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Originally posted by spindoctor02
FE games are dumb, because they don't have graveyard forums. Where else are the dead people suppose to post and complain about how the game/player screwed them?

Originally posted by Jayadamo
I knew he was town........

Are you sure?
Originally posted by ryan_grant-25
As far as officiating girls goes the highest ive done is 6th grade for girls (did college intramurals for boys), from my experience girls at that age are very sloppy so it is difficult, but looking at your 3 things
1. That is bad, perhaps they had a bad angle but that should never be a travel
2. Over the back isnt a foul technically, but from your description it is a pretty clear push unless your girls are displacing their opponent
3. Usually the hardest calls, especially with younger girls, but if there is blatant contact you have to make a call one way or the other. If the defender plays good defense and keeps their hands up i reward them rather than the offense trying to draw contact.

How did you talk to the refs may i ask? When I played intramurals i was pretty disrespectful, but seeing it from the officials point makes the game look different.
If there is a questionable foul, next time the ball is on your end of the court and the officials in front of your bench ask them what they saw on that last call. I am pretty good about saying where i saw the contact or say they were not in a legal guarding position. If they say they dont remember that means theyre bsing you.

Just my input

1. They called it, like 8 times, it wasn't a one or two call issue.
2. Understood about the over the back not technically being a foul call but if girls are jumping over the back of my girls that have done a good job of boxing out a much taller player and there's contact it needs to be called, whether it's a push or illegal contact. This is how the other team scored over half their points.
3. I agree charges are difficult to call at all levels, my concerns is that at the 7th grade level it's never called. At least not in my games. We play strictly man to man defense and stress big time the importance of the help line and weak side defence and no matter if she's planted there for 30 seconds and a girl runs into her my girls always get call for it. Then we generally get in foul trouble especially when we play a weak ass zone teams.

In regards to discussing anything with officials, they are all different. I always try and ask a question the first couple of times without anyone being able to hear what I'm saying. Sometimes that works usually I get one of the following:

1) Why are you talking to me or don't question me about the rules. - my personal favorites. Especially when they just flat out don't know the rules.
2) I can't call everything coach. - then warn the girls, give them a pointer, how will they ever get better or improve if they don't help?
3) That wasn't my call. - isn't it you job to call anything you see?
4) I didn't see i that way coach. - fine
5) I'll keep an eye on it thanks coach. - thans

I understand that officials are in a tough spot I really do, I've done some intramural games in the past and hated it. But all I want is to be heard and for them to either call the game the way it should be called or at least coach the girls on how they should do something when they see it or at least give them a warning when they don't feel a foul it necessary but maybe should have been.

Originally posted by schrauben
Originally posted by ryan_grant-25

As far as officiating girls goes the highest ive done is 6th grade for girls (did college intramurals for boys), from my experience girls at that age are very sloppy so it is difficult, but looking at your 3 things
1. That is bad, perhaps they had a bad angle but that should never be a travel
2. Over the back isnt a foul technically, but from your description it is a pretty clear push unless your girls are displacing their opponent
3. Usually the hardest calls, especially with younger girls, but if there is blatant contact you have to make a call one way or the other. If the defender plays good defense and keeps their hands up i reward them rather than the offense trying to draw contact.

How did you talk to the refs may i ask? When I played intramurals i was pretty disrespectful, but seeing it from the officials point makes the game look different.
If there is a questionable foul, next time the ball is on your end of the court and the officials in front of your bench ask them what they saw on that last call. I am pretty good about saying where i saw the contact or say they were not in a legal guarding position. If they say they dont remember that means theyre bsing you.

Just my input

1. They called it, like 8 times, it wasn't a one or two call issue.
2. Understood about the over the back not technically being a foul call but if girls are jumping over the back of my girls that have done a good job of boxing out a much taller player and there's contact it needs to be called, whether it's a push or illegal contact. This is how the other team scored over half their points.
3. I agree charges are difficult to call at all levels, my concerns is that at the 7th grade level it's never called. At least not in my games. We play strictly man to man defense and stress big time the importance of the help line and weak side defence and no matter if she's planted there for 30 seconds and a girl runs into her my girls always get call for it. Then we generally get in foul trouble especially when we play a weak ass zone teams.

In regards to discussing anything with officials, they are all different. I always try and ask a question the first couple of times without anyone being able to hear what I'm saying. Sometimes that works usually I get one of the following:

1) Why are you talking to me or don't question me about the rules. - my personal favorites. Especially when they just flat out don't know the rules.
2) I can't call everything coach. - then warn the girls, give them a pointer, how will they ever get better or improve if they don't help?
3) That wasn't my call. - isn't it you job to call anything you see?
4) I didn't see i that way coach. - fine
5) I'll keep an eye on it thanks coach. - thans

I understand that officials are in a tough spot I really do, I've done some intramural games in the past and hated it. But all I want is to be heard and for them to either call the game the way it should be called or at least coach the girls on how they should do something when they see it or at least give them a warning when they don't feel a foul it necessary but maybe should have been.

As a former official for youth sports (basketball, baseball, soccer), I definitely didn't get paid enough to put up with whiny coaches like yourself.

I understand everything youre saying and agree with it, besides point 3. Especially if im reffing with someone i do not know, I will not call something in their area unless i notice they are not looking. I think it looks worse if a ref from the other side of the court makes a call, depending how blatantly missed it was. But i am aware that officials below varsity are 90% bad
Best comment of all time, is once an official told me he didn't get paid enough to deal with me.

I asked him if the pay was any better at the high school level, he said he didn't know.

I said "Exactly!"
Originally posted by TokenFlexican

I had an official threaten to throw me out one time.
The other coach was bitching and whining about every call, like most parents do.

The ref singled me out and told me one more word and she would bounce me.
I LOL'ed
The guy who was mouthing off finally told her it was him and not me.
I actually laugh at how ridiculous parents are towards every single call against their team.

I mean I enjoy giving the refs crap at a college game as much as the next guy, but the behavior at elementary and MS sporting events is way beyond what even the drunkest of college fans throws out there.
I would ref if it paid like 20 grand a game, otherwise, hell no.
Originally posted by Primate
I would ref if it paid like 20 grand a game, otherwise, hell no.

Lol, its good cardio at least
You lost me at basketball.

As for the officials, any time I've coached I've always talked to the refs and tried to help them out. I always stay calm because a) they are young kids and are just learning and b) I find that they're more willing to talk and listen to you if you treat them with respect. I've told refs that they need to call penalties on my team, or will warn them if I have players that do stupid stuff. I reffed hockey for 8 years growing up and both my boys ref hockey, and knowing how many refs quit after 1 year I always try to make it easy on them and help them improve so they don't quit.

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