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Forum > Mafia Game > Game Archive > Hunger Games Mafia - Game Thread
Originally posted by ibleedgreen007
What makes you believe jay?

You said Sugar is in an alliance. Sugar says he was attacked. It is obvious 1 of you is telling a lie.
Originally posted by Jayadamo
You said Sugar is in an alliance. Sugar says he was attacked. It is obvious 1 of you is telling a lie.

Not necessarily, in a last man standing game, if there was more than 1 scum left, one of them may turn on the other earlier than they had agreed upon, knowing that the other tributes weren't a threat to them at night, especially now that the day kill threat was neutralized.
Sugar Kapaa

someone should lynch you
Why, because I'm making sense? I'm not saying this is how it is for sure, but these are realistic theories.

Theories aside, based on my night action using my binoculars, you are scum (or at least in an alliance). Which means that it only makes sense that you are lynched today.
Sugar Kapaa
alliance i not
liar you will be unmasked
lynched Clove will be soon
Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa
alliance i not
liar you will be unmasked
lynched Clove will be soon

You're right, if they lynch you. If they lynch me they won't be lynching Clove.
Originally posted by ibleedgreen007
What makes you believe jay?

Nothing but he's not being accused of lying by anyone right now. So I think it's pretty safe to say that's it's you or sugar. Since you two are the ones calling each other liars right now.

And sorry I didn't have the energy to go through 45 pages here last night I wish it was FE where I could easily pull each of your posts to evaluate. But it isn't and I'll try to at work this morning, but right now I'm leaning voting IBG.
Day 5 Unpopularity Contest

Sugar [1] - IBG (40)
IBG [1] - Sugar (41),

Not voted: Schrauben, Jayadamo,

With 4 alive, it takes 3 votes for a lynch. Deadline is Friday at 10 PM CT.

Fuck it, if you guys don't want to lynch sugar, and it looks like it's between sugar and I, sugar, how about we pick jay or schrauben and try to lynch one of them? In a last man standing game it's all about self preservation, so if we both pick one of them to vote for, then we are guaranteed to both be alive going into the night. Who would you rather take out, ben or jay? I'm leaning more towards jay myself, as I think his role claim is made up bullshit, and with it being a no reveal game, there's no way to know for sure. What do you think? I don't give a fuck if you guys think I'm scummy for doing this, I want to win, and since you guys don't want to vote out scum, I'll take my chances going up against him at the cornucopia tonight, as it would appear that that is the best way to have a fighting chance at night.
Unvote: sugar
Hopefully that shows you that I'm serious in making a truce here sugar.
I will promise you this sugar, although you should already know it, I'm not a Career tribute. I came into the Hunger Games totally unprepared.
lol, IBG

Alright so I have tracked IBG who went to the cornucopia N1.
Tracked Sugar N4 he goes no where.
Jay looked like scum early on to me and IBG and Sugar did as well that's partly what I tracked them when I did.

I really think that if there is a last career it's either IBG who made up this is he in an alliance role crap or it's sugar who IBG had accused of being in an alliance. Really don't see any way that Jay would be a career at this point unless IBG is town and is totally lying.

There's two things I'm having a hard time with for each of you.

1. is if sugar was attacked, I find it strange that it was his agility that allowed him to escape, so I think there is a fib or a lie there somewhere.

2. is that IBG claims his role allows him to see if someone was in an alliance. And he stated that I would most likely track sugar last night, and then gives a scenario where Sugar must have no killed last night in order to throw us off, either brilliant on Sugar or IBG's part. But one of them is lying for sure about that.

3. jay has been on each lynch train for everyone that isn't a career, so is he a career or just coincidence. What are the chances that both IBG and Jay are careers like Primate said he thought there could be as many as 6.

So if I had to vote right now I'd vote IBG, then Sugar, then Jay in that order. I'd like Jay to elaborate on his role as well. IBG did you state who else you checked and what nights? And sugar I think you stated you didn't have an additional role didn't you?

Sorry trying to save myself from rereading the entire dam thread.
I did say who I investigated N2, which was Primate, and it said I didn't see anything to indicate he was in an alliance with anyone else. I think that came out on day 4. N3 was when I was gone for Thanksgiving, and I didn't get a night action in, so I did nothing that night, which sucked because I got no information and no chance to get food. N4 I checked out sugar and saw evidence of a device that could be used to communicate with other tributes. That's why I don't know for sure if he is the last one or not. It would make sense that there is only 4, one male and female from Districts 1 and 2, since we've seen a male and female from district 1 turn up career, and a male tribute from district 2 turn up as career. I also think sugar slipped when he mentioned Clove being the female from district 2, as my character doesn't have a name.

The fact that neither you nor jay have jumped onto sugar's or my lynch does give me a town feeling for both of you, as I'm sure that if one of you had jumped on one of the lynches right away, so would the other one, so I'm thinking that scum would have jumped on a lynch by now to end the game. The reason I bring this up is I'm still worried about ben0 mentioning his "peaceful" resolution at the cornucopia, which makes me nervous that scum recruited somebody that night, as the binoculars allow me to see if a person has formed an alliance, which makes me think that this could happen during the game.
Originally posted by schrauben
lol, IBG

Alright so I have tracked IBG who went to the cornucopia N1.
Tracked Sugar N4 he goes no where.
Jay looked like scum early on to me and IBG and Sugar did as well that's partly what I tracked them when I did.

I really think that if there is a last career it's either IBG who made up this is he in an alliance role crap or it's sugar who IBG had accused of being in an alliance. Really don't see any way that Jay would be a career at this point unless IBG is town and is totally lying.

There's two things I'm having a hard time with for each of you.

1. is if sugar was attacked, I find it strange that it was his agility that allowed him to escape, so I think there is a fib or a lie there somewhere.

2. is that IBG claims his role allows him to see if someone was in an alliance. And he stated that I would most likely track sugar last night, and then gives a scenario where Sugar must have no killed last night in order to throw us off, either brilliant on Sugar or IBG's part. But one of them is lying for sure about that.

3. jay has been on each lynch train for everyone that isn't a career, so is he a career or just coincidence. What are the chances that both IBG and Jay are careers like Primate said he thought there could be as many as 6.

So if I had to vote right now I'd vote IBG, then Sugar, then Jay in that order. I'd like Jay to elaborate on his role as well. IBG did you state who else you checked and what nights? And sugar I think you stated you didn't have an additional role didn't you?

Sorry trying to save myself from rereading the entire dam thread.

What is there to elaborate on? My role is what I said it is nothing more nothing less.

Either Sugar is Career and no killed or IBG is Career and putting it off on Sugar because he failed to kill him. 1 of the 2 is a fact. We need to make a choice and live with it.

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