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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Proposed Changes > Accelerated Player Development Details and Discussion Thread
Originally posted by rockitsauce
Without a mathematical formula for the age conversion I can't be sure of the following:

If a player will be age 400 at the conversion will he be eligible for more training and XP after the conversion? I believe his age inidicates that he will.

Yes, would be eligible for more training/XP.
Originally posted by SikoraP13 DTD
Will currently held bonus tokens be multiplied as well?

Originally posted by tragula
could find an answer in the text above.

What happens to dots created on day 41 ?
In the old system they get an extra off-season (since age changes only during the season). Will the new calculated age will keep them as day 41 created players ? or do they miss 16 training days ?

(slightly corrected to avoid confusion)

A player that is 40 days old in the current system will be 40 days old in the new system. Don't really start changing to a different age until after that point. Don't think they lose any training days.

Not sure if that answers your question so if it doesn't, reclarify please.


Originally posted by Rage Kinard
I'm just wondering - is there a max to number of BT that can be stored? I haven't gone over 255 in the current system so I wouldn't know. In the new system players will easily go over 255.

No max. We changed that a while ago.
Originally posted by RaginAsian23
when will this go into effect? this upcoming season?

That is the plan.
Originally posted by PING72
This is good for the long-term builds, but this will kill PeeWee as we know it.

It sounds good at first, b/c the dots will have some more SP's to use and will perform better later in the season.

But by being able to reach level 16 in the playoffs with boosting, you will HAVE to boost in order to win. They obviously chose level 16 for this exact reason, to promote boosting.

It used to be tough to overcome the 15 SP's, but it's feasible and teams can compete w/o boosting or CEQ. Now you would have to covercome the 15 SP's plus the lv16 EQ (which will likely be worth another 12 SP's, perhaps more based on build).

Throw in CEQ and a team is now down 40+ SP's (15 for boost, 12 for equipment, 6 CEQ, 6+ for CEQ SA).

It is hard enough to get enough PW teams to compete...this will kill off a lot more teams that know they can't compete.

They should change this to level 15.

A big -1 for me.

Pee Wee players can't reach level 16 until day 40.
Originally posted by Catch22
That is the plan.

NVM, answered earlier
Edited by blazzinken on Jul 14, 2011 18:28:56
Originally posted by ijg
Catch, so does this mean players currently in plateau get extra plateau?

If my math is correct, a player ending this season at 560 goes back to 350 so they would get another 3 seasons. Is this correct? Or does it only apply to players currently under 440?

As long as they have not entered decline, this is correct. The most they will get is 5 seasons though. We will not allow players to get any more then that.
Originally posted by Catch22
If the dot is still in extended plateau, they will get the two extra seasons of extended plateau. If they are in decline, they will remain in decline. So it will matter where they are at the end of the season.

So this dot, for example:

Will end EP on day 33 and will not be eligible, even though he won't have hit any % decline at the end of this season? Any chance those types of dots, who didn't know the ramifications of building on day 33 back in S9, would be allowed to get the extra EP?
It used to be you'd actually have to roll a player...then when people rolled 1000 of them to get the one they wanted, they got to just assign the points as they want.

Now it's even quicker to do a beginning to end need to wait to see your player grow. I predict a few more seasons and you'll just be able to spend points to buy a fully mature lvl 72 player from day 0.

Instead of actually making some of this game random and have some level of unpredictability, GLB is catering to the hard-core people that just want to spend money and buy the player they want. Then, when the system gets abused they act like they don't like the guy that builds a team of 30 of his own players to pad stats.
Edited by keith_dude on Jul 14, 2011 19:58:29
Edited by keith_dude on Jul 14, 2011 19:57:36
Originally posted by keith_dude
It used to be you'd actually have to roll a player...then when people rolled 1000 of them to get the one they wanted, they got to just assign the points as they want.

Now it's even quicker to do a beginning to end need to wait to see your player grow. I predict a few more seasons and you'll just be able to spend points to buy a fully mature lvl 72 player from day 0.

Instead of actually making some of this game random and have some level of unpredictability, GLB is catering to the hard-core people that just want to spend money and buy the player they want. Then, when the system gets abused they act like they don't like the guy that builds a team of 30 of his own players to pad stats.

yeah that's not going to happen hence the accelerated build over when Bort threw out creation of level 40 players...if they got what they wanted, was it ever really random? that helped newbie's/people who weren't into rolling 1000 times, I don't see how making everything equal is catering
will we be able to use reward points for the non-refundable equipment purchase?
So my player created this season will never reach 72?
Originally posted by marcello
So this dot, for example:

Will end EP on day 33 and will not be eligible, even though he won't have hit any % decline at the end of this season? Any chance those types of dots, who didn't know the ramifications of building on day 33 back in S9, would be allowed to get the extra EP?

Unfortunately, no. We make an exception for one small group we'd have to make exceptions for a larger group. Cutoff is simple, if you're in EP, you'll stay in EP. If you're in decline, you'll say in decline.
Originally posted by reddogrw
will we be able to use reward points for the non-refundable equipment purchase?


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