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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #14 > We Are Windsor... W I N D S O R.
Originally posted by
The honor in any play and in any game is to exploit a teams weakness and beat it to the ground.

you arent exploiting a teams weakness you are exploiting a flawed play, with bugs that have a WR blocking 3 players..

Exploiting my teams weakness would be run left a bunch i unfortunately lacked stamina in the right side of the line and by the 4th quarter i gave up a bunch their, or throw across the middle my MLB's were slow for a very long time and speedy outs could own them. That is exploiting a weakness, not running WR Screen 100% of the time.
Redass Ranch
Originally posted by greystone
Originally posted by

The honor in any play and in any game is to exploit a teams weakness and beat it to the ground.

you arent exploiting a teams weakness you are exploiting a flawed play, with bugs that have a WR blocking 3 players..

Exploiting my teams weakness would be run left a bunch i unfortunately lacked stamina in the right side of the line and by the 4th quarter i gave up a bunch their, or throw across the middle my MLB's were slow for a very long time and speedy outs could own them. That is exploiting a weakness, not running WR Screen 100% of the time.

For what it is worth, WR Screen is not only play we run from Single Back Pass formation and it is set for two particulars downs and for no more than 35% of those plays... what the AI does from there is any one's guess. But guess you're only going to focus on that one thing. Bet you money, next season we will be having same discussion, different play... hope the tears have dried by then on this play.

And getting back to the "arrogant annoyance" comment, it's amazing how the activity in this forum has increased since the "arrogant annoyance" started posting. Can't wait for next season... and it looks like the Turkeys will be hanging around here, can't wait until we game plan for a full season in this league... Oh boy, the bashing is just getting started.
Last edited Dec 17, 2008 18:56:16
Originally posted by Redass Ranch

In regards to the "arrogant annoyance" is that we showed up late to the forums here... this team was meant to be a slow build, and if you look at the roster today over 1/3 of them is eligible for cap 13 next season with boost (flex) still remaining for over half the roster. Speaking of team forums, if you came into one of team forums you'd see even more "arrogant annoyance" but that also comes from active people, trying to have fun, no harm is ever meant... and we will be the first to tip our hat when we get beat.

I agree with this. I'll admit that I originally took what Redass was saying as arrogance at first, but I realize now that he doesn't appear to be saying anything intentionally hurtful to anyone here. It is not the way I communicate on the forums, but that certainly doesn't mean that I am right and Redass is wrong.

Barcelona will kick Windsor's ass next season, tho'! lol

Last edited Dec 17, 2008 19:07:39
Redass Ranch
Originally posted by PeteTSSF
Originally posted by Redass Ranch

In regards to the "arrogant annoyance" is that we showed up late to the forums here... this team was meant to be a slow build, and if you look at the roster today over 1/3 of them is eligible for cap 13 next season with boost (flex) still remaining for over half the roster. Speaking of team forums, if you came into one of team forums you'd see even more "arrogant annoyance" but that also comes from active people, trying to have fun, no harm is ever meant... and we will be the first to tip our hat when we get beat.

I agree with this. I'll admit that I originally took what Redass was saying as arrogance at first, but I realize now that he doesn't appear to be saying anything intentionally hurtful to anyone here. It is not the way I communicate on the forums, but that certainly doesn't mean that I am right and Redass is wrong.

Barcelona will kick Windsor's ass next season, tho'! lol

We just got a good ass kickin, and I'm sure we will get plenty more, but we just hope we give more than we get.
There is no way you can watch these replays and not call this a glitch:

Have you ever seen a wide receiver hold and block 3 players at once? Is it even humanly possible to block 3 people at once? You have two arms and...? The player that blocked the 3 people at once has a blocking skill of 9 and a strength of 20.

For the record, I have no problem with teams running this play. But to call it some sort of "defensive weakness" instead of calling it a glitch is just a lie.
Last edited Dec 17, 2008 19:41:01
Redass Ranch
One real world example... Steve Smith, Carolina Panthers vs Denver this past weekend, find the highlight from his first TD (Steve Smith 15 Yd Pass From Jake Delhomme) and you tell me how many DB's that outside WR blocked on that play. And remember that is the NFL, best players in the world.

This is GLB cap 13, now cap 21... second lowest division in GLB... discuss... And you think it is a glitch... the glitch isn't the play, the glitch occurs when you take that play away and the three or four other plays that it opens up. And I know Reading knows what the other plays are, we discussed after the game today... just wait until you stop "the glitch."


At the 1:09 mark, I see one WR block one defender. In the replay I posted,
, I see three players literally get "stuck" on a WR that has a blocking skill of 9. I understand the argument you're trying to make but I don't believe this is how the play was intended to work.
First, chill out everyone. We have a great league and no one is really having more than a little harmless fun. Redass's "arrogance" was all tongue-in-cheek, as most of ya'll got.

As for the WR Screen, it is overly effective, particularly at sub-24 levels. The defensive AI coding needs to be improved to see these plays and to not allow a single WR to often screen multiple players. Whether you choose to call it an exploit, a defensive weakness, or a bug really matters not. The fact remains that it is too effective for our expectations of such a play.

So knowing that, you have a choice on how often you'll use it. You can spam it every play (as Reading did for a full quarter in two playoff games), you can use it sporadically but fairly often (as we did in later games), you can mix it in 'normal' amounts, or you can avoid it altogether and claim you are more "honorable" for doing so. I can't make that judgement for other people but I will argue that there will always be some plays that are better than others--to avoid using them and denouncing others that do will only put you in a position to lose and feel you somehow got cheated.

Cheers, all. Fun league. Good group of players and owners here.
Originally posted by jomomma2
Now heres a d play that works against the so called bugged play.

pay no attention to the actual play pay more attention to the RE. Notice how he didn't rush the passer?

To be fair, the DE Contain gets torn up by most of the other singleback plays. It is a bad solution to the problem unless the opposing team only runs the screen from that formation
Redass Ranch
Originally posted by drakeborn
Originally posted by jomomma2

Now heres a d play that works against the so called bugged play.

pay no attention to the actual play pay more attention to the RE. Notice how he didn't rush the passer?

To be fair, the DE Contain gets torn up by most of the other singleback plays. It is a bad solution to the problem unless the opposing team only runs the screen from that formation

Damn Drakeborn, words of wisdom... do I have to go back to the team forum until the off season again... thanks for setting this straight.
Have you guys ever thought that maybe your CB's and Safeties might need more Vision, to not get "stuck"... It's not like they are blocked... It's called a pick, and it can work on more than one person... Watch Basketball......

Or maybe your Safeties/CB's have too much speed, not enough agility and vision... There are many things that could be the problem.

Don't always blame the pathing of the Defensive Schemes.
My FS has almost 60 vision and both speed and agility are past the soft-cap. And he still gets stuck. So no, I don't think that is the problem.

If it were an actual gameplay element and not a glitch, then wouldn't a WR surely need more than 9 blocking skill to pull off these plays 10 times a game?
Originally posted by Talcion
Have you guys ever thought that maybe your CB's and Safeties might need more Vision, to not get "stuck"... It's not like they are blocked... It's called a pick, and it can work on more than one person... Watch Basketball......

Or maybe your Safeties/CB's have too much speed, not enough agility and vision... There are many things that could be the problem.

My CBs regularly get stuck on this play. My level 13 CBs have 52 and 38 vision. My 26 CB has 61 vision.

Regardless, Bort has basically acknowledged this play is too effective due to pathing. Posted yesterday:

Originally posted by Bort

Been tweaking the pathfinding on tacklers, too, to be willing to take sharper angles to go around nearby blockers. I've managed to take some of the things I've learned from working on rusher pathfinding over the seasons and applied the good parts to other stuff. WR screen should be less deadly in general next season I think.

Good find drake!
Redass Ranch
And the loser of this Division Title game... the Flying Turkeys of Windsor... got promoted.

So any one (see fine print below) take a look at the roster and let me know if you have a level 17-19 or 22 - 24 guy that would fit.

Looking to build with "guys" not cool enough to get offers from Cap 21's or the next one, and are in limbo.

Flying Turkeys: (It will be a two year commitment)

Only catch is... you must reek of Awesomeness and be Excellent to One Another... (attempt at humor)

Send me a PM if you fit the criteria.

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