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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Originally posted by TyrannyVaunt
Elite Minors is pretty fun. All they need to do is extend that type of system across the game.

Been in them 3 seasons running and I actually watch games again.
Dr. E
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
the system that has been suggested basically does that

Except the system proposed doesn't deal with teams failing due to the promotion system.

Every season some of the competitive or non competitive leagues get a roster full of Dots pushing the high end of the cap that crushes every other team. Some of the teams get discouraged and fail. Next season those teams that crushed everyone goes to an Elite league and gets crushed so it fails.

Every season some team intentionally loses and at the same time they are stocking up on quality build Dots so they can move down a cap or to a non elite league and crushes everyone. Some Owners get discouraged and the teams fail.

Try recruiting players to an Elite league. If your roster doesn't give the appearance that the team will win the trophy, the vast majority of responses will be something like, no thanks, I'm going to play for a team that's going to win. Doesn't matter that you produce a quality team that makes the playoffs every season. Just matters that you get the gold trophy. Of course can't forget all the responses from guys that want their Dot in the least competitive league possible so they can stock up on MVP awards. I get a couple of those every season too.

Provide an incentive to play the most competitive you can and league play will improve.

Oh, go take a look at AA. Look for the teams full of cpu players that still have an owner and a couple GMs. Those will be in cap 46 or lower crushing someone next season. Probably already have a roster waiting from farm teams or recruiting.
Edited by Dr. E on Jun 22, 2010 08:22:39
The Avenger
Hulk Smash
Now that there is no playoff revenue in the Pro's there's no incentive there either....
Originally posted by Bukowski
I'm not really understanding how the promotion system will work in this case.

Honestly, that is what's important.

Who will be moving into World League? You can't have the same number of teams from Competitive Pro moving up as Elite Pro, and so on.

Teams that will be winning competitive pro probably aren't as good as the teams losing in elite pro. So how will this system sort all of that out? You can't just have the winners of competitive pro and elite pro moving on, you need a way to figure the best teams.

There also needs to be a reason for people to want to be in Elite Pro.

Pretty much.
I kind of think all teams should move up one tier at a time. If the tiers are correctly set up to match the levels players can reach each season it should be simple. Then teams can move laterally to keep leagues competitive.


Max Level 5
Max Level 15
Max Level 25
Max Level 32
Max Level 38
Max Level 44
Max Level 50 AA
Max Level 56 AAA
Min Level 62 Pro
Min Level 62 WL

This will bottleneck at the pros but simply add or reduce pro leagues as needed. It should all recycle fairly well as long as the leagues are tended to by the admins in the offseason.
Edited by AngryDragon on Jun 22, 2010 13:01:14
Originally posted by AngryDragon
I kind of think all teams should move up one tier at a time. If the tiers are correctly set up to match the levels players can reach each season it should be simple. Then teams can move laterally to keep leagues competitive.

this is kinda the plan.

you promote up based on levels.

you promote side to side within the level cap based on performance.
DD, one thing i think this game lacks (and i dont really have a suggestion here, just proposing a problem that I see... maybe others will agree or disagree, and hopefully have some ideas to improve it) is that there just isnt enough incentive to be in top leagues. I have no idea what your eventual fix will be, but with so many caps in the game, lots of players/teams are happy to be non-boosters and just win lower level leagues. There should be something in place to incentivize players and teams to be in the pro leagues and beyond. I think this has caused a lot of the problems as well since so many teams do everything they can to win in those lower level leagues where it's quite easy to win a trophy. From super slow building, to non boosting, to taking seasons off to avoid promotion, there's nothing really pushing those teams to promote. Just being able to say youre in pros or WL just isnt enough anymore (or so it seems). I could be off on this, but it's just something ive noticed.
Originally posted by Snakebite99
DD, one thing i think this game lacks (and i dont really have a suggestion here, just proposing a problem that I see... maybe others will agree or disagree, and hopefully have some ideas to improve it) is that there just isnt enough incentive to be in top leagues. I have no idea what your eventual fix will be, but with so many caps in the game, lots of players/teams are happy to be non-boosters and just win lower level leagues. There should be something in place to incentivize players and teams to be in the pro leagues and beyond. I think this has caused a lot of the problems as well since so many teams do everything they can to win in those lower level leagues where it's quite easy to win a trophy. From super slow building, to non boosting, to taking seasons off to avoid promotion, there's nothing really pushing those teams to promote. Just being able to say youre in pros or WL just isnt enough anymore (or so it seems). I could be off on this, but it's just something ive noticed.

Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
we are talking about making it so that every level your player boosts you extend the players career out for "X" number of days. a player boosting over their career would get an extra 3 seasons of plateau time with that player.

note: this isn't set in stone but we will likely roll with this or something pretty similar to it number-wise.

that's one extra incentive to boost/play at high levels.
Ah, missed that one. I like it. A lot
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
that's one extra incentive to boost/play at high levels.

That has no impact on the players that never aim to get that far, I think... It won't really matter much...
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
that's one extra incentive to boost/play at high levels.

Since basically you and bort are saying minors is working good, Just do this and you will fix the competition levels in AA/AAA/PRO&WL.

Can no one see this?
Edited by DONKEIDIC on Jun 22, 2010 16:15:44
Originally posted by Snakebite99
DD, one thing i think this game lacks (and i dont really have a suggestion here, just proposing a problem that I see... maybe others will agree or disagree, and hopefully have some ideas to improve it) is that there just isnt enough incentive to be in top leagues.I have no idea what your eventual fix will be, but with so many caps in the game, lots of players/teams are happy to be non-boosters and just win lower level leagues. There should be something in place to incentivize players and teams to be in the pro leagues and beyond. I think this has caused a lot of the problems as well since so many teams do everything they can to win in those lower level leagues where it's quite easy to win a trophy. From super slow building, to non boosting, to taking seasons off to avoid promotion, there's nothing really pushing those teams to promote. Just being able to say youre in pros or WL just isnt enough anymore (or so it seems). I could be off on this, but it's just something ive noticed.

Give competitive people(the agents) a reason to boost (to stay on top) and we will.

Currently the reason to boost every year is to play older players for 8-9 seasons while on your way to the WL. btw, that 8-9 seasons you wait is over a calender year. fyi.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
Give competitive people(the agents) a reason to boost (to stay on top) and we will.

Currently the reason to boost every year is to play older players for 8-9 seasons while on your way to the WL. btw, that 8-9 seasons you wait is over a calender year. fyi.

when we add in career record tracking we will give more weight/higher multipliers to the higher leagues for hall of fame purposes.
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
Since basically you and bort are saying minors is working good, Just do this and you will fix the competition levels in AA/AAA/PRO&WL.

Can no one see this?

i think we are killing AAA, fwiw.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
i think we are killing AAA, fwiw.

Do you understand what I am saying though?

How long are you thinking of extending player life?

There is currently enough players over level 49 to fill in 30 leagues. We currently have 37. If you extend careers for 1 season, you now have enough players to fill in 60 leagues.

I'll brb with the math for above the cap you're talking about putting in place.
Edited by DONKEIDIC on Jun 22, 2010 16:38:13

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