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How long until one of the Pitpups chimes in again... Sore losers.
Minus Mozzart that is.
Originally posted by Hunter Serafin
Minus Mozzart that is.

So far he's the only one with class from that team.
oh comon now
you keep bagging on me for talking about my DE yet i dont got make topic after topic about it like you do about your team
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by Hunter Serafin

Minus Mozzart that is.

So far he's the only one with class from that team.


Hold on, I need to catch my breah.


Oh, that's awesome. Thank you. Will you lecture us about humility next?
So Moz isn't a stand up guy? Is that what you are saying IC? Get off your high horse dude.
Originally posted by Hunter Serafin
So Moz isn't a stand up guy? Is that what you are saying IC? Get off your high horse dude.

You're not an idiot, Motley. Stop pretending you are just to make your brother feel smarter. You know exactly what I said.
Last edited Jan 30, 2009 20:55:03
Notes for record Series 2

Time's I've Posted in this thread including this: 5
Pages: 5
Posts: 72

Time's I've been referenced without being responded too: 6
Originally posted by Billsman

Should be a good game seeing how they've been scouting us for 1/2 the season and it turned personal for BRG and his boys.

Originally posted by Billsman
The funny thing about BRG he hasn't got the balls to say it to my face. lol I met him at a tailgate party and he was quiet, funny how some guys grow internet muscles, lol

sweet contradiction of the day: Originally posted by Billsman
I do have to give props to BRG, he at least came up to me at a game, I doubt you'd have the same balls to do that.

Originally posted by Billsman

ICR, if I had a beef with you I'd say it to your face, thats the person I am, I think you know that by now. If BRG had some personal beef with me he should have said something when we met but he didn't. But now when he's on his PC his words seem pretty tough. Hmmm

Originally posted by Billsman
ICRockets has a man crush on me! Aww shucks.
Now run along and go play with your pal BRG. hehehe

Originally posted by Billsman

Part 2 incorrect. Where was the owner of said team? Why didn't anyone step up when Billsman asked for help after he said he couldn't run the team, I mean nobody offered to help ICRockets and BRG included. Billsman also didn't have 100% access to all the team areas, the owner who went awol did. So after the owner bailed and no one offered to help, Billsman still tried to do what he could, amazing.

Blatant lie btw ^ ^ ^ - how else would I have become owner the very next season - but that's not for discussion now

Originally posted by Billsman

BRG is a bitch, his wife would put up a better fight! hahaha

Originally posted by Billsman

I really cat blame you for taking the time to do the list, if my wife was as ugly as yours I wouldn't want to spend time with her either.

References to acts of a homosexual nature by thread originator: 3
Originally posted by Billsman
ICRockets has a man crush on me! Aww shucks.
Now run along and go play with your pal BRG. hehehe

Originally posted by Billsman

And you still hide behind your message board name. How cute, coming here to defend your boyfriends. Your teams suck in every league imaginable now VJ. bwahaha

Originally posted by Billsman

Times BRG took it in the ass by ICRockets: 100

Back to Back Posts without response by thread creator: 16
triple posts count as 2


Times own team has followed assumed forum link to talk smack yet politely declined 1

Originally posted by Six-Out
good god. did we take a time machine to 5th grade?

Last edited Jan 30, 2009 21:25:17
Originally posted by ICRockets
Originally posted by Hunter Serafin

So Moz isn't a stand up guy? Is that what you are saying IC? Get off your high horse dude.

You're not an idiot, Motley. Stop pretending you are just to make your brother feel smarter. You know exactly what I said.

You said Mozz isn't a class act guy, isn't that what you guys did to BLeonard a while back too?

So fatty, why didn't you help out the Rangers in season two, were you too busy eating?
Originally posted by BRG
Notes for record Series 2

Time's I've Posted in this thread including this: 5
Pages: 5
Posts: 66

Time's I've been referenced without being responded too: 6
Originally posted by Billsman

Should be a good game seeing how they've been scouting us for 1/2 the season and it turned personal for BRG and his boys.

Originally posted by Billsman

The funny thing about BRG he hasn't got the balls to say it to my face. lol I met him at a tailgate party and he was quiet, funny how some guys grow internet muscles, lol

sweet contradiction of the day: Originally posted by Billsman

I do have to give props to BRG, he at least came up to me at a game, I doubt you'd have the same balls to do that.

Originally posted by Billsman

ICR, if I had a beef with you I'd say it to your face, thats the person I am, I think you know that by now. If BRG had some personal beef with me he should have said something when we met but he didn't. But now when he's on his PC his words seem pretty tough. Hmmm

Originally posted by Billsman

ICRockets has a man crush on me! Aww shucks.
Now run along and go play with your pal BRG. hehehe

Originally posted by Billsman

Part 2 incorrect. Where was the owner of said team? Why didn't anyone step up when Billsman asked for help after he said he couldn't run the team, I mean nobody offered to help ICRockets and BRG included. Billsman also didn't have 100% access to all the team areas, the owner who went awol did. So after the owner bailed and no one offered to help, Billsman still tried to do what he could, amazing.

Blatant lie btw ^ ^ ^ - how else would I have become owner the very next season - but that's not for discussion now

Originally posted by Billsman

BRG is a bitch, his wife would put up a better fight! hahaha

References to acts of a homosexual nature by thread originator:
Originally posted by Billsman

ICRockets has a man crush on me! Aww shucks.
Now run along and go play with your pal BRG. hehehe

Originally posted by Billsman

And you still hide behind your message board name. How cute, coming here to defend your boyfriends. Your teams suck in every league imaginable now VJ. bwahaha

Improving from series 1

Times own team has followed assumed forum link to talk smack yet politely declined 1

Originally posted by Six-Out

good god. did we take a time machine to 5th grade?

Times BRG took it in the ass by ICRockets: 100
Originally posted by ICRockets
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by Hunter Serafin

Minus Mozzart that is.

So far he's the only one with class from that team.


Hold on, I need to catch my breah.


Oh, that's awesome. Thank you. Will you lecture us about humility next?

Damn, calling out the owner and laughing at him, not cool.

And the reason you had to catch your "breah" is you bent over to tie your shoes! lmao
don't even act like you know me or what I am thinking. This is something I can not stand. I am not a damn thing like my brother. We are 2 totally different people....ask anyone. So what does that say when we both are calling you out?
Originally posted by Hunter Serafin
don't even act like you know me or what I am thinking. This is something I can not stand. I am not a damn thing like my brother. We are 2 totally different people....ask anyone. So what does that say when we both are calling you out?

Well whats really funny is the amount of people that cant stand him on the Range, that thread in PR&S really puts him in his place!

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