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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by razor9
That's the point though. Presuming you live in America, where we have a democracy, they would never get away with that. There would be a huge outcry and politics would give way to the people.

In a dictatorship, whatever the man says, goes. In GLB, whatever the admins say, goes. Hmmm...

It is a FUCKING GAME!!! Sorry to throw it out like that but step back and realize this.

Everyone trying to put up examples based on laws are missing it. This is not a government. This is not law. This is a game. In games rules change. The owner of the game can do what he wants. As a consumer you can leave if you don't like the changes.

Pretty simple stuff. Laws and government examples do not belong in a discussion like this, as they are extremely different.
Originally posted by Fastbird
I'm not blaming anyone but the folks who expanded the leagues to the point there are so many craptacular teams in the conferences. Follow the real $$$.

I fully understand agents not wanting sign players with a cellar team on the hope they might one day be competitive.

In on conference I DC a team that is #1 in the "uncapped casual" conference, this morning the games simmed and only 2 games were not blow outs. That is supposed to be normal?

In the conference where my AAA team is... the #8 team is 5-3 with my cpu team ranked at #9 with a 4-4 record in the conference. WTF is right with that? 50% of the teams in a AAA conference are sub .500 and only two are cpu owned.

We pay real money to buy teams and participate in the game. The real problem is too many leagues and teams.

So many people thought owning a team would be cool...then they begged and begged and begged Bort to add more teams. Since demand was so high he added leagues.

The only issue is owning a team is alot of hard work and a thankless job....quite a few owners realized they could not handle it and bailed on their teams. Decline hit and now we have too many teams.
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader
Originally posted by razor9

Originally posted by ImTheScientist

Originally posted by razor9

Just imagine if you did your taxes and you deducted the interest paid on your mortgage. Then they made a law making it illegal to deduct mortgage interest. Would it be cool if they went back and hit you up for the 10 years you've owned your house and did this while it was legal?

Its not cool, but If the country I lived in decided to do that I would have to deal with it or move somewhere else. Its not up to me.

That's the point though. Presuming you live in America, where we have a democracy, they would never get away with that. There would be a huge outcry and politics would give way to the people.

In a dictatorship, whatever the man says, goes. In GLB, whatever the admins say, goes. Hmmm...

So Bort is Mikhail Gorbachev and you're Ronald Reagan telling him to tear down that wall?

Originally posted by razor9
What does that mean?

That means apply these rules to all teams. Every team should have their cash, fan support and stadiums set to the default level for their league. Start everyone off in the new system at the same place.
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader
Originally posted by Morbid Da Clown

How about just *closing Off* sections at lower levels. Wouldnt this be much easier then taking Stadiums Sections and forcing them to rebuild it?

The cost of rebuilding the section(s) puts those teams on the same footing as their new league-mates--that's the purpose of the rule change.

BS.. A brand new team SHOULDNT be on same financial playing field of someone who has owned a team for a while. Seriously, a new franchise comes along and complains that the team that has been paid for 10 seasons is at an advantage. UMMM they should be actually.

Dont get me wrong I do like the changes, but it really benefits some Teams, If it is gonna happen then maybe a reset to EVERYONES cash to league avg. then at start of season 15. You want a fair playing field then create one. But now the ones with cash built up will complain its not fair. Fix it if your gonna fix it, but fix it fair for everyone is all i am asking. The biggest benefactors of this rule are the ones that already did it IMO. The rest are being punished for while the ones who did this sit back and laugh now and wipe there brows with a *whew* and say "gald we did this already".

Stripping Stadiums is BS. No excuse and it shouldnt even be in discussion. Like i said, close off sections at lower levels, but No to Deconstruction.
Originally posted by Pantone
Originally posted by ImTheScientist

Originally posted by Pantone

This demotion revamp is a crock of shit, IMO They should atleast give us a one season warning. Ive paid over $150 to this site and all the changes happen without any input from agents, and no leeway time. What about the agents who have built a stadium,, pais their flex dollars to keep the team and were planning to start over next seaon with all the new players changes, and now what, WE GET SCREWED. all the time and money gone into the stadium are down the tube. This site is becoming rediculous.

Many agents were looking forward to starting a fresh team with the new creation changes, but now what is the point. All the time and efforts, not to mention flex dollars for the team and financial dollars to build have been wasted. I'm not saying I disagree with the changes, as they are lon overdue, but how bout starting them season 15 and allow one last demotion for players who already had plans to do so. I am simply frustrated by the sudden rules changes. I like change, I think the changes are good, but how bout a little time to implement them....just my 2 cents.

Total Player Count: 41 (Avg Lv 10)
Better make sure not to lose a few guys.

Yah because we started a team this year and decided once the new player changes took place we would retire and restart, so I have been giving agents a place to play this year, while releasing the newly created players for retirement, so we could revamp season 15. Get your facts straight before you run your mouth chump.

