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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Let the whining begin!
Originally posted by Doomsday
I still don't think it makes that big a deal. Windsor and Beer Town are 2 different teams. Different player levels and builds. Different strengths and weaknesses. If you are good at gameplaning and have a decent team there is no reason why you can not beat one of these teams the second time around or at least make it close.

unless... they have the exact same builds on each team >.>
Originally posted by doomstar

unless... they have the exact same builds on each team >.>

Hehe. Even if that were the case it is not Windsors fault. The cards were dealt. People just have to suck it up and play it out. The game is what it is and that's the bottom line.

This could actually turn out to be a bad thing for them. If people are so worried about what gameplay they saw the first time around, teams may change their plan so much the second time that the same weakneses wouldn't exist. Unless you are playing the Kingz, you just don't know what to expect.

Last edited Jul 29, 2008 18:14:34
And Windycity. You always know you're in for an ass beating when you play those guys.
Originally posted by Fat Banana
What we really want to know is when will you be boosting?

Too bad they cant boost their brains. Or some sportsmanship. But wait, oh, cheaters don't have that, sry.
I don't think people understand that William didn't get to pick his region when he was buying a team. It's not like he just picked BBB4 for the lulz of getting 2 teams in the same conference. It was just a crappy coincidence it happened. He's made it known publicly that DD and Bort aren't going to move BTB, made it known that he purchased his team when the waiting list wasn't even available as an option; seriously, I'm not on BTB or Windsor, but the information has been readily available on these forums and anyone accusing BTB/Windsor of "cheating" must be absolutely ignorant of the information thats been provided.

Chalk it up to dumb luck and be done with it imo.
Do you drive to work or carry you lunch?
I drive to work, but don't bring a lunch. Does that count?
Originally posted by PhireHawk
Well, you guys are quite the talkative bunch this year, aren't you.

Where were you during season 2 when we ass railed you 44-3?

Or how about last season when, despite 3 Interceptions and us being unboosted you still got snubbed out?

I'll give you the credit that you improved from one season to the next, but you aren't ready to swim with the Big Boys just yet. Go on! Scram! Back to the kid's table.

You consider your team part of the Big Boys? Just curious.
Originally posted by djgomez33
Originally posted by PhireHawk

Well, you guys are quite the talkative bunch this year, aren't you.

Where were you during season 2 when we ass railed you 44-3?

Or how about last season when, despite 3 Interceptions and us being unboosted you still got snubbed out?

I'll give you the credit that you improved from one season to the next, but you aren't ready to swim with the Big Boys just yet. Go on! Scram! Back to the kid's table.

You consider your team part of the Big Boys? Just curious.

How's that conference title trophy? just curious.
Originally posted by Sir William PD
Originally posted by djgomez33

Originally posted by PhireHawk

Well, you guys are quite the talkative bunch this year, aren't you.

Where were you during season 2 when we ass railed you 44-3?

Or how about last season when, despite 3 Interceptions and us being unboosted you still got snubbed out?

I'll give you the credit that you improved from one season to the next, but you aren't ready to swim with the Big Boys just yet. Go on! Scram! Back to the kid's table.

You consider your team part of the Big Boys? Just curious.

How's that conference title trophy? just curious.

First, you can't crack about something you do not have. Second, its doing about as well as going from the #1 seed in the playoffs to the #8 seed.
Originally posted by djgomez33
Originally posted by Sir William PD

Originally posted by djgomez33

Originally posted by PhireHawk

Well, you guys are quite the talkative bunch this year, aren't you.

Where were you during season 2 when we ass railed you 44-3?

Or how about last season when, despite 3 Interceptions and us being unboosted you still got snubbed out?

I'll give you the credit that you improved from one season to the next, but you aren't ready to swim with the Big Boys just yet. Go on! Scram! Back to the kid's table.

You consider your team part of the Big Boys? Just curious.

How's that conference title trophy? just curious.

First, you can't crack about something you do not have. Second, its doing about as well as going from the #1 seed in the playoffs to the #8 seed.

See you September 10th then?
I really don't see how there was any cheating.

Just random bad luck. I'm sure BTB would rather be in any of the other 7 USA A leagues.
Oh no I am thrilled that my players will be knocking the crap out of my players the opening week... I'd rather be in another league but since it was within the rules - it is what it is. Really the only way this is an advantage is if someone decides to not change up what they do from week to week - guess what you can see that by watching games and seeing what teams do - even if you don't own the team....

I think the funny part is that half of the people here take everything William or Phirehawk say to heart and get so upset that they throw out those playground insults...

It's a game.. We all play to have fun, I think...

Anyone else notice a lot of 40-50 yard field goals are being missed?
Originally posted by Kilihan
I think the funny part is that half of the people here take everything William or Phirehawk say to heart and get so upset that they throw out those playground insults...

Ooooooooooooooooohhhhh!! Button!!!!
ur a faget

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