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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread
ND Roughneck
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by elginpro

So Catch22, from this gRryNn's post, will teams that are in the top of their leagues age bracket still be sitting on top? Or will they be mid tier, or even bottom tier? This is important, as players that are used to being on the top of their age bracket would probably retire their dots, if after the new leagues are implemented, they were on the bottom of their age bracket and league.

We're going over and evaluating this currently. I'll post details once we've figured out precisely what we're going to do (if it varies from original outline).

maybe you could just let us know when a decision is made either way Kind of a big deal!
You pick

Is it possible that you can add a projected level and age for dots after the accelerated player development to their player profile? I get the gist of it all from reading the dozens of threads on it, but can we please have a clear layout on our player page like we do on our team page (i.e. next age 200, level 57). I know this can change based on how the build is done, but it would really help to know where out dots end up next year in one easy look as the build stands now. Recruiting will be flat out insane with these changes.

Newer players are going to be downright baffled by the process (as well as some moderately active agents), and it's really hard to weed through all the info if you just signed up, made 1 dot, and are barely getting your feet wet in the game

Thanks, Catch. Nothing drives forums like wholesale change.
Catch - furthur on from my previous question. If a dot is 559 days old at day 40 this season, would that mean they will still be considered in plataue? I mean I presume they dont get any training/vxp again until day 1 next season, so I would assume that means they may get 2 more seasons of plataue?

They were created on day a day 41 so I'm assuming they are 559 or possibly 560 by day 40 this season? Can anyone else clarify?

Will mean a lot obviously, as 60% of my roster wont neccesarily need changing if they still have time on their hands.
Originally posted by ricksta1975
weird. im getting 3.9% showing with a 30% enhance on my builds and i get 4% most of the time im pretty sure. value is over 91 too

scrap this. yes I also only got 3% on my last train. curses.
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by gRryNn

ok ... not sure if this has been addressed ... but with the new league restructure on the horizon, one concern for me is the placement of my team. Will the team end up on the bottom, middle, or top of their age bracket?

That's a BIG WHAT IF factor for me ... if in the lower half of that age bracket ... why even keep the dots or team? After the shuffle, your team can go from being top of the class, to being a tackling dummy for older dots .... who would want to do that?

Originally posted by elginpro

So Catch22, from this gRryNn's post, will teams that are in the top of their leagues age bracket still be sitting on top? Or will they be mid tier, or even bottom tier? This is important, as players that are used to being on the top of their age bracket would probably retire their dots, if after the new leagues are implemented, they were on the bottom of their age bracket and league.

We're going over and evaluating this currently. I'll post details once we've figured out precisely what we're going to do (if it varies from original outline).


Don't want to go from being top tier in the league to every other teams tackling dummies ... the possibility of going from HERO to ZERO in one off-season league/game restructure would suck!

Also, there is a possibility of this tearing apart teams that have dots that vary in age and boosts. Meaning, my team consists of both day 40 and day 41 built dots. Some who boosted from level 1 to level 4, then again at the end of the 1st season. And some dots who did not boost at that time and just started from level 1 in their first season, and just boosted at the end of season. So, if the new age/level thing forces teams like mine to play at the lower end of the spectrum ... then we would have to disband or retire and start over. This would not be good, since some teams have grown together and essentially stayed together with the goal of getting to the pro leagues together. Retiring dots and disbanding teams that have been together for several seasons would not be ideal for anyone.

Big possibility that we lose some agents ... they may decide to leave the game ... cus they felt that they got a raw deal from GLB.
Edited by gRryNn on Jul 15, 2011 06:09:20
Stray Doug
Hey Catch, don't know if you just missed it or didn't have an answer right now and needed to check with Bort... but noticed you answered a bunch of other ones so just highlighting in case it was an oversight:

Basically, (1) wondering if the training page will be fixed, particularly due to the increased complexity (and potential magnification of errors) of the training calculation...and (2) where in the multi-training calculation the 1.6 factor gets applied. Thanks!
Edited by Stray Doug on Jul 15, 2011 07:33:45
Not sure I've seen an answer to this, so I'll ask again....

