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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
DD, my only problem with it is you will still have the problems in the lower levels where underleveled teams are promoted too far.

My team is just one of many:

We were all level 11 at the start of the season, and were for some reason placed in a 22 competitive league, meaning technically all our players were under the league minimum level cap. We can compete with the worst teams in the league, but coming into the season I knew we had no shot, and if it were not for competing in League Underground, I would have sold my team right there.

Something needs to be changed to fix this problem imo.
Edited by cubshater2008 on Jun 21, 2010 11:41:53
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.




Spelling fail, who cares....
Edited by deez11010 on Jun 21, 2010 12:29:10
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
Vortus Idea:
Elite Pro #1
Elite Pro #2
Competitive Pro #3
Competitive Pro #4
Pro #5
Pro #6

Elite Cap 64 #1
Elite Cap 64 #2
Competitive Cap 64 #3
Competitive Cap 64 #4
Cap 64 #5
Cap 64 #6

Elite Cap 56 #1
Elite Cap 56 #2
Competitive Cap 56 #3
Competitive Cap 56 #4
Cap 56 #5
Cap 56 #6

I would rather have a mini-pyramid on top where 4 or 6 Pro Leagues fed into the WL so there is 1 true best league (as opposed to 2 Elite Pro Leagues), but other than that, +1.

One question is where do you demote the 2 worst teams in a normal Pro league to?
Originally posted by AngryDragon
I would be all for 35 man rosters and reducing the effects of stamina. That would mean most players see most the snaps at their position. That would bring back the excitement for most players since they don't have to share snaps with other players all game long.

The smaller rosters would also make recruiting a lot easier and increase the total number of teams. More teams means more flex for teams. Of course it reduces flex because less players will be created but things like 55 man rosters and coaches do not work for the masses.

We see how only the elite can fill a team of 55 elite players. The next step down is for a team is a team with 25 solid builds and 20 good builds. Then we have the teams with an average to good starting core but the remaining players are filled with anybody who will sign. At the bottom we have the teams that have 40 players. We wonder why we see blowouts in the pros. The roster is the first indication of how well a team will do in their league. Salary caps can't save this.

So lets sum this up. No coaches. They will only make the rich richer. Reduce the roster size to 35. That is 11 offense + 11 defense + 1 kicker + 1 punter and 11 special teamers and/or backups. Reduce stamina so that a player can play all game long with 55 stamina and end the game with 60 to 70 energy. That will leave enough wiggle room for GMs to use strategy when it comes to using backups.

The point is that the league structure can change one hundred times and we will never get it right until we address the foundation of the game which is the teams.

I like this and am of the sense that any idea that doesn't include smaller rosters will help nothing. Player agents are what drive/fund this game , they need to be kept active. Stats are what works , period. Also i'd like to add that teams should..........

1) Cost more to own
2) Not be allowed to sell back during season with a flex refund of any type. Say day -8 until that season ends you get zip zero nada.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
Vortus Idea:
Elite Pro #1
Elite Pro #2
Competitive Pro #3
Competitive Pro #4
Pro #5
Pro #6

Elite Cap 64 #1
Elite Cap 64 #2
Competitive Cap 64 #3
Competitive Cap 64 #4
Cap 64 #5
Cap 64 #6

Elite Cap 56 #1
Elite Cap 56 #2
Competitive Cap 56 #3
Competitive Cap 56 #4
Cap 56 #5
Cap 56 #6

The remainder of the lower leagues stay the same. Using the same system as in the current lower league elite system. Using the plain Cap leagues to shuttle bad teams, gutted teams, each of the main leagues at each cap could be full each season. Simple, effective, and rivalries would be maintained as teams worked up through the ladder together. And it gets rid of teams way outleveling others as there is a cap level for each.

Why multiple Pro leagues. Because not all Pro teams are created equal. But they are still better than lower leveled teams for the most part. Its so that each is played competition that is equal to themselves. Why have them (Elite/Competitive/Normal) in the lower leagues? In general, the teams from the Elite leagues are better than the teams in the competitive leagues. An Elite 42 is likely as good as a competitive 46, and it helps track where they should be as they move up.

Not as simple as just removing the regions. Also have to arrange the new leagues like the lower leagues are now. But when your are playing good competition the league trophy will mean something to you no matter what its called. If there are flaws in it, feel free to poke holes with something other than sarcasm.

Teams that don't compete are moved down to lower tiers either sideways from the higher Elite/Competition caps to the Regular caps or down level caps entirely if the roster does not meet the minimum standards set for each league .

Teams that are good move up either to higher leveled leagues, or sideways toward the Elite leagues.

Extending the caps all the way up will force teams to play where they need to be. No more 70's in AA.

Once in the Pro's, teams move sideways across the scale. Working up to the Elite leagues, or down to the Regular.

