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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by PackMan97
Originally posted by razor9

What does that mean?

That means apply these rules to all teams. Every team should have their cash, fan support and stadiums set to the default level for their league. Start everyone off in the new system at the same place.

Got it. Sorry, it was just vaguely put but that's better.
Do not have a problem with it either way. If they make it retroactive, fine, if not, sok too. Retroactive would affect my team a bit, but not enough to worry about. Built it the first time without problems. Building it again wouldn't be a big deal. Also note, we demoted because we simply not competitive. Had nothing to do with cash flow. As we are starting a second team, of course it will affect that one, but, game finance as is now is pretty simple. Sounds like it will be even simpler, kinda like switching from Lego to Duplo.
There has been a ton of changes and seems to be a little overwhelming right now. I guess I will have to wait and see how everything goes next season but when you have as much money invested in this game as some of us have, it's confusing to me why there was no consulting with the customers on this. Anyways while you are making changes, there are a few other Sport MMORPG's with a Betting Line and Fighting Tourneys that are pretty fun on off-days. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE MY DOTS IN THE RING!!
Originally posted by mikeandbrooke07
Originally posted by SawyerReywas

So basically at this point why not lets go for the whole total reset on everything. Pee Wee and Cap 4 free for all next season with fresh stadiums for all. Tons of flex floating around to roll tons of archetypes.

+10000000000000 pull the trigger bort!

They can't do that because flex sales would fall through the floor. Why would anyone buy flex when they have 150,000 points left over from all their resets?
Originally posted by PackMan97
Originally posted by razor9

What does that mean?

That means apply these rules to all teams. Every team should have their cash, fan support and stadiums set to the default level for their league. Start everyone off in the new system at the same place.

Pretty much the only way it would work imo.
Originally posted by Plankton
Originally posted by 5STAR

What is the incentive for teams to gut? They can no longer take the cash with them

What is the incentive to demote? They can no longer take the cash with them

So what do they do? Quit the game?

Start over on equal terms with their peers or sell the team
Originally posted by 5STAR
So many people thought owning a team would be cool...then they begged and begged and begged Bort to add more teams. Since demand was so high he added leagues.

The only issue is owning a team is alot of hard work and a thankless job....quite a few owners realized they could not handle it and bailed on their teams. Decline hit and now we have too many teams.

You got that right. I know lots of good agents who are former team owners because it was not worth it to them. Managing "your dots" is much more fun. But, some of us like the additional challenge that ownership brings and that is why we stick it out.

The answer is consolidation not this garbage plan they just dumped on us.
Edited by Fastbird on Feb 24, 2010 09:20:09
We'll see. Just like the supposed competition that we got from the re-org (which has a minority of leagues with alot of competitive games and a majority of leagues that still suck for competition), this change will probably have long term impacts that are not being considered. Only time will tell.
Lead Mod
Originally posted by
There has been a ton of changes and seems to be a little overwhelming right now. I guess I will have to wait and see how everything goes next season but when you have as much money invested in this game as some of us have, it's confusing to me why there was no consulting with the customers on this. Anyways while you are making changes, there are a few other Sport MMORPG's with a Betting Line and Fighting Tourneys that are pretty fun on off-days. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE MY DOTS IN THE RING!!

This is something that has been suggested and asked for for multiple seasons now, it's been a big reason why new owners or former owners havent wanted to get back into owning a team because they didnt want to be at an immediate disadvantage.
Not all teams gut due to cash flow problems. Hehe I know I would rather start over than recruit.
Lead Mod
Originally posted by F8n4tune
Pretty much the only way it would work imo.

It's definately an interesting idea. I'd be on board w/ that however this forum would explode....
Originally posted by 5STAR
Originally posted by Pantone

Originally posted by ImTheScientist

Originally posted by Pantone

This demotion revamp is a crock of shit, IMO They should atleast give us a one season warning. Ive paid over $150 to this site and all the changes happen without any input from agents, and no leeway time. What about the agents who have built a stadium,, pais their flex dollars to keep the team and were planning to start over next seaon with all the new players changes, and now what, WE GET SCREWED. all the time and money gone into the stadium are down the tube. This site is becoming rediculous.

Many agents were looking forward to starting a fresh team with the new creation changes, but now what is the point. All the time and efforts, not to mention flex dollars for the team and financial dollars to build have been wasted. I'm not saying I disagree with the changes, as they are lon overdue, but how bout starting them season 15 and allow one last demotion for players who already had plans to do so. I am simply frustrated by the sudden rules changes. I like change, I think the changes are good, but how bout a little time to implement them....just my 2 cents.

Total Player Count: 41 (Avg Lv 10)
Better make sure not to lose a few guys.

Yah because we started a team this year and decided once the new player changes took place we would retire and restart, so I have been giving agents a place to play this year, while releasing the newly created players for retirement, so we could revamp season 15. Get your facts straight before you run your mouth chump.

$9,502,290.10 is alot of cash for a level 14 team

youre right it is, but i have a fully built stadium and that cash is for my players next season, for equipment in the future, I could care less about the cash, but I have spent 4 seasons building my stadium and had a good team in place and thr owners i was building with bailed, So i started over. I am not against the rule change at all, I think some leeway time is needed for teams to get ready. thats all. And check my team history I have been in the playoffs, or a near miss every year I've owned it, but this year, so dont tell me I tanked seasons, thanks,

Under the old rules I built things in a fair manner, and now I will be punished, or better yet i will have a full 45-50 man roster of level 1's in a 18 cap league, I ask which is better?

The old rules were flawed no doubt, but to only have a 1/4 built stadium in a 18-22 cap league makes you unable to compete properly. Agents want too much money and EQ is too expensive for agents not to mention the stadium upgrades are expensive enough.

this thread in video form
if they gave a fuck about this game they would press the reset button, but as previously mentioned, that won't happen. address every issue with the game and reset this bitch! Put everyone on equal footing and let's see how things turn out. stop putting band aids on gaping chest wounds, dummies...
Lead Mod
Originally posted by Pantone
I am not against the rule change at all, I think some leeway time is needed for teams to get ready. thats all.

For what? So you would have made a different decision had they announced on day 1 instead of 16? How much time do you need?

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