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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread
Originally posted by Catch22
I hate to seem like an idiot, but I have no idea what you're asking here.

XP gains will be very fixed. Max game XP is fixed for various level ranges. In the current system, where it might be 700 game XP for a level 1 player and 400 XP for a level 5 player (just using numbers for example) in the new system it will be a fixed 650 game XP for X number of levels and then will move to a fixed 500 game XP (again just using numbers for example) for the next X number of levels... so on and so on.

I think you hit the answer.....basically, today it's variable based on level, so an early boost to level 4 reduces XP earned, and boosting early up through level 29 reduces your XP gaining substantially....

So, it appears in the new system, only at specific levels does the XP earned change, so theoretically, boosting early may not change how much you earn in XP....

So, has it been determined which levels change the XP earned? Is it going to attempt to hit an end of season timeframe? That would take away incentive to boost late.

Originally posted by Mike1709
Would it be possible to tie the game and nightly XP to how many days old the player is rather than the players level?

Just thinking if its still tied to level we are going to have 7 seasons of waiting to the end of the season to boost if you want to max XP which seems counter-intuitive

I know the numbers you posted are just an example but if the fixed game XP drops by say 50 xp at a certain level, you could lose 800 XP over 16 games between boosting early and boosting late, multiply that by multiple seasons and you could find yourself with several levels difference just because of different boosting strategies.

That is pretty much what I'm wondering....

But if the "reduction" points are tied closely to season end expected levels, perhaps for playoffs on day 32 for example, and doesn't penalize too heavily for boosting early, then it's probably not a big issue....

But I agree, we don't want to spend 7 seasons boosting late just to be able to hit level 72....
Originally posted by tragula
Today once a player get pass Lv 28 thet max XP/game is 100. This allow to boost early in the season with no XP lost. The new season violate this, and he just asked about the details. And will it affect boosting time.

Originally posted by Catch22
What's your ? - I didn't see one in there.

He was responding to my question about XP game/daily as you level up.....your response answered it, but still not sure how it will affect earl season boosting and even boosting from level 1 to level 4 before the players first season.....
Originally posted by im4ut999
He was responding to my question about XP game/daily as you level up.....your response answered it, but still not sure how it will affect earl season boosting and even boosting from level 1 to level 4 before the players first season.....

Actually I tried to clarify the question since Catch didn't gave a good answer, imo.

Obviously I failed.
Originally posted by tragula
Actually I tried to clarify the question since Catch didn't gave a good answer, imo.

Obviously I failed.

One of the problems created when you can't mulit-quote.....
Originally posted by Catch22
We're kind of leaning this way - not official yet but wanted to give everyone a heads up on what we are thinking of doing (assumptions were based that majority of players in league would be X number of days at season end):

Current Rookie will be 40 days old and will go to Prep

Current Sophomore will be 52 days old and will go to University
Current Prep will be 72 days old and will go to University

Current University will be 81 days old and will go to Regional Minor
Current Local Minors will be 112 days old and will go to Regional Minor

Current Regional Minors will be 131 days old and will go to National Minor
Current National Minors will be 160 days old and will go to National Minor

Current Semi Pro will be 183 days old and will go to Semi Pro

Current Regional Pro will be 207 days old and will go to Regional Pro

Current National Pro will be 241 days old and will go to National Pro

In order to deal with the conflicts, proposing the following:

Season 24
0 - Rookie
1-40 - Sophomore
41-60 - Prep
61-80 - University
81-100 - Local Minor
101-120 - Regional Minor
121-140 - National Minor
141-160 - Upper National Minor
161-200 - Semi Pro
201-Uncapped - Regional Pro
241-Uncapped - National Pro/World League

Season 25
0 - Rookie
1-40 - Sophomore
41-80 - Prep
81-100 - University
101-120 - Local Minor
121-140 - Regional Minor
141-160 - National Minor
161-200 - Semi Pro
201-Uncapped - Regional Pro
241-Uncapped - National Pro/World League

Season 26
0- Rookie
1-40 - Prep
41-80 - University
81-120 - Local Minor
121-140 - Regional Minor
141-160 - National Minor
161-200 - Semi Pro
201-Uncapped - Regional Pro
241-Uncapped - National Pro/World League

Season 27
New League Structure in full effect

Catch22, so ... my players are in Regional Minors right now, and will be 240 days at the end of the season. From the above quote, are you stating that my player will be 131 days old at the end of the season in the new system? And will be placed in the 121-140 - National Minor age bracket for s24?

