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Forum > Prep Leagues > Season 30 Prep #4 - The Killing Fields Continued
Originally posted by Rowdie
wins in beta don't count

Originally posted by Pwned
Another fault in your pussy ass records.. You boosted before the playoffs last season and you boosted out the gates this season just to ensure your little winning streak continued. We dropped our first round playoff game to the Colts who boosted before the playoffs. Same reason why the Cult lost... You are about as clueless as the Frogs.

Lol I was honestly against boosting early this season and I made it known on our forums. I was only for it when Cadillac broke it down and showed me that it has no negative affect on our builds. Regardless of boosting...I can't think of any team that we have beat and didn't have the same record.

By the way it was 2 games last season. Once we were both level ones testing the sim and once we had a bad gameplan and you beat us. I'm not even sure if my guys even tried because I don't live in last season. I can guarantee you that the level 30 HOB is much better then the level 4 HOB and there is absolutely no chance that a bunch of Taylor Swift fans will do anything in the playoffs. You guys suck dude.

GG Cult...our passing game came alive, I'm sure we will see each other soon.
Originally posted by robjay08

Lol I was honestly against boosting early this season and I made it known on our forums. I was only for it when Cadillac broke it down and showed me that it has no negative affect on our builds. Regardless of boosting...I can't think of any team that we have beat and didn't have the same record.

By the way it was 2 games last season. Once we were both level ones testing the sim and once we had a bad gameplan and you beat us. I'm not even sure if my guys even tried because I don't live in last season. I can guarantee you that the level 30 HOB is much better then the level 4 HOB and there is absolutely no chance that a bunch of Taylor Swift fans will do anything in the playoffs. You guys suck dude.

GG Cult...our passing game came alive, I'm sure we will see each other soon.

LOL, you finally beat us, and it was 7-0 on a botched offensive AI, and you start to feel like maybe you really are on top of the world. I get it. Do it. Maybe we're throwing games so we see you in Round 1 and put your asses out.
Originally posted by Pwned
Another fault in your pussy ass records.. You boosted before the playoffs last season and you boosted out the gates this season just to ensure your little winning streak continued. We dropped our first round playoff game to the Colts who boosted before the playoffs. Same reason why the Cult lost... You are about as clueless as the Frogs.

Clueless? Now we are the Clueless frogs. But we are the winning clueless frogs that just keep winning for some reason. We shall see what happens in the playoffs. GL to you. Maybe we shall meet in the playoffs and see what happens.
Originally posted by Devilrocker
Clueless? Now we are the Clueless frogs. But we are the winning clueless frogs that just keep winning for some reason. We shall see what happens in the playoffs. GL to you. Maybe we shall meet in the playoffs and see what happens.

yup....normally don't care about getting bagged on for our style but clueless?.....

meh have been on the outside looking in for the last 2 seasons seems like you don't know what the fuck you are doing
Originally posted by skibodragula
yup....normally don't care about getting bagged on for our style but clueless?.....

meh have been on the outside looking in for the last 2 seasons seems like you don't know what the fuck you are doing

shouldn't your gm of smack being dealing w/ this?
Originally posted by King Spicy
shouldn't your gm of smack being dealing w/ this?

I think what he is trying to say is. Cap about 5 skills and you can win in Prep leagues..

hmmmm, that s waht we are suppose to do right? Cap skils? Please forgive me for doing what those skill points and training are there for. Next time I'll forget to cap my skills so we can become losers. haha
Originally posted by Devilrocker
hmmmm, that s waht we are suppose to do right? Cap skils? Please forgive me for doing what those skill points and training are there for. Next time I'll forget to cap my skills so we can become losers. haha

congrats u just won the intraweb
Apparently. Taylor Gang thinks Frogs are losers cuz they win and build with an end plan in mind. Frogs just play football and beat the sim.
TSG finds any excuse for why they're not good. HOB's builds are better. They're just stuck into thinking boosting is bad. Boosting early this season actually HELPED our builds. Why else would we do it? To keep winning? We've had generic AI's in all season and haven't changed anything so yes we're super concerned about winning. Only team to get their own AI was the Frogs because I had one made up from last seasons championship game.
Oh yeah your builds are superior to TSG. And yeah Boosting early only hurts you in the first 40 day season...after that boosting early does help and there's nothing against it. Unless some team pulls off stunner i'd like to see Frogs and HOB in the big dance again.
Gettin a lil tiresome seeing so much Frogbashing.
SP usage and boosting can be done different ways, yielding different results at different times in a dot's career.
Your dot...boost whenever the Hell ya see fit.
Forum Build Specialists keep hacking on each other's ways of doing things, but there's more than one way to skin a cat.
I'm sure HOB braintrust think I'm wrong for boosting from 22 to 25 for VA benefits.
A level 22 player making max XP loses about 400 XP boosting early as opposed to boosting late. Further, the gain in VXP is about 4000, or 4 VSP. 400 XP is the equivalent of 2 SP. I traded 2SP for 4VA points.
As Rowdie so eloquently put it:

"We are as humbled as we were when we lost to the Frogs. Our game plan for them was clearly flawed, as we did not account for broken tackles in our defensive schemes."
22 broken tackles for my powerback.
That was a direct reflection of the VA "Bruiser" at work. No use of the 2SP value of the XP lost could have equaled the +12% break tackle gained by the VA.

So u guys keep beatin yer chests, chasing lol effective levels, and dazzle us with yer GLB brilliance, while I (quietly til now)
continue to build a frog that's gonna give y'all fits all the way to Pros
...and those who laugh at Frogbuilds should consider this...if our builds are so wacky, they should be exploitable.
Someone who can out coordinate and out gameplan us into a decisive victory would have alot more credibility.
Not saying we're better than anyone, just that we're as good as everyone else, and probly having more fun!
had a smack GM right in front of me the whole time and didn't even realize it....what he said

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