In the current season, XP gain caps at 25/day and 100/game by level 29. This allows everyone to boost at the beginning of every season by the players 4th season.

Asking the same question several make sure the point of the question is understood....

In the new plan, it looks like seasonal XP does not level out until season 7, at 3 levels, so the question is how much if any delta in XP over each season based on early or late boosting?

If a player is boosted late every season (day 41 for example), what is the XP delta from a player that boosts late for seasons 1-3 and early for seasons 4-7 (same boosting plan as today)?

Also, it appears players in the new system can hit level 29 after 2nd season, and in current system that would put them at the final daily/game XP for the 3rd there still XP delta in new system based on gaining 8 levels, 7 levels, 5 levels, etc over seasons 3, 4, 5, etc.....or can XP be based on age so that XP gain is still flat regardless of when a player is boosted, at least for later seasons, maybe after age 80 or 120....
Solutions to all problems

Problem: New age scale will mixing current age levels in the minors. (no way to keep all player 40 days apart, when scaling down their age).
Solution: Keep a temporary structure with "wierd" age limits, until all old dots are in the uncapped age.

Problem: Lost of the extra set of boost and the extra off season of TPs. (dot that was created in the off-season to get those, are now being converted to mid season sots)
Solution: Make the creation date irrelevant for this issue, so day S1d40 and S2d-1 are not considered to be created on the same day. How you do that ?
- Use # of season to find the start of plateau age (a dot created at S1d40 will hit plateau on S8d40 and not S9d0)
- Once a dot hit plateau he get bonus 32 TPs and another set of 3 boosts to mimic current situation. There will be a lift of the 30 TP max to allow this (best is 62 TP max, but 40 will work too).
- Day of player creation is a bit less important.
- Creation days optimization splits between dots who are designed to play in the minors (created day 40) and dot who are designed to pro+ (created day 32 or something similar for max TPs before Lv 2). The difference will be swept away by build quality before all dot hit uncapped age. But this will give a bit of extra life for those who do not compete in the pro+ level (and even a small breathing gap for non-boosters, which will be a season older then the pro+ designed dots).
- A little more friendly for new users. A dot created mid season will not be the youngest of it's age level but somewhere in the middle. Making new user dots a bit more competitive.
- Likely (I am not sure) increase the motivation for boost to 4 before the first season.
- Possible 9 boost in a single day (see below)

Problem: 6 boost in a day is a huge jump in abilities. A bit too big imo.
Solution: Make the extra 3 plateau boost available only during off-season (the extra 6 in my suggestion above)
- I suggest limit to delay those 3 boosts to off-season to prevent 9 boost in a day.


Now since I solved all problems very eloquently, I suggest you make me an honor admin for a day. With full rights of dishing RP, viewing everyone accounts and giving perma-bans.

Edited by tragula on Jul 15, 2011 08:41:05
Edited by tragula on Jul 15, 2011 08:40:49
Originally posted by im4ut999
Not sure I've seen an answer to this, so I'll ask again....

In the current season, XP gain caps at 25/day and 100/game by level 29. This allows everyone to boost at the beginning of every season by the players 4th season.

Asking the same question several make sure the point of the question is understood....

In the new plan, it looks like seasonal XP does not level out until season 7, at 3 levels, so the question is how much if any delta in XP over each season based on early or late boosting?

If a player is boosted late every season (day 41 for example), what is the XP delta from a player that boosts late for seasons 1-3 and early for seasons 4-7 (same boosting plan as today)?

Also, it appears players in the new system can hit level 29 after 2nd season, and in current system that would put them at the final daily/game XP for the 3rd there still XP delta in new system based on gaining 8 levels, 7 levels, 5 levels, etc over seasons 3, 4, 5, etc.....or can XP be based on age so that XP gain is still flat regardless of when a player is boosted, at least for later seasons, maybe after age 80 or 120....

This is a very good point
Originally posted by gRryNn
Originally posted by Catch22

Originally posted by gRryNn

ok ... not sure if this has been addressed ... but with the new league restructure on the horizon, one concern for me is the placement of my team. Will the team end up on the bottom, middle, or top of their age bracket?