Will my team full of 131 day old players (new system) be at the top end of the age spectrum, as they are now in Regional Minors today (read: the oldest a dot can be in the league)? Or will they be mixed in with some of the old system National Minor lower end tier dots (read: youngest dots in National Minors just above the age limit) ? Which would make them NOT the oldest dots in the league?

Originally posted by im4ut999
Originally posted by tragula

Actually I tried to clarify the question since Catch didn't gave a good answer, imo.

Obviously I failed.

One of the problems created when you can't mulit-quote.....

Yeah, that is annoying
Originally posted by gRryNn
Catch22, so ... my players are in Regional Minors right now, and will be 240 days at the end of the season. From the above quote, are you stating that my player will be 131 days old at the end of the season in the new system? And will be placed in the 121-140 - National Minor age bracket for s24?

Will my team full of 131 day old players (new system) be at the top end of the age spectrum, as they are now in Regional Minors today (read: the oldest a dot can be in the league)? Or will they be mixed in with some of the old system National Minor lower end tier dots (read: youngest dots in National Minors just above the age limit) ? Which would make them NOT the oldest dots in the league?

Pretty much spelled out where they would go. Read the post again. There wouldn't be too many 140 day old players after the conversion. Most player are build in the offseason and fall within the ranges we outlined above. Yes, there will probably be a few players older then your 131 day old players but there's not much we can do about that. The system we outlined above is about as accommodating as we can be.
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by gRryNn

Catch22, so ... my players are in Regional Minors right now, and will be 240 days at the end of the season. From the above quote, are you stating that my player will be 131 days old at the end of the season in the new system? And will be placed in the 121-140 - National Minor age bracket for s24?

Will my team full of 131 day old players (new system) be at the top end of the age spectrum, as they are now in Regional Minors today (read: the oldest a dot can be in the league)? Or will they be mixed in with some of the old system National Minor lower end tier dots (read: youngest dots in National Minors just above the age limit) ? Which would make them NOT the oldest dots in the league?

Pretty much spelled out where they would go. Read the post again. There wouldn't be too many 140 day old players after the conversion. Most player are build in the offseason and fall within the ranges we outlined above. Yes, there will probably be a few players older then your 131 day old players but there's not much we can do about that. The system we outlined above is about as accommodating as we can be.

Thanx Catch22 ... you hit the nail on the head with that answer ...

Also, please look at 7steeladonis's question below ...
Originally posted by 7steeladonis
So what happens to dots that boosted to level 4 at the beginning in order to reach 74, how does this mess that up?

Jordan Love
If I'm getting this right, do we get all the flex back that people have payed for player wise, or something along the lines of that? I remember you saying that a couple months ago and wanted to verify on that. Or I might be thinking of something different.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Catch22
We're kind of leaning this way - not official yet but wanted to give everyone a heads up on what we are thinking of doing (assumptions were based that majority of players in league would be X number of days at season end):

Current Rookie will be 40 days old and will go to Prep

Current Sophomore will be 52 days old and will go to University
Current Prep will be 72 days old and will go to University

Current University will be 81 days old and will go to Regional Minor
Current Local Minors will be 112 days old and will go to Regional Minor

Current Regional Minors will be 131 days old and will go to National Minor
Current National Minors will be 160 days old and will go to National Minor

Current Semi Pro will be 183 days old and will go to Semi Pro

Current Regional Pro will be 207 days old and will go to Regional Pro

Current National Pro will be 241 days old and will go to National Pro

In order to deal with the conflicts, proposing the following:

Season 24
0 - Rookie
1-40 - Sophomore
41-60 - Prep
61-80 - University
81-100 - Local Minor
101-120 - Regional Minor
121-140 - National Minor
141-160 - Upper National Minor
161-200 - Semi Pro
201-Uncapped - Regional Pro
241-Uncapped - National Pro/World League

