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I still don't get this stalker thing
- If I didn't half run a team in this League I could understand it but I do -
Originally posted by BRG
I still don't get this stalker thing
- If I didn't half run a team in this League I could understand it but I do -

What does your post have to do with the thread title? You = stalker because you bring nothing to the table, all you do is follow me from post to post like a little puppy dog. So tell me stalker, what has your Buffalo team done in the past 6-7 seasons? NOTHING! bwahaha
Last edited Jan 25, 2009 12:27:02
You realize you were involved with that team for 2 full seasons during that time, don't you?

Oops, guess I shouldn't say "full". After all, you decided to quit as a GM the day before a playoff game.
Originally posted by ICRockets
You realize you were involved with that team for 2 full seasons during that time, don't you?

Oops, guess I shouldn't say "full". After all, you decided to quit as a GM the day before a playoff game.

WAAAA! Its funny how you stick up for your boyfriend the way you do. So how many seasons have you sucked for? hahaha
Where was your team owner, OC and DC? haha Pretty funny when I asked for help no one did anything.
Have either of you boys made a football post yet? lmao
Last edited Jan 25, 2009 17:09:24
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by BRG

I still don't get this stalker thing
- If I didn't half run a team in this League I could understand it but I do -

What does your post have to do with the thread title? You = stalker because you bring nothing to the table, all you do is follow me from post to post like a little puppy dog. So tell me stalker, what has your Buffalo team done in the past 6-7 seasons? NOTHING! bwahaha

well your almost saying I can't post in the league forum as there are about 10 different posts at the top started by you - - - Lonely much?

and Sorry - The Roamers haven't been top tier: I believe in building a team, Working with agents who don't always start with the best builds. I value the commitment these guys make to being on the team and I honor that even if it means not always having the best players.

I've learned a lot from the guys & hopefully they've learned a nugget or two from me. The best part about it is I could have just given up on the team after you screwed us over but I kept on - we've had our share of victories, but being in one of the best AAA leagues outside of USA this season we hit a bump.

---- I'll just stop now since you have no understand what it means to stick with something
Last edited Jan 25, 2009 19:40:08
This thread was 1/2 way down the A forum and pencil neck BRG brings it back to the top, loser.

BRG, you're a loser coach face it, you have done NOTHING in 6-7 seasons here so really, you suck. You live in seasons past, are you a Miami fan hanging onto the glory season because you sure seem it.

Now please, go cry on someone's shoulder who actually gives a fuck, you sound like a woman already.

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