-boost, playing for free..bandwagon.
2) comparing 8 of my players on an uncapped league where the suggested range is between 32-55...clearly I'm exploiting that league.
3) assuming that I was going to complain.

I'm not complaining so much as I'm trying to point out that I believe that you could have been more respectful on how you brought your team into this league. Once again, I hope you have I will. For the record, the recommended range dropped after I first typed was 17-29, not 15-26. Feel free to evaluate the top 16 teams and give their averages if you want to create an actual true picture of the league instead of throwing out the bottom 16. I'm sure the average would surprise yourself. I would think you would at least have some remorse instead of making a failed attempt at labeling me as a cry baby. I've done nothing but state an opinion and a dissatisfaction on how you tried to advocate your innocence in the whole matter before I even posting a thing. It left a bad taste and I responded to you and your crony Gm. If you would have never posted trying to convince the whole league, then I wouldn't have said a thing.

So, enjoy.
Last edited Feb 26, 2009 21:31:43
Wow you are truly clueless and yet have not recently responded to any of my posts. I have clearly explained that everything that was done (except the previously mentioned couple of players that were above cap) was within the rules of the game and not intended to exploit anything. We can agree to disagree since I am well aware of the circumstances that led us to be in this particular league and no matter how many times we try to explain it you will not budge on your stance. So for that we are doing nothing but wasting time and energy.

What I do take offense to is being called a crony but to each their own and you only wished you had a crony GM like myself.
Originally posted by valakar
Wow you are truly clueless and yet have not recently responded to any of my posts. I have clearly explained that everything that was done (except the previously mentioned couple of players that were above cap) was within the rules of the game and not intended to exploit anything. We can agree to disagree since I am well aware of the circumstances that led us to be in this particular league and no matter how many times we try to explain it you will not budge on your stance. So for that we are doing nothing but wasting time and energy.

What I do take offense to is being called a crony but to each their own and you only wished you had a crony GM like myself.

tell me again what I'm supposed to respond to? You've explained everything with the exception of a couple of players? That's like A-Rod saying he only juiced in 2003, so its okay now. You can't break one rule yet adhere to the other 99 and still claim that you're 100% clean. I made a point in response to you boasting about how everything was legit. You've since only reinforced my point by saying, yeah we do have a few illegal players...but its only a few, so its okay.

I called you a crony due to your blinded loyalty to your owner. Of which could actually be viewed as admirable. So congrats to you mr. valakar.
Last edited Feb 26, 2009 23:02:06
The point you are failing to acknowledge or respond to is the fact that we wanted to remain in the A league and could not. This is a major problem with the way restructuring is done each season. This is why some of the EE BBB teams that were new cap13 started with teams with full stadiums in the league (because not all EE BBB teams were released last season). You try to do the right thing by requesting to not get demoted (knowing you have a full recruitment class coming in to support the league you are in (send requests to support) and still get moved down. Mind you moved down AFTER you had said players referenced earlier on your team that were above the cap. So you focus on these couple of players and painting a broad brush against us yet you are not truly identifying or responding to the bigger issue.

It appears on the surface that you are upset and disapointed that your highly competitive team was way outmatched (yet you say this is not the case and I have no reason not to believe you). All I am asking is you give myself and the owner the same courtesy that we attempted to not get demoted yet you continually are not wishing to do that so back to my previous statement of we can agree to disagree and move on. So when i make a statement (cannot speak for the owner) what I am saying is I did nothing wrong and neither did this team it was Bort/admin relegation system that is flawed that is the culprit in this particular situation.

As for me being a loyal GM (blinded by my loyalty as you put it). Maybe I am blinded by my loyalty but I also know all of the facts and you do not. You are making claims using information (that was incorrect when you initially posted as you forgot about the double boosting that can and did take place) yet you expect us to listen to what you have to say as if you are the all knowing on this situation? I think not. For the record I am very loyal and my track record speaks for itself.
Like you've already mentioned, we're speaking in circles.

You feel like you've done nothing wrong and that relegation forced you to field players on your team that are not in line with the cap level of this league.

I feel like, regardless of relegation, your team could have made a decision not to honor some of your 'recruitment class' promises based upon the fact you knew you were getting relegated. I focused on the couple of players because they are the ones that are not adhering to the guidelines of this league. I'm sorry if you felt like you were dealt a bad hand by getting relegated, but certainly you must understand that ultimately it is this league that has been repeatedly screwed due to teams like yours. I've seen this done time and time again, and no offense to you and your gets old.

I honestly hope you have fun, that's all I can offer.
Last comment. The players that are above the cap WERE ALREADY ON THE TEAM before it got relegated. Once we knew we were being dropped we did not recruit any player that was above level 34. So when you say we could have "made a decision not to honor some of your 'recruitment class' promises" that is not even an issue considering every single player was level 34 and under (which was the cap of this league).
Originally posted by l4boMb4
blah blah blah

Every time I look at your name I think I'm seeing it as "IblowMen4$", it makes me laugh.

Seriously though, enough of the silliness. The team management attempted to stay in AA, there is no conspiracy theory....

I was one of the first people brought on to the team (the kicker) when the owner still had chemistry hold and most of the players were CPU. If you continue your unfounded attacks I'll take it as a personal affront....since I have one of the players you are concerned about.

Spend more time worrying about your own team(s)....
Last edited Feb 27, 2009 11:15:01
And here comes the peanut gallery. A kicker? Really? Shouldnt you just be quiet? I thought they finally ended it and your man even got the last word.
Originally posted by PACharger
Originally posted by l4boMb4

blah blah blah

Every time I look at your name I think I'm seeing it as "IblowMen4$", it makes me laugh.

Seriously though, enough of the silliness. The team management attempted to stay in AA, there is no conspiracy theory....

was one of the first people brought on to the team (the kicker) when
the owner still had chemistry hold and most of the players were CPU. If
you continue your unfounded attacks I'll take it as a personal
affront....since I have one of the players you are concerned about.

Spend more time worrying about your own team(s)....

Not that I want to jump in on this silly discussion, but throwing insults around doesn't exactly prove your point either.
I think we can all agree that this horse is sufficiently dead and we no longer need to beat it anymore. Let it go.
Originally posted by Hyam
And here comes the peanut gallery. A kicker? Really? Shouldnt you just be quiet? I thought they finally ended it and your man even got the last word.

An agent that hasn't been in the game 4 seasons yet is calling me the peanut gallery.....really? That is rich. I think you should scoot back into that hole you crawled out of, honestly.

For the rest of you, I will defend the team I'm on and the actions of that team any time I choose too. If you would like to come back to the thread and complain that I'm kicking a dead horse, what does that say about you? If you question the team that I"m part of, you question me and I don't care for that.

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