Season 25
0 - Rookie
1-40 - Sophomore
41-80 - Prep
81-100 - University
101-120 - Local Minor
121-140 - Regional Minor
141-160 - National Minor
161-200 - Semi Pro
201-Uncapped - Regional Pro
241-Uncapped - National Pro/World League

Season 26
0- Rookie
1-40 - Prep
41-80 - University
81-120 - Local Minor
121-140 - Regional Minor
141-160 - National Minor
161-200 - Semi Pro
201-Uncapped - Regional Pro
241-Uncapped - National Pro/World League

Season 27
New League Structure in full effect

There's still going to be a conflict in S27 when the current Sophomores are 172 and the current preps are 192, but if you want to be completely converted in time to meet the goal of coming out of beta before the end of 2011, this seems like a fair way to do it.

I'm still going to demote my sophomore team though.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
There's still going to be a conflict in S27 when the current Sophomores are 172 and the current preps are 192, but if you want to be completely converted in time to meet the goal of coming out of beta before the end of 2011, this seems like a fair way to do it.

I'm still going to demote my sophomore team though.

By that time building >> age. Also season 28 they are all uncapped.

Pretty decent solution by Catch.
Originally posted by aceinthehouse

Would you answer my question on page 44 please?
About my Punter?

I'm still waiting....

Thank you

Originally posted by Catch22
I will be posting approximate ages for each 40 day age range sometime soon though. Just double checking the numbers before posting them as I don't want to mislead anyone.

Edited by CDZYO on Jul 15, 2011 18:55:31
money grab! money grab! i'm jaded and just like to automatically say money grab!
ND Roughneck
Originally posted by tragula
Originally posted by Dave Mr Majors

I've read through a lot of this thread and I can't find what I'm looking for, so....

When Archetypes were rolled out, this announcement was made -

Is a similar retirement offer for young dots going to be made when the new development system is rolled out? I realize that the efforts of support are to make this change over extremely similar to the current system, but faster. However, given the opportunity, I know that I would like to restart some of my young dots completely on the new development program.

Why ?

The new system is designed to be as similar as possible to the existing one. This is very different from the archetype/training changes

The way I am reading Catchs new S24-26 outline is that any players that are currently preps are younger will have to play last couple seasons in leagues where they are outleveled. For any of these players I beleive we should receive full refund. I agree with Tragula that dots university and older the new system is similar enough to get by with. Dots that are going to have to play a season or 2 underleveled though should get full refund. When age based system came out and it wasn't very long ago we were given build dates, and to make users who followed their guidelines be penalized is wrong.
Originally posted by Hagalaz
Well, quite surprised. Mathematically it seems sound, which is something I rarely get to say here about GLB. Usually things are done first and thought over after.

I do believe it will work out well if you have the XP conversion straight. However, I think you guys will have problems concerning the players which are at their plateau season, but I'll let things develop for now.

One big question I have now is unfortunately not related to the system but about something else said in the announcement...

So you are ready to get this out of beta. Does this mean you and bort and DD consider the state of the sim correct and no more big changes will be made? Because that is what should guide the beta, the sim, not the whole discombobulation around it...

I have to admit I'm profoundly disappointed if it is the case. I'm glad staz is no longer around or he'd have a heart attack

You should reconsider that.

EDIT: Also, why is it so, if that is the case? Rushing to get out of beta, or simply lack of will to take in the effort?

Bingo. Just had to see if anyone else caught this. The sim is nowhere near where I'd like to see it and I'm just sick of watching resources wasted on all these peripheral issues when it's all about the sim/game accuracy/realism.
No block following logic for runners..........., LBs given a primary cover target and just ignoring it because they failed a pre-snap vision check.........., that's all we'll get for 2 point conversions?, ......
When my flex runs out I'm done here. It'll be more fun to try my hand at creating my own sim than trying to compete at exploiting the shortcomings/limitations of this sim. Can't believe you guys think the sim is good enough to call it done other than bugs/cosmetics. This isn't a football game, it;s a player creation game.
Another few seasons and you'll need to shake it up again somehow because of user boredom. Football, in all it's permutations and complexities, is what's addicting and the moment you give up on that pursuit is the moment this all becomes nothing more than Farmville. You guys still don't get how many of us came here just for football, not RPG fluff.

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