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oh it has been said Hokie- Not everyone is a fan of your actions.
That is the truth.
Originally posted by SheVegas
oh it has been said Hokie- Not everyone is a fan of your actions.
That is the truth.

Yeah, Hokie. Fuck leading a championship team with kindness and integrity!
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by SheVegas

oh it has been said Hokie- Not everyone is a fan of your actions.
That is the truth.

Yeah, Hokie. Fuck leading a championship team with kindness and integrity!

That secret isn't supposed to be shared, damn rookies
Originally posted by SheVegas
oh it has been said Hokie- Not everyone is a fan of your actions.
That is the truth.

Why, because YOU claim it? Hate to break it to you, but you're a liar, plain and simple, so anything you type is 100% false to me until proven.

You claim you are a teacher. Your grammar alone proves this is a lie.

I could care less about whether people out side of my team are a "fan" of my actions or not, tbh. But I seriously doubt anyone with half a brain would support YOU as their spokesman.

You crack me up...You think I am going to post a pm...LMAO
Originally posted by SheVegas
You crack me up...You think I am going to post a pm...LMAO

FWD the PM(s) to Hokie then.
Originally posted by SheVegas
You crack me up...You think I am going to post a pm...LMAO

Not at all. If there are so many owners in the APL that support you, why wouldn't they show up in here? As far as the players, I would guess that's players on ABD, which is expected honestly.

Or have the owners send me a PM. I'd genuinely like to know. I'm positive you are lying yet again though, so I expect you to evade this one, much like you just did about your claim to being a teacher.
I'm not a teacher? Ok dude...Want to wager on that...I will give you 10 to 1 odds...But you are going to have to make it worth my while....100bucks....So if I am not a teacher I will send you 1000....Sound fair, now come up with a way to figure out how to transfer the money.

Point 2. I know of 3 different owners who have pm'd me stating they don't care for the way you handle the Org. I will not forward their pm's or say who they are. Truth hurts and I am sorry you are not as loved as you think you are. Maybe they don't post here, because they don't want to get slammed by the likes of your oinks.

So figure away to transfer the money, since I am such a liar it will be an easy 1000 for you. PS- Lorenzo is also a teacher. Want the same bet with him?
Originally posted by SheVegas
Point 2. I know of 3 different owners who have pm'd me stating they don't care for the way you handle the Org. I will not forward their pm's or say who they are. Truth hurts and I am sorry you are not as loved as you think you are. Maybe they don't post here, because they don't want to get slammed by the likes of your oinks.

Even money says they're just jealous their team sucks.

RT we still on for cash about us making the playoffs?
Originally posted by SheVegas
RT we still on for cash about us making the playoffs?

Was pretty sure I/we were told that a bet of that nature isn't allowed.
Oh I didn't read that my bad....Well then I guess no bets Hokie, and RT...Basically believe what you want....I have never lied to anyone on this game, and I am sure you 2 havn't either....Again go ABD and good luck to all.
Originally posted by SheVegas
I'm not a teacher? Ok dude...Want to wager on that...I will give you 10 to 1 odds...But you are going to have to make it worth my while....100bucks....So if I am not a teacher I will send you 1000....Sound fair, now come up with a way to figure out how to transfer the money.

Point 2. I know of 3 different owners who have pm'd me stating they don't care for the way you handle the Org. I will not forward their pm's or say who they are. Truth hurts and I am sorry you are not as loved as you think you are. Maybe they don't post here, because they don't want to get slammed by the likes of your oinks.

So figure away to transfer the money, since I am such a liar it will be an easy 1000 for you. PS- Lorenzo is also a teacher. Want the same bet with him?

You missed the point completely, yet again. I don't care if anyone "loves" me, as I stated. And no one gets "slammed" by me or anyone of the members of the Legs that hasn't begged for it like yourself. You attempt to bait members of my team, and if/when they finally show up, you pull out the "oh no, the barnyard gates have opened". If trolling is really that much fun to you, have at it, but so you know, it's very obvious the way you do it.

As a matter of fact, I can say without a doubt no one on the Legionnaires has ever "slammed" anyone in the APL forums for their views on the Legionnaires. In case you haven't noticed, you are the ONLY person taking shots at a team, and/or it's players in this league. I've NEVER once said anything disparaging about your team, or any team in APL. As a matter of fact, I've tried to build up hype about the APL in many other threads in GLB where the "lack of competition" has been questioned. EE AAA threads, GLB threads, PLfT threads, you name it. Every time I see a thread questioning the level of competition in APL I am more than happy to "defend" the APL to anyone. And no, I'm not claiming to be a knight in shining armor, but I will guarantee I do more to help promote the APL than anyone in here, you included.

If you say there are other owners that support your classless way of handling yourself, so be it. But you don't get to spew your lies without being questioned anymore. And I don't need to make a bet to get an answer. I've never avoided answering a question by making it into a bet. I've been straightforward with every question ever asked of me in here, all the way back to the beginning of S3. If you aren't as honest, that's your decision.

I just said I am honest...and now you said you are too..So great, honesty is the best policy...Also great for promoting the APL...But since you have won 2 out of 2 titles and probably 3 in a row...I do agree there isn't any comeptition in the APL. Sorry that is the way I see it...I said it from the first season of the APL...Coyotes or Org wins no respect from me....That is how I feel.
See, we'd not have this problem if the Coyotes had come to Cairo.

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