That's a BIG WHAT IF factor for me ... if in the lower half of that age bracket ... why even keep the dots or team? After the shuffle, your team can go from being top of the class, to being a tackling dummy for older dots .... who would want to do that?

Originally posted by elginpro

So Catch22, from this gRryNn's post, will teams that are in the top of their leagues age bracket still be sitting on top? Or will they be mid tier, or even bottom tier? This is important, as players that are used to being on the top of their age bracket would probably retire their dots, if after the new leagues are implemented, they were on the bottom of their age bracket and league.

We're going over and evaluating this currently. I'll post details once we've figured out precisely what we're going to do (if it varies from original outline).


Don't want to go from being top tier in the league to every other teams tackling dummies ... the possibility of going from HERO to ZERO in one off-season league/game restructure would suck!

Also, there is a possibility of this tearing apart teams that have dots that vary in age and boosts. Meaning, my team consists of both day 40 and day 41 built dots. Some who boosted from level 1 to level 4, then again at the end of the 1st season. And some dots who did not boost at that time and just started from level 1 in their first season, and just boosted at the end of season. So, if the new age/level thing forces teams like mine to play at the lower end of the spectrum ... then we would have to disband or retire and start over. This would not be good, since some teams have grown together and essentially stayed together with the goal of getting to the pro leagues together. Retiring dots and disbanding teams that have been together for several seasons would not be ideal for anyone.

Big possibility that we lose some agents ... they may decide to leave the game ... cus they felt that they got a raw deal from GLB.

That would suck and piss off hella peeps! I know I didn't, and many of you didn't build dots over these past seasons to become a stepping stone for some other katz higher leveled dots! That would honestly be hella f'd up in my opinion!

I wonder if the "powers that be" thought this through? I know they want to bring in "new" blood to the game. But, they just might force out whatever peeps they have on here now.

Hope Catch22 answers gRryNn's question though. Be nice to know before this thing happens. Instead of season 23/24 rollover! Imagine logging in, looking around, and seeing all the other teams out level the team your on. Why even waste boosting if it would not even give you a chance? Shit! I would retire my 2 dots.
Originally posted by ricksta1975
Originally posted by ricksta1975

weird. im getting 3.9% showing with a 30% enhance on my builds and i get 4% most of the time im pretty sure. value is over 91 too

scrap this. yes I also only got 3% on my last train. curses.

This is why we need the predicted numbers to be fixed. I understand that there will be random training breakthroughs, but you shouldn't get less than the number says. It's not a rounding thing either... we all know the numbers round up (with a few exceptions like this one.) I have even seen it where it displays a flat 4% and still only gives you 3%.
So here is a question about current dots adding 2 more seasons to their EP.

If a dot is 527 (-33) days old today on day 7. He then would be -1 on day 40 and then roll over to 0 on day 41. Would he be considered still in EP or would he also not be eligible for the extra two season of EP.

Also, I assume that any current dot that is in EP is eligible for the extra 3 boosts?
Originally posted by ricksta1975
Catch - furthur on from my previous question. If a dot is 559 days old at day 40 this season, would that mean they will still be considered in plataue? I mean I presume they dont get any training/vxp again until day 1 next season, so I would assume that means they may get 2 more seasons of plataue?

They were created on day a day 41 so I'm assuming they are 559 or possibly 560 by day 40 this season? Can anyone else clarify?

Will mean a lot obviously, as 60% of my roster wont neccesarily need changing if they still have time on their hands.

I need to read a little better
Any thoughts on just giving existing players, at least at a certain cutoff, free "boosts" to catch them up to the new system? I'm concerned about my Rookie team and players and how they'll be converted. Will there be some in-between leagues or something? I like my players to be on a standard creation date and it would bother me that they would fit into a mid-season creation date after conversion.
This thread is long (should start a new one each day imo), I can't read all of it, I know I've asked this several times with no answer in the few pages after:

What age will a 400 day old player become in the new system, 240 or 280?

What about a 440 day player?

a 560?

If somebody has seen the answer can you link it?

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