$9,502,290.10 is alot of cash for a level 14 team
Originally posted by Plankton
The new players mean nothing. I am talking about teams at the top that have a choice of what to do. They can not add any new players to their team (i.e. players a season old or less).


they can sign players who used to be 1 season too young for them, but now hav matured a little more. your point doesn't make any sense.
Originally posted by Plankton
Originally posted by Gart888

Please also factor in the # of teams that gut, and the number of new players created, and then get back to me.

The new players mean nothing. I am talking about teams at the top that have a choice of what to do. They can not add any new players to their team (i.e. players a season old or less).

And regarding teams that gut, that's my point. This change removes the incentive to demote and will very likely lead to alot more gutting. I guess we all have forgotten how crappy that was back in the day.

I think a more appropriate change is to reset demoted team stadiums and cash to a cap or two higher's starting. It would remove the teams with 80+ million but still leave an incentive for demoting.

What is the incentive for teams to gut? They can no longer take the cash with them
Originally posted by Gart888

they can sign players who used to be 1 season too young for them, but now hav matured a little more. your point doesn't make any sense.

Where are they getting those players from Gart? Obviously other teams that promoted with those players. Now who do they replace the players they lost from? At some point in the chain, a team is left that is too high for the players available.

Originally posted by jbleich
Originally posted by F8n4tune

Should be ALL teams bottom line or just another band aide.

It's not a bandaide, it's a perma fix, just wont be done retroactively.

Then let's get real here , it's a band aide. Just disguised as a perma fix. The only way this works is if it's held to EVERYONE in the game and doesn't exclude anyone. If anyone can't see that then they need some of these Lens Crafters coupons I

I love the idea but it's absurd to exclude some and continue with the gap , how does that make sense ? really explain it to us.
Originally posted by 5STAR
What is the incentive for teams to gut? They can no longer take the cash with them

What is the incentive to demote? They can no longer take the cash with them

So what do they do? Quit the game?
Originally posted by joemalaka
Originally posted by razor9

That's the point though. Presuming you live in America, where we have a democracy, they would never get away with that. There would be a huge outcry and politics would give way to the people.

In a dictatorship, whatever the man says, goes. In GLB, whatever the admins say, goes. Hmmm...

It is a FUCKING GAME!!! Sorry to throw it out like that but step back and realize this.

Everyone trying to put up examples based on laws are missing it. This is not a government. This is not law. This is a game. In games rules change. The owner of the game can do what he wants. As a consumer you can leave if you don't like the changes.

Pretty simple stuff. Laws and government examples do not belong in a discussion like this, as they are extremely different.

Dude, pay attention. These are examples of similar scenarios being used to make a point. I argue because I want to play the game and it has this terrific forum where you can tell the folks how you feel about it. But it's basic ethics to think about how rules affect everyone and rules that incite this much contempt should be reviewed for their ethical biases.

Of course governments are different than games. But the concept of fair play is universal. As I have already said, I object to none of the new rules. They're fine to me. GLB just needs to learn to draw a line and move on without punishing people for providing a loophole they overlooked.

Problem solved now, move on. Why make it about payback?
Originally posted by Plankton
What is the incentive to demote? They can no longer take the cash with them

So what do they do? Quit the game?

the incentive is to go to a level they can compete at?
Originally posted by Morbid Da Clown
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader

Originally posted by Morbid Da Clown

How about just *closing Off* sections at lower levels. Wouldnt this be much easier then taking Stadiums Sections and forcing them to rebuild it?

The cost of rebuilding the section(s) puts those teams on the same footing as their new league-mates--that's the purpose of the rule change.

BS.. A brand new team SHOULDNT be on same financial playing field of someone who has owned a team for a while. Seriously, a new franchise comes along and complains that the team that has been paid for 10 seasons is at an advantage. UMMM they should be actually.

Dont get me wrong I do like the changes, but it really benefits some Teams, If it is gonna happen then maybe a reset to EVERYONES cash to league avg. then at start of season 15. You want a fair playing field then create one. But now the ones with cash built up will complain its not fair. Fix it if your gonna fix it, but fix it fair for everyone is all i am asking. The biggest benefactors of this rule are the ones that already did it IMO. The rest are being punished for while the ones who did this sit back and laugh now and wipe there brows with a *whew* and say "gald we did this already".

Stripping Stadiums is BS. No excuse and it shouldnt even be in discussion. Like i said, close off sections at lower levels, but No to Deconstruction.

if you are dropping down to the bottom level...then yes you are essentially an expansion franchise.

Do you think the Saints would still play in the dome if their owner decided to drop them down to a Jr High football team?
Originally posted by SawyerReywas
So basically at this point why not lets go for the whole total reset on everything. Pee Wee and Cap 4 free for all next season with fresh stadiums for all. Tons of flex floating around to roll tons of archetypes.

+10000000000000 pull the trigger bort!

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