Teams that gut or rebuild have options on how far they want to drop down based on the levels of the players they want. Drop all the way down, or drop to a 42 cap, or a 56 cap.

+We make CPU players better

+We raise the cost to own a team a little.

So far this is the leading candidate. Who wants to pick it apart?

Seems pretty nice , but also you guys should probably not allow buy ins to these leagues only promotable teams ? Am I on the right track ? Seems like that would keep everything fluid.
Originally posted by Hcreek27

I would rather have a mini-pyramid on top where 4 or 6 Pro Leagues fed into the WL so there is 1 true best league (as opposed to 2 Elite Pro Leagues), but other than that, +1.

One question is where do you demote the 2 worst teams in a normal Pro league to?

The World league is still around in this system!

Wasn't included in the list, but I would imagine the Elite Pro league would feed into it.
Originally posted by F8n4tune
I like this and am of the sense that any idea that doesn't include smaller rosters will help nothing. Player agents are what drive/fund this game , they need to be kept active. Stats are what works , period. Also i'd like to add that teams should..........

1) Cost more to own
2) Not be allowed to sell back during season with a flex refund of any type. Say day -8 until that season ends you get zip zero nada.

We are likely going to do both of the above.

Teams should be able to go CPU during the season, but they shouldn't get flex back for it.
Just do what ever it is quick. people are alrady quiting in mass #s.
Demoting World league teams should have to communicate their plans fully to catch or any other admin who knows whats going on.. . A lot of them are never able to compete once they demote, and I would hate to see them automatically assigned to elite pro to the tune of 0-16...

Needs to be discretion when filling these elite pro leagues, and if a team has a plan that is 1 thing, but if there isn't a full recruiting class coming in, and the roster is made up of 450d old players than move them to Pro #5 or something.

Not sure you need competitive 64 cap. I know my NBA Jam arcade guys will be a top 3 team in GLB when they hit level 64, and there is no need for that added cap.
DD... Just Do it. Make the change, and we will sort through the issues. Trying to make it perfect will just cause delays. It is so bad now... You gotta make a change. So go with your first draft, and we can work through the issues as we see them in future seasons.

Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
Vortus Idea:
Elite Pro #1
Elite Pro #2
Competitive Pro #3
Competitive Pro #4
Pro #5
Pro #6

Elite Cap 64 #1
Elite Cap 64 #2
Competitive Cap 64 #3
Competitive Cap 64 #4
Cap 64 #5
Cap 64 #6

Elite Cap 56 #1
Elite Cap 56 #2
Competitive Cap 56 #3
Competitive Cap 56 #4
Cap 56 #5
Cap 56 #6

The remainder of the lower leagues stay the same. Using the same system as in the current lower league elite system. Using the plain Cap leagues to shuttle bad teams, gutted teams, each of the main leagues at each cap could be full each season. Simple, effective, and rivalries would be maintained as teams worked up through the ladder together. And it gets rid of teams way outleveling others as there is a cap level for each.

Why multiple Pro leagues. Because not all Pro teams are created equal. But they are still better than lower leveled teams for the most part. Its so that each is played competition that is equal to themselves. Why have them (Elite/Competitive/Normal) in the lower leagues? In general, the teams from the Elite leagues are better than the teams in the competitive leagues. An Elite 42 is likely as good as a competitive 46, and it helps track where they should be as they move up.

Not as simple as just removing the regions. Also have to arrange the new leagues like the lower leagues are now. But when your are playing good competition the league trophy will mean something to you no matter what its called. If there are flaws in it, feel free to poke holes with something other than sarcasm.

Teams that don't compete are moved down to lower tiers either sideways from the higher Elite/Competition caps to the Regular caps or down level caps entirely if the roster does not meet the minimum standards set for each league .

Teams that are good move up either to higher leveled leagues, or sideways toward the Elite leagues.

Extending the caps all the way up will force teams to play where they need to be. No more 70's in AA.

Once in the Pro's, teams move sideways across the scale. Working up to the Elite leagues, or down to the Regular.

Teams that gut or rebuild have options on how far they want to drop down based on the levels of the players they want. Drop all the way down, or drop to a 42 cap, or a 56 cap.

+We make CPU players better

+We raise the cost to own a team a little.

So far this is the leading candidate. Who wants to pick it apart?

World League

How would the world league fit into this idea? To me, it makes much more sense to make the WL part of an improved condensed pyramid... To switch to this system, it only really makes sens if the world league is dissolved...

64 cap leagues

This is too much. L61-64 players can and ARE very competitive in the top levels of the game. L61/64 players can definitely hold their own against L70 guys. Adding this cap in simply shortens the pool for Pro players, and ensures that teams need to change out 50% of their roster every single season (since they will only get 1 season in pre-decline). Awful awful idea tbh.

Elite/competitive/regular at the games top levels

I have as much experience as anyone when it comes to recruiting. In general, as players reach their final seasons, they want 1 of 2 things. They either want to be in the games best league, or they want to be on a championship contender/favorite/statwhore. By separating into 3 tiers (assuming you keep the WL) you are gonna completely blackball the "competitive" teams.

At the top levels of the game, you have to do a TON more recruiting than in the caps. A team that goes 6-10 elite is gonna be at a recruiting disadvantage to a 12-4 competitive team, and a 6-10 competitive team is gonna be at a recruiting disadvantage compared to a 12-4 normal team. Wanting to plug teams into their best league possible where they belong, but taking away the tier level which they earned for being there, seems like a bad idea.

Furthermore, Elite/competitive/regular is basically pro/AAA/AA. What is the point of renaming them and getting rid of the promotion pyramid? 1 WL, 4 Pro, 8 AAA, 8 AA or whatever you need. What's does the renaming really accomplish? Gives you the ability to adjust league numbers as needed? You could do that already if you so choose.

Assuming it goes to 56-cap elite/competitive/normal.

You could keep say 1 WL and 4 Pro as static, but then have AAA/AA, or AAA/AA/A be below them (not necessarily in a 2:1 pyramid). Coming from the 56-cap depending on what league you are a part of and how you do, you can get pyromoted to different uncapped tiers.

Actually by the looks of it, the 3 highest minors tiers are sitting at a combined 15-16 teams to represent 3 years of dots.

1 WL, 2 Pro, 4 AAA, 4 AA, 4 A. Let the number of AA/A teams be dynamic to fit teams as they come up. Also let teams go into any of AAA/AA/A depending on where they come from

for ex... (all 56-cap)
elite conf champ = Pro
Elite playoff = AAA
Elite non-playoff = AA
Compet conf champ = AAA
comp playoff = AA
Comp non-playoff = A
Reg conf camp = AA
Reg rest = A

Though of course to fill the top leagues, you will end up promoting a few more than that, but it'd work pretty well imo.

46 to 56 cap isn't enough

You'd be screwing over all L48 (51) players which most are imo. Adding a L51 cap in between to split the difference makes sense.

Raise the cost of teams

This is a bad idea, and is simply a way to piss off a LOT of current owners. Players need teams with good owners, and pissing of good owners is a very bad idea. The peeps who think we need to make teams cost more in order to get serious ownership are way off.

A better system would be...

New owners pay 1400 flex for the first 3 seasons, and 400/flex a season after that. Add in that you no longer refund flex points when selling a team, and you are good to go. In effect owners will be locked into the first 3 seasons, and after that it takes away incentive for mid-season team selling, even if they only extend year-to-year.

All you need to get serious owners is to increase the cost of buying a team. Increasing the cost of keeping a team = terribad idea which will look like nothing other than a money grab (since this is all it will be).

Originally posted by Dpride59
Demoting World league teams should have to communicate their plans fully to catch or any other admin who knows whats going on.. . A lot of them are never able to compete once they demote, and I would hate to see them automatically assigned to elite pro to the tune of 0-16...

Needs to be discretion when filling these elite pro leagues, and if a team has a plan that is 1 thing, but if there isn't a full recruiting class coming in, and the roster is made up of 450d old players than move them to Pro #5 or something.

Not sure you need competitive 64 cap. I know my NBA Jam arcade guys will be a top 3 team in GLB when they hit level 64, and there is no need for that added cap.

we're debating a plateau extension right now. pretty sure we have a good system thought out, but we need to finish debating it internally before we go live with it.

it would help all the highest level leagues roster and turnover-wise.
Originally posted by TyrannyVaunt
DD... Just Do it. Make the change, and we will sort through the issues. Trying to make it perfect will just cause delays. It is so bad now... You gotta make a change. So go with your first draft, and we can work through the issues as we see them in future seasons.


Or lets spend 25 days working out the areas that are weak and need improving so we don't have to have threads about why GLB rushed something for an entire season...
Originally posted by Dpride59
Or lets spend 25 days working out the areas that are weak and need improving so we don't have to have threads about why GLB rushed something for an entire season...

either way it's a change so we'll get some rage.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
Originally posted by F8n4tune

I like this and am of the sense that any idea that doesn't include smaller rosters will help nothing. Player agents are what drive/fund this game , they need to be kept active. Stats are what works , period. Also i'd like to add that teams should..........

1) Cost more to own
2) Not be allowed to sell back during season with a flex refund of any type. Say day -8 until that season ends you get zip zero nada.

We are likely going to do both of the above.

Teams should be able to go CPU during the season, but they shouldn't get flex back for it.

Any chance you want to elaborate as to why teams need to cost more to own, and why people shouldn't be unhappy about it?

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