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Forum > The Best Damn Mafia Forum > Past Games > The Quick and The Dead Mafia
End of Day 5

John Herod decides that with just the two remaining players in his tournament, that this final match will take place at high noon. He checks each players gun, making sure they have their full complement of bullets, and orders them to take their positions. With that, Timmah and benmint0n take their respective spots, roughly 20 paces apart, just waiting for the clock to strike noon.


Just as soon as the clock strikes 12, you feel a breeze gust up around you. Newspapers from the General Store start blowing across the street right into the line of sight of the gun fighters. You can see and hear bullets being fired back and forth from one person to the other. Finally, you can tell that only one gun is firing. As the paper and dust clears, you can see that there is clearly one winner in this hard fought, drawn out battle. Timmah stands in the center of town, dazed and tired, and wipes the sand out of his eyes. "If it wasn't for all that paper, I'm not sure I'd be standing here right now" says Timmah. benmint0n however, isn't saying anything, to anyone, anymore.

benmint0n (Fee "The Kid" Herod) is dead.

Timmah (Eugene Dred - SK) is the winner
Thanks everyone for playing! I decided to put a slight twist on the normal mafia game, and I have to say it worked out better than I anticipated.

Basic Game setup:
8 "townies" => all start the game with 2 bullets and 3 locks. Bullets and locks deteriorate over time.
1 SK => starts the game with some night protections from all those bullets and a lock pick kit

Each person who won a duel got a prize from Herod. The more wins you had, the better your prizes could be (if you didn't spend the other ones).

Funny game moments:
N1: Every townie picked to use a lock. Mumbles lock failed miserably.
N2: 4 (of the 6 total people alive) all tried to kill schrauben. 2 people failed on kill attempts where they had an 80% success chance.
D3: Sugar used his level 2 prize to swap himself out of the duel and put ben in.
N3: benmint0n used his prize to make his lock all shiny and new, and Timmah couldn't pick it, despite a 75% chance to do so. Both Sugar and Badass were locked out from trying to kill ben.
Final Duel: Timmah threw Paper 8 times in a row, finally beating benmint0n 3-2-3.

Also, Sugar had this game pegged from D1, but nobody listened to him.
Edited by spindoctor02 on Jul 10, 2013 16:46:50
Edited by spindoctor02 on Jul 10, 2013 16:45:59
Didn't think Timm was SK, clearly haha
Well played, Sugar. Very well played.
Sugar Kapaa
i screwed up night 3 trying to take out the winner of the duel instead of timmah. i did not want the winner to use their prize.
If anyone wants access to the planning forum for a day or so, to check out more details, let me know.
Sugar Kapaa
ben, you were pretty fortunate for that lock and key to word tbh
It was fun for sure
I enjoyed this game a lot. I was so misguided in everything I did though
I'd love to see the planning forum
Sugar Kapaa
Originally posted by spindoctor02

N3: benmint0n used his prize to make his lock all shiny and new, and Timmah couldn't pick it, despite a 75% chance to do so.

op...there it is
Here were the prizes, for those interested.
Tier 1 Prizes: Boxes 1-8
Bullet Refurbishment Kit (Box 4 & Box 6): Restores a single unused bullet to a "like new" status. This bullet returns to 100% effectiveness.
WD-40 (Box 2 & Box 3): Restores a single unused lock/key combo to full working order. Restores selected lock/key combo to 100% effectiveness. If WD-40 is applied to Lock/Key C after N2, it returns the lock/key combo to it's original state (50% effectiveness for 2 nights).
Extra Nomination Vote (Box 1 & Box 8): Provides the player an extra vote during the day time towards nomination. This can be done secretly via PM to the mod, or publicly in the game thread.
"Free Massage" Coupon (Box 5 & Box 7): Winner receives a coupon for a "massage" that they can give to any player in the game. This will occupy that player's entire evening, preventing them from carrying out their night action. One-time use item.

Tier 2 Prizes: - Boxes 11-14
Bulletproof Vest (Box 13): Protection against a single kill attempt during the night phase. 100% effectiveness. Can be worn until it's shot.
Lock Pick Kit (Box 12): Can pick any locked door. 100% effectiveness. One-time use item.
"Who died and made you mayor?" (Box 11): Become the ultimate leader for the day. You can select the two participants for the duel, no matter who has received votes so far. Must be posted in the game thread, and before any player has received enough votes to be locked into the duel. One-time use item.
"Get Out of Duel Free" Card (Box 14): Once selected to participate in a duel, the holder of this card can remove themselves from the duel, and pick any player not in the duel to take their place. One-time use item.

Tier 3 Prizes: Boxes 21-22
Gatling Gun (Box 21): Unleash a furry of bullets on a target during the night phase. Doors/windows/locks/etc. are no match for this weapon. 100% kill effectiveness. Enough bullets for 2 nights.
"Panic Room" (Box 22): The ultimate in home security. Spend the night in guaranteed protection, locked inside your very own panic room! Provides 100% protection from any attacks at night. Good for remainder of game.
Sugar Kapaa
Originally posted by BadassMcfister
It was fun for sure

it was
Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa
ben, you were pretty fortunate for that lock and key to word tbh

Yeah he was, if died I was gonna lynch Timmah with you so I could duel you, I thought you were Herod

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