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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread
Originally posted by Fumanchuchu
This thread is long (should start a new one each day imo), I can't read all of it, I know I've asked this several times with no answer in the few pages after:

What age will a 400 day old player become in the new system, 240 or 280?

What about a 440 day player?

a 560?

If somebody has seen the answer can you link it?

There is no answer yet.
I still don't see why we cannot spend some cash and roll up a level 70 player from scratch.
Where is the problem with this?
We are spending MONEY!
Is that not the whole idea behind your business Mr Bort?
If not you should seriously look at your business plan.
These changes are coming along nicely. Thanks Catch and DD for answering most of these issues.

One thought, On young players who are currently saving BTs for future use, what will be the conversion rate on those BTs saved? Will they remain unchanged, or will they be multuplied to a new total by 10, or 16, or something else. Not talking about BTs used on EQ, just unused saved BTs.
ok so quick quesiton. my 160 day old guard, when this new system takes effect. will he be upped a few levels to be in compliance with the new system, or will his age be dropped to where it should be for his level? im still kind of confused about that.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Jay89
ok so quick quesiton. my 160 day old guard, when this new system takes effect. will he be upped a few levels to be in compliance with the new system, or will his age be dropped to where it should be for his level? im still kind of confused about that.

age dropped
Originally posted by blazzinken
So here is a question about current dots adding 2 more seasons to their EP.

If a dot is 527 (-33) days old today on day 7. He then would be -1 on day 40 and then roll over to 0 on day 41. Would he be considered still in EP or would he also not be eligible for the extra two season of EP.

Also, I assume that any current dot that is in EP is eligible for the extra 3 boosts?

They wouldn't be 0 on day 41, they'd be 0 on day 0 of the next season, no?
I've read through a lot of this thread and I can't find what I'm looking for, so....

When Archetypes were rolled out, this announcement was made -

Is a similar retirement offer for young dots going to be made when the new development system is rolled out? I realize that the efforts of support are to make this change over extremely similar to the current system, but faster. However, given the opportunity, I know that I would like to restart some of my young dots completely on the new development program.
Originally posted by BP [Cult
]Originally posted by ricksta1975

I was just about to post this.

We need a VPB built into the game, so we can see actions and future actions. Everyone gets their hands on them anyway, and one prior to the changes rolling in would be nice so we can make the learning mistakes on a pretend dot other than one we are paying for live.

yup...assuming these changes are set in stone, lets get a VBP going right now for season 24+. Especially because it would help identify maybe some inequities in the system that can be fixed before rollout and not once we've started doing things with live players.

Can't really have a VPB without knowing what the daily training and game XP looks like. It makes a difference how the XP scale is graduated. Based on the table Catch put out there, the curve isn't obvious and the XP gains look like they continue to change through the end of season 7.
Season 1 (56 days, player age 40):

12 levels - average 300 XP/day
3 boosts
Player that boosts would be level 16

Season 2 (112 days, player age 80):

10 levels average 250 XP/day
3 boosts
Player that boosts would be level 29

Season 3 (168 days, player age 120):

8 levels average 200 XP/day
3 boosts
Player that boosts would be level 40

Season 4 (224 days, player age 160):

7 levels average 175 XP/day
3 boosts
Player that boosts would be level 50

Season 5 (280 days, player age 200):

5 levels average 125 XP/day
3 boosts
Player that boosts would be level 58

Season 6 (336 days, player age 240):

5 levels average 125 XP/day
3 boosts
Player that boosts would be level 66

Season 7 (392 days, player age 280):

3 levels average 75 XP/day
3 boosts
Player that boosts would be level 72

So the question is how is the XP really going to be graduated? And are we going to have to figure it out for ourselves over the life of the first generation dots or will we be able to have a VPB out of the gate?
Edited by lizrdgizrd on Jul 15, 2011 13:24:42
Would someone be so kind as to tell me what my Punters *new* Conversion will be from this quote:

Originally posted by
Player conversion:

Existing players will be converted to a new age equivalent. Whatever your age is in the current system will be compared to an equivalent age based on what estimated XP values between the two systems. For example, a 350 day old player in the old system would become a 205 day old player in the new system. A 120 day old player in the old system would become a 72 day old player in the new system.

Thanks for whomever can help me?
How will this affect my Punter?

Thank you
Originally posted by aceinthehouse

Thanks for whomever can help me?
How will this affect my Punter?

Thank you

Still unknown (afiw, it was not decided yet).
Originally posted by Dave Mr Majors
I've read through a lot of this thread and I can't find what I'm looking for, so....

When Archetypes were rolled out, this announcement was made -

Is a similar retirement offer for young dots going to be made when the new development system is rolled out? I realize that the efforts of support are to make this change over extremely similar to the current system, but faster. However, given the opportunity, I know that I would like to restart some of my young dots completely on the new development program.

Why ?

The new system is designed to be as similar as possible to the existing one. This is very different from the archetype/training changes
Originally posted by tragula
Still unknown (afiw, it was not decided yet).

Player Development Model:
Additions to game:
Player Conversion:
Training/Bonus Tokens:
Veteran Abilities:
League Structure:

I clicked on Player Conversion and that quote I have above came up.
How is this not decided yet,if these are the rules of this *new* accelerated addition to the game?

It's a quote by catch22 from the main thread.

Now I'm really confused...

Is all stuff coming or is it something people are voting on?

Originally posted by aceinthehouse
Now I'm really confused...

Is all stuff coming or is it something people are voting on?


According to this catch post, they still not 100% sure how to do the new ages exactly

We're kind of leaning this way - not official yet but wanted to give everyone a heads up on what we are thinking of doing (assumptions were based that majority of players in league would be X number of days at season end):

Current Rookie will be 40 days old and will go to Prep

Current Sophomore will be 52 days old and will go to University
Current Prep will be 72 days old and will go to University

Current University will be 81 days old and will go to Regional Minor
Current Local Minors will be 112 days old and will go to Regional Minor

Current Regional Minors will be 131 days old and will go to National Minor
Current National Minors will be 160 days old and will go to National Minor

Current Semi Pro will be 183 days old and will go to Semi Pro

Current Regional Pro will be 207 days old and will go to Regional Pro

Current National Pro will be 241 days old and will go to National Pro

In order to deal with the conflicts, proposing the following:

Season 24
0 - Rookie
1-40 - Sophomore
41-60 - Prep
61-80 - University
81-100 - Local Minor
101-120 - Regional Minor
121-140 - National Minor
141-160 - Upper National Minor
161-200 - Semi Pro
201-Uncapped - Regional Pro
241-Uncapped - National Pro/World League

Season 25
0 - Rookie
1-40 - Sophomore
41-80 - Prep
81-100 - University
101-120 - Local Minor
121-140 - Regional Minor
141-160 - National Minor
161-200 - Semi Pro
201-Uncapped - Regional Pro
241-Uncapped - National Pro/World League

Season 26
0- Rookie
1-40 - Prep
41-80 - University
81-120 - Local Minor
121-140 - Regional Minor
141-160 - National Minor
161-200 - Semi Pro
201-Uncapped - Regional Pro
241-Uncapped - National Pro/World League

Season 27
New League Structure in full effect

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