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Originally posted by mikelj
Remember just call me Daddy, since I am old enough to be yours.

Maybe if you're irresponsible. :-\
Ah, I remember being young and naive enough to think that there were "good" and "bad" candidates, and being proud of who I voted for. At this point I just try to pick the guys who I think will get away with less crooked behavior, so I tend to vote for opposing parties in the White House and on Capitol Hill. So long as the guys making the decisions aren't buddies, it's harder to give their big donors huge advantages hidden in each law that gets signed. The best plausible situation is for opposing parties to control one side of Congress apiece, but that's rarely possible lately.

Originally posted by RTJakarta
Lol. My prospective career path isn't going to get me $250k.

You might be surprised RT. The USA has followed a policy to intentionally devalue the dollar for many, many decades and there's no reason to change that now. Hint: one effective way to control the dollar's value is to tie it to something with a fixed value, such as an hour of untrained labor. We have many other methods but suffice it to say that we benefit from gradually devaluing our currency so long as other nations retain significant holdings in dollars, so you can expect to be making well over $250k/year in your lifetime. It just won't be worth as much as you might have thought lol.

Also, recall that the cost of living varies greatly from locality to locality. For example, I imagine very few pharmacists in Manhattan are making less than $250k/year.

OK, today's dose of cynism is over. Carry on.
Last edited Nov 4, 2008 17:34:02
o shit painmaker know bout my LIFE
Wouldn't be surprised if clerks at the 7-11 start making $250k/year soon. Just need to write ourselves a few more "stimulus" checks every time things get tight... help make it to the next payday ya know.

Keep borrowing money, we can always print more!

I think I need to get a license, a car, and a degree first.
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Lol. I have a job as is. I'm a full-time student and shit. To think I could possibly be making >150k right now is pretty ludicrous.

think ahead doesn't take long to make big money and with 4 kids $250k still isn't much at all, seriously...straight ticket Republican here
Bob Kelso
Originally posted by Hornfan93
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Lol. I have a job as is. I'm a full-time student and shit. To think I could possibly be making >150k right now is pretty ludicrous.

think ahead doesn't take long to make big money and with 4 kids $250k still isn't much at all, seriously...straight ticket Republican here

amen to that
Last edited Nov 4, 2008 19:58:52
I for one welcome our new demon overlord Obama.
I am making goat sacrifices in his name right now. All hail Obama.
Originally posted by Hornfan93
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Lol. I have a job as is. I'm a full-time student and shit. To think I could possibly be making >150k right now is pretty ludicrous.

think ahead doesn't take long to make big money and with 4 kids $250k still isn't much at all, seriously...straight ticket Republican here

I will say this, it sounds great-National Healthcare, but we already have it. I dont want the govt to take away the healthcare our companies pay for, because my care will go down. PLUS it wont be free, I will be paying for it but EVEN MORE.

Now on the house thing, I have a real estate license and you dont pay capital gains on the first 250k in profit on the sale of your primary residence if you have lived in it 2 of the last 5 yrs, BUT look at the history of the DEM party, they LOVE to increase taxes, so I am going by history, not what is said. Also will the Bush tax cuts stay or just not be renewed?

I vote with my wallet, and I will say this, I do agree with Painmaker, it does scare me when one party has it all under control-as the Dems do now. That is not good for me, or anyone, hell now that nutjob Pelosi can say what she wants. I mean, I hope Obama goes against his past and is more of a Moderate Dem, as opposed to a Ted Kennedy DEM.

It was a historic election on many fronts, I just hope that the Dems dont exclude the republicans. I dont view OBAMA as bad, just doesnt represent me very well, he wants to increase my taxes, which is bad for me, have national healthcare-bad for me since my wife is an Occupational Therapist and this will also increase waiting times to go to the doctor.


My sister in law got remarried a couple of years ago to a retired LT. COL. He had to go in for surgery and I asked him was he going to the VA, he said, what you do is ask for a referral outside the VA doctors, he said you dont want them working on you. AH govt run healthcare. Hell they cant buy hammers for a decent price, why the hell do we think they can overhaul and run our healthcare?

Originally posted by MattyP
I am making goat sacrifices in his name right now. All hail Obama.

I dont care who you are THATS funny.
Let the liberalism prevail....

I don't make a lot of money. Is my handout going to be mailed to me, or do I have to go somewhere to pick it up? If I have to go somewhere to pick it up, do I get reimbursed for my gas and my time? Seriously, it is NOT my responsibility to pay for the gas needed to drive my non fuel efficient truck to location to pick up my hand out.
Last edited Nov 5, 2008 09:30:20
Please explain these "handouts" you speak of.
Originally posted by MattyP
Please explain these "handouts" you speak of.

...take from the "rich" and give to the "poor"...

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