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Originally posted by Unspoken
Originally posted by Unspoken

Hey gRryNn sorry about the win.. You guys out scouted me for sure.. To be honest I did nothing and it showed. You attacked a weakness I did not spot and it payed off for you guys. BUT at the same time we showed your weakness. It was crazy and alot lucky though. Not sure I wanted to win that way but I will take it.

Oh and also, if you guys would have took the knee at the end of the game the game was yours.. Might want to touch that up.

LOL ... no need to say "sorry about the win" ... we all know that it's "any given sim day!" You win some ... you lose some ... Anyway ... GL moving on in the playoffs!

Originally posted by Tomcic
WTF about the game Sin City vs ODB.

Maybe the craziest playoff sim iīve ever seen and shows that the server and sim are going nuts.. 658 yards + 6 TDs on kickreturns ONLY by a single KRer? LoL at GLB and the siming system.

Edit: And to be completly honest, the better team lost this one. No offense to the Sin City crew,but ODB derserved the W. 580 yards on offense for ODB. Man gryNn, i feel for ya.

No question the best team today lost.....Don't know about the better team (I personally think the teams are pretty even). But no question they had the best game plan today and should have won the game. I have not seen the D get that shredded in a long time. The stats are a little misleading because of all the kick returns as we only ran 4 plays on offense for the entire second half until around 3 minutes left. Obviously the D was struggling and it certainly did not help them by having to turn around and go back out there after those kick returns.

But all that is just fodder.......bottom line is ODB should have won the game with their superior game plan.

But sometimes I guess it is better to be lucky then good......
Originally posted by Bevo05
Originally posted by Tomcic

WTF about the game Sin City vs ODB.

Maybe the craziest playoff sim iīve ever seen and shows that the server and sim are going nuts.. 658 yards + 6 TDs on kickreturns ONLY by a single KRer? LoL at GLB and the siming system.

Edit: And to be completly honest, the better team lost this one. No offense to the Sin City crew,but ODB derserved the W. 580 yards on offense for ODB. Man gryNn, i feel for ya.

No question the best team today lost.....Don't know about the better team (I personally think the teams are pretty even). But no question they had the best game plan today and should have won the game. I have not seen the D get that shredded in a long time. The stats are a little misleading because of all the kick returns as we only ran 4 plays on offense for the entire second half until around 3 minutes left. Obviously the D was struggling and it certainly did not help them by having to turn around and go back out there after those kick returns.

But all that is just fodder.......bottom line is ODB should have won the game with their superior game plan.

But sometimes I guess it is better to be lucky then good......

Hey bro ... thanx! But ... much props to Sin City ... I mean ... my Offensive and Defensive game plan worked out good for me today ... but that's only 2/3rds of the game. 1/3rd of the game, your ST unit treated my ST unit like CPUs

But ... when you take a step back ... it all boils down to the closing 11 seconds of the game. I've never been in a game time situation like this one before. With 11 seconds left, I should have ran the clock by taking a knee or kept running it up the gut (since that was working for us) ... but I didn't. And that's on me.

As I said on my team forum ... I got big shoulders ... and I'll carry the weight of this loss on me. Seems only right ... being the Owner, OC, DC, Scout, and Recruiter ...

Anyway ... I have learned from this loss ... although costly ... I have learned something none-the-less.

GL moving on in the playoffs bro!

Any Given Sim Day
OC/DC Guru
Originally posted by Bevo05
No question the best team today lost.....Don't know about the better team (I personally think the teams are pretty even). But no question they had the best game plan today and should have won the game. I have not seen the D get that shredded in a long time. The stats are a little misleading because of all the kick returns as we only ran 4 plays on offense for the entire second half until around 3 minutes left. Obviously the D was struggling and it certainly did not help them by having to turn around and go back out there after those kick returns.

But all that is just fodder.......bottom line is ODB should have won the game with their superior game plan.

But sometimes I guess it is better to be lucky then good......

Thatīs what i meant. Stat-wise ODB should have won this big-time. I didnīt messure the team talent from both teams, but well "stats are for losers"
Originally posted by Tomcic
Thatīs what i meant. Stat-wise ODB should have won this big-time. I didnīt messure the team talent from both teams, but well "stats are for losers"

Stats and Rating are highly overrated imo. Seen way to many times a team with higher rating lose and teams with more yards lose.. Been on all sides of those. It was just one of those games.. The good thing is OBD will be back and more then likely be back to make sure they kick our asses. haha.
Originally posted by gRryNn
Hey bro ... thanx! But ... much props to Sin City ... I mean ... my Offensive and Defensive game plan worked out good for me today ... but that's only 2/3rds of the game. 1/3rd of the game, your ST unit treated my ST unit like CPUs

But ... when you take a step back ... it all boils down to the closing 11 seconds of the game. I've never been in a game time situation like this one before. With 11 seconds left, I should have ran the clock by taking a knee or kept running it up the gut (since that was working for us) ... but I didn't. And that's on me.

As I said on my team forum ... I got big shoulders ... and I'll carry the weight of this loss on me. Seems only right ... being the Owner, OC, DC, Scout, and Recruiter ...

Anyway ... I have learned from this loss ... although costly ... I have learned something none-the-less.

GL moving on in the playoffs bro!

Any Given Sim Day
Originally posted by 7steeladonis

7steeladonis = King Midas ... this kat and his team gets all the GOLD!!
Originally posted by gRryNn
7steeladonis = King Midas ... this kat and his team gets all the GOLD!!

Not yet, one more game left for this season. *looks back at Uganda carnage* *glares at Unspoken*

GG Steel and congrats for creating and building a top notch team!

As for us we are dropping back to rookie next season. Can't expect us to play with the younger teams that were created under new system.

Best of luck to everyone in this group in the future!!!!!!!!!!

Love always,

Originally posted by Landrys Legacy
GG Steel and congrats for creating and building a top notch team!

As for us we are dropping back to rookie next season. Can't expect us to play with the younger teams that were created under new system.

Best of luck to everyone in this group in the future!!!!!!!!!!

Love always,


*counts 4 dots that aren't full archetype dots*
Originally posted by 7steeladonis
Not yet, one more game left for this season. *looks back at Uganda carnage* *glares at Unspoken*

Unspoken glares back and.......... Opps I farted..

We are so looking to be another notch in your win streak.
Oh and GG Port. I know how much you guys must hate us.
Originally posted by Unspoken
Unspoken glares back and.......... Opps I farted..

We are so looking to be another notch in your win streak.

That was you?!? I thought it was me.

There is no win streak. it's one game for gold, good luck

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