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4th Quarter
Random question about the mechanics of the spreadsheet.

We dropped 384 points on Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen, but due to the 8 bit thing, it displays as 255. Does this spreadsheet count the 384 or the 255?
Originally posted by 4th Quarter
Random question about the mechanics of the spreadsheet.

We dropped 384 points on Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen, but due to the 8 bit thing, it displays as 255. Does this spreadsheet count the 384 or the 255?

384? The score was 255-0 CLAVENHOUSE...where is this 384 coming from?
great job with the power rankings BobbyBlackk!!
4th is right...if you add up the score
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
Originally posted by 4th Quarter

Random question about the mechanics of the spreadsheet.

We dropped 384 points on Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen, but due to the 8 bit thing, it displays as 255. Does this spreadsheet count the 384 or the 255?

384? The score was 255-0 CLAVENHOUSE...where is this 384 coming from?

The way the final score is stored is in an binary 8-bit word which means the largest number it can display is 2^8, which is 256, and starting at 0 gives you a maximum value of 255.
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
Originally posted by 4th Quarter

Random question about the mechanics of the spreadsheet.

We dropped 384 points on Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen, but due to the 8 bit thing, it displays as 255. Does this spreadsheet count the 384 or the 255?

384? The score was 255-0 CLAVENHOUSE...where is this 384 coming from?

Damnit, I was HOPING that this was coming from Bill oh well.

Anyway, the code to spit out the game final scores is 8 bit, with a physical limit of 255 (256 excluding 0).

In actuality, you can score MUCH more than this. The actual score in that clavenhouse game was 384-0. Does your spreadsheet account for this? If not, it really should.
DANGIT! beaten by less than a minute.
Originally posted by JSin
Originally posted by jearnst

I must have missed the part of this thread where we were basking in the glory of being ranked above you. Are you going to "remind" 4th too. I think he said we should be ranked above the Clan early on. I know he just likes to play the modest role and you play the under-appreciated role. Thanks for reminding me though, I might have thought the season was over and we didn't have to play each other first. By the way, you are now ranked above us and can step off the cliff now. I think we will have one hell of a game and look forward to finding out who is the better team.

Go Walleye!

Yeah, game 14 will be a fun one. Maybe we'll "KC" it just so we don't divulge our tactics before our eventual championship matchup.

And our bump up to number 1 feels so hollow. How did that just happen after the dissertation on how we were second rate and at the back of the bus? I mean a couple hours ago Walleye was a better team "no matter how you slice it" and now we are.

Did your parents not give you enough positive reinforcement as a kid or something? It is a simple spreadsheet that takes some stats into consideration and produces a fun ranking. Calm down with the "everyone is dissrespecting us" stuff. It will be settled in a few days.

4th Quarter
Originally posted by Mooser
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk

Originally posted by 4th Quarter

Random question about the mechanics of the spreadsheet.

We dropped 384 points on Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen, but due to the 8 bit thing, it displays as 255. Does this spreadsheet count the 384 or the 255?

384? The score was 255-0 CLAVENHOUSE...where is this 384 coming from?

The way the final score is stored is in an binary 8-bit word which means the largest number it can display is 2^8, which is 256, and starting at 0 gives you a maximum value of 255.

The original post already acknowledged the 8-bit thing. I'm asking about the spreadsheet.

I downloaded the spreadsheet, and it's only accounting for 255 points and not the 384 we scored. That's probably a good thing since that ridiculous score will taint the results too much.
Last edited Dec 5, 2008 17:47:08
You know what; As if you no one has noticed, I work on these when everyone is tucked away...I typically run nonstop all day...I knew of the "8Bit" but someone had mentioned something about 8 Bit in my spreadsheet, and I figured you were talking about the graphic error. I DID NOT tally the total though, I'm a man, I make mistakes. I JUST updated the ACTUAL total in spread sheet I have, and I assure you it will be 100% accurate next time you look at it. It DID NOT affect the Power Ranks (luckily), so we're just going to run w/ it next week w/ the exact numbers. I thank you for pointing that out.
4th Quarter
Thanks for putting all this together, Bobby. I think your should reward yourself. Go to China town and get yourself a good massage.
Yeah, in all seriousness Bobby, good work putting this together, it is much appreciated.
So Canada's lifelong A team, the tin can clan, dropped big numbers on a CPU team, wow, impressive.
haha, thanx everyone...I just re-read what I posted and it sounded like I responded in an aggressive tone, haha...What I meant was; "Oops" haha...boy I sound like a d*ck sometimes...haha...that's the New Yorker in me

Ohh jeez better win it all or hope the top teams get promoted, haha...your gonna have hits out on you next season, haha.

Just think everyone; This is my 2nd Season w/ that crazy guy, haha...he's really a good soul...he just likes to stir the pot a little...and sometimes over stir, haha.
It had nothing to do with your post, I'm just satisfied with my team being number 1, once we drop down again expect the bitching to